FOTW October 26, 2019

– Harvard – Sun Causes Cardiac Death:
– Conifers – 2mi Up to Ocean Floor:
– Galactic Field Reversals [pg.7]:
– Planets Control Sun… all the way?:

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  • John Mallary

    FOTW won’t play :(
    Last week works fine.
    This one says “problem with player”
    Is it just me?

  • Vinny

    Hi all, great discussions as always.
    A few things crossed my mind.
    1. Noah’s flood covered the entire Earth in water – covering all mountain tops causing all trees on those mountains to be under water.
    2. Next, about heat – And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the Sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory. Rev 16 vs 8 -9. That sounds like bad heat.
    3. Next, we are scheduled to be hit by 2 specific meteors. (1st) The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. (2nd) And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter — Rev 8 vs 8- 11.
    4. No matter what we think we know, never forget those above promises about the end of all days/future.
    5. Yes, all of Google’s search results have been geared to a far left politically agenda. But on the flipside, many peer-reviewed Journal Articles pump out similar smelling conclusions; so it is not the source of the baloney that matters it is just the baloney we are being fed.
    The left are brainwashed into not wanting to hear or think about anything besides what they are brainwashed about. The manipulation of almost half the population does not end there. It has infested colleges and their professors, schools and their teachers, music, art, advertizing, sales, magazines, etc. The evil runs deeper than anyone has ever realized. The root problem, 90 % of this nations radio, TV, and cable stations are owned by 6 far left companies. Break up that monopoly and level the playing field. and start over with honesty, integrity and professionalism. but to tell you the truth, i think that is a pipe dream- it is already over and we are on Trump assisted life support. When he leaves the plug gets pulled.

  • John Mallary

    Guess it’s me…;)

  • JoMaHo

    All good here and an epic podcast. Can’t wait to share this listen with my parents and continue our discussion. Im using IOS, try and update maybe?

  • JoMaHo

    OMG Vinny. The chill that just swept through my spine after reading part 5 was bothersome. I know it is essential to question Trump and his intentions based on his history although what we are told of his past has a lot to do with media and opinion. This next month may either be a turning point or the ripping of the life support plug. All so interesting, disturbing, confusing and almost hopeless. Alternate fence sitting media is the only way forward (I use Tim Pool for a daily life support but question if it is helping or worsening my concerns) but the extreme left and dug in followers are only destroying our children and future as a species. I lean left but have to look right for balance. Glenn Beck Blaze TV channel Ukraine Chalkboard and fallow up videos have lead me down an interesting rabbit hole and perspective to say the least. Ok, thats enough for today, time to disconnect and salvage my sanity for the day, lol.

  • JoMaHo

    Or maybe your being blocked. VPN? Lol.

  • Billy Rogers

    Hey when I was in school we were taught to think for ourselves we were shown many classes but we had to decide how to put it all together now the books just tell kids everything to think I’ve always taught my kids to think for themselves

  • Vinny

    Wow, JoMaHo, sorry you have to go through that – well we are all going through it – I have just been expecting it from reading the bible. JoMaHo, confusion does not come from God because God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. We are Living in amazing times now. Glenn beck has a conscience, as does mark Levin. Trump is no angel, but i do believe he is being used by God and here is my proof. This is from the bible in JOHN chapter 15 vs 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Now as far as i can see Europe hates Trump, The UN, The Pope, the establishment, the deep state, all the Democrats, and half the Republicans, but the man has postponed the end of America so far and he loves this country. Because everyone seems to hate him, Jesus says in the bible that means He has chosen trump out of the world, so Trump is expected to be hated.

    Everything is indeed really hopeless, because we have been given false hopes all our lives to build upon as good foundations – only now are we realizing they were not what they appeared to be and only made of lies. Best advice I can give is read the bible, put this all on Jesus’s shoulders, ask him for peace (daily), ask for the wisdom not to be deceived, (because even the best can be), and thank him for the only real hope that he alone will bless you with. And always consider what Ben and the guys have to say, as they are not on the lying side of science.

  • epeeb1

    Vinny good thoughts but what about God Helps them who help THEMSELVES and People always deceive themselves BEST ! Greta T . the climate kid has stirred the masses in Vancouver up about climate change and the End of The World but did not tell anyone Her Socialist sponsors are just trying to transfer our Wealth !

