FOTW September 18, 2021

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  • Houseboat Grandma

    My opinion I Believe we are in a Huge Spiritual Galactic War, Good Vs Evil. I feel its best to be aware of the Energetic Energy we Emit. Darkness will pass and Resonate with Specific Frequency, Resonate Higher so Darkness Can Not See or Feel your presence. My Feelings Now, L8ve yall. Houseboat Grandma here on Louisiana bayou Yes I Drove 4-Wheeler Out Boat to Hunt Camp. Dam I’m Good At 61… 🤣🤣🤣💋💋💋💋🙏🙏💋🙏

  • cjan137

    What ever happened to circular logic ending up in the round file?


    Australia is no longer a viable investment arena… can you imagine the losses they are taking… can you imagine chinas investment loses… there’s a pissed off conversTion.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    Step into your power people. Heal, Create, Focus. Its All About Frequency. RIGHT?

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload gentlemen.
    Kaleidoscope chaos; but not if you can actually split fine hairs in short order, which a lot of people are not used to having to do.
    It is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better, just be sure your house is in order.
    Kind regards

  • Houseboat Grandma

    Agree Get your stuff in order.

  • Timothy Mills

    Positive thoughts win the day indeed!

  • bhamble

    Ben, one of the anger issues you missed at the end, which I just heard about today (but which has been going for a while this summer), is the FACT that the US Government (USDA) sent out demand letters to thousands of mid-west farmers telling them they had a choice to either destroy their crops and get paid 150% of the value of their crop or lose all agricultural subsidy payments, upon which they rely heavily to not go broke.

    I saw a lot of video evidence of this going on, including contractors who were getting paid to destroy the crops, and a copy of the letters that were sent out. It appears they are trying to create some sort of famine, or at least food supply issue. Biden’s infrastructure money hard at work illegally destroying our country and society. When people can’t buy basic food necessities, when shelves are empty and there are no staple food raw materials in the supply chain, when prices skyrocket, people will really freak out.

    I’m sure they have a plan to ration national emergency stores, but will probable require injections or relinquishment of a bunch more individual liberties in the process. Have you heard about this?

    Here is one link:

  • dragorios

    Government is spending, spending, spending to destroy the value of money. And in destroying the money, they make the anger of the people mute.
    Example: My parents are from California. When I was a child I’d asked about putting the Japanese in concentration camps during WWII. They said no one was afraid of the Japanese in CA, in fact they were buying eggs from them. But my Dad was gone in the Army, my Mom was living with my grandparents and joined the women’s Army Corp to be able to give my grandparents some money. Mom said when it takes you all day long to figure out how to put one meal together, you see an injustice but you can’t do anything about it.

  • Olive

    Have you listened to, (or read the book “Birthright” by) Timothy Alberino? There is a series of great interviews with him on the podcast: Blurry Creatures. They discuss a lot of Gen 6 topics. Longtime wars have been happening and there is one right here, right now!
    ..about to turn 60 and still learning..

  • Olive

    Here’s a terrific talk about autopsies from cvx victims:
    It’s from the “White Coats” conference in Dallas this month. Eye opening.

  • Woody

    Have you seen the trailer for “Finch”?

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