  • Two point

    The problem vinny is anytime one uses any source as pure truth especially when it was and has been translated a thousand times, we fail to see the perspective of the authors. Noah’s flood obviously happened and the descendants of it kept the story alive over the generations. When it was finally placed into word then yes the mountains were covered or at least some. Please do not confuse true science with observed writings of the past. I believe Ben and the site have spent years looking at all sides and conclude that “all mountain tops “ were not necessarily completely covered and all these stories help understand the science. This is not a religious forum please don’t try to turn it into one. Respectively. Pat

  • Richard Dahlem

    Regarding the recurrent phenomenal catastrophes, there are 2 probabilities which stand out imo. 1) the Earth does this: ; and 2) the micro nova events.
    Regarding the first, the Earth resembles the thumbnut in the video to me, with it’s (roughly) 2 large land masses in the northern hemisphere, and (roughly) 2 large water masses. The amount of ice on the poles would seem to be the biggest variable effecting the reversal, but it would seem to be a very stable periodic event, only varying by maybe 10’s or 100’s of years at the most out of ~12, 000. It would also explain how the Pyramids would still be North and South oriented even after the events. They explain in the video how this could not happen LOL.
    Regarding 2) Imo micro-nova would be the other recurring event, which is just more variable, because of the larger likely variability in amounts of extra-solar events and material coming in to our system building up to a sneeze.
    Between those 2 events and asteroids, they would explain most, if not all the resultant effects we see in history on the planet.

  • albrown54

    Ben. Nova MUST have heat. The ice can only be formed with the evaporation of the ocean, and life in it, on the sun-side of the planet. Doug did the math…

  • Spylegion

    What an episode! 💫

  • Vinny

    Pat, I say this very respectfully as well, just because you have lips does not mean you need to flap them. I have seen every video Ben has ever made on this site – as I am one of his first 0bservers. I have a Masters’ Degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University with a 3.923 GPA and (my thesis was on how “Space Weather Affects Pilot Health”). I am a decorated Air Force Veteran, and a Commercial Pilot. Don’t ever tell me what I can or cannot say, or when or where I can or cannot say it or what references I can or cannot use. Because you do not believe in facts found in the book I referenced, here is a video of Noah’s ark being discovered with the help of NASA scientists – exactly where the bible says it came to a stop – on top of a mountain in Turkey.

    Shells, fish fossils, and whale skeleton graveyards don’t walk up the world’s highest peaks in the Andes, and Himalayas with hired sherpas and they were not carried up there by conspiracy theorists. Do some research as information out there. Personally, I do not believe in any Religions, I believe in Jesus. Jesus did not start a religion – that was done by humans. Jesus was looking for relationships. Agreed, the bible has been altered many times, but God knew that would be done because God knows everything ahead of time. That is why the bible was made fool-proof (it is the secret operation manual for human life) and made available and understandable only to the children of GOD. In many countries – they will kill you if caught with a bible. Unbelievers read the bible and conclude it is just a nice old book, with outdated stories about people who are trying to brainwash them (my brother-in- Law’s exact words). it was made that way on purpose. I have actually been to most places written about in the bible. I also am never confused about anything I say or do – because I have a sound mind. It is very strange that you think you can stop christian 0bservers or any real Christians from speaking anywhere because even satan himself knows that is impossible.
    If you do some research on Christians, you’ll find out that we would rather be boiled in oil, fed to lions, be crucified upside down, killed by gladiators, crushed, tarred and lit on fire, cut into pieces, stretched apart by horses, or stoned to death, than to shut our mouths about the most truest thing in the universe. So, if that is your intention, get in the back of the line. But your attempts (as the BORG would say) “are futile”.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload gentlemen, interesting topics as always.

  • Vinny

    Epeeb1, you are right. This is not the first time children are used to tug on unknowing heartstrings. This just shows that her parents, teachers and friends are also either unaware of what’s really happening or allowing her to make a fool of herself. The Globalists are funding much, much, much, misinformation, but we are living in an amazing time. Ben does a very good job fighting fake news and takes the time to explain the baloney quickly away.
    Eyes open, No fear.

  • Zpinch

    Cheers all!

  • Curtis loew

    Best we just ask God when the next micro nova is then…?

  • Dixie

    Interesting conversations!

  • LAMarcellus

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