FOTW October 24, 2020

Showing 18 comments
  • onezeroseven

    did the Carrington Event impact the whole planet or just the Sun-facing side?

  • Charles

    Those forest fires in CA are KNOWN to be due to terrible fuel load management, AND dozens of antifa arsonists. Many of those arsonists have been arrested.



    The CDC has admitted that only 6% of the reported covid1984 deaths are because OF covid1984. It was never a pandemic, it was a scam planned by the left to try to sway the election. Gates is a big investor in big pharma, and has been pushing his untested vaccines all through 2020. People everywhere are using the term “PLANdemic”.. they know.



    That rock wall in Texas, I’ll bet the History channel was given instructions to debunk when they were almost done with the presentation, and just tacked the BS from the idiot ‘scientist’ onto the end of it. There is no way a wall that old would be preserved that well, it probably is only about 12,000 years old. It is also probable that the limestone was poured, as a few decades ago a geochemist has shown techniques to make a pour-able material that almost all geologists would see as limestone.. this could easily account for the magnetic fields, and in fact would seal the deal for a man made structure. Thanks for this, its great info.



    Ben is definitely describing how the oceans would move in a crustal displacement perfectly. The crust getting a gradual start, and just the way tsunami flow in general totally support Ben’s theory.



    The Great Salt Lake in Utah, is almost certainly a remnant of the oceans washing over western America.

  • Brad

    IMO the shift is coming far sooner, the N Magnetic Pole is almost at the 40deg line, it has been accelerating. For several years a global network of magnetometers has been sending data on the 17th of every month back to England to update the locations of the Poles. We are in trouble now, soon we will begin to see, feel and experience the terrible effects of this event. My magnetometer has been online for about 3 years now. Wishing everyone the best.

  • geobuff

    I believe it was Randall Carlson that explained the frozen mammoths a few years ago on a Joe Rogan podcast. He said that they found a mammoth with it’s legs broken as if it were forced down, and with an erect penis indicating an anoxia event. From what I remember I think he believed the drastic loss of atmosphere was due to an impact scenario, but a magnetic shift could be just as likely.

  • Linefeed

    Perhaps the Texas wall was made to protect a city/people from the dinosaurs?

  • Dirt

    Is there still an effort underway in the 0bservers community to build a survival library? It was mentioned a few months ago but I haven’t heard anything about it recently. I’ve spent my life acquiring various skills and am still unable to cover all of the basics. If that project has gone into senescence, it needs to be revived. These skill sets take many lifetimes to build. I’m a permaculture homesteader who processes and stores food. Right now I’m really concentrating on large scale mushroom production, studying under a Cherokee guy who is also a skilled hunter and forager. My wife is formally studying herbalism. We all have other skills as well, but the point is that it takes a lot of people studying and practicing these things as a lifestyle in order to maintain life. No one person can possibly acquire mastery of everything.

  • laurie

    I love that come back: “How many cases of the normal cold do you think there are on a given day in the US?”

  • tardis79

    thanks for sharing the information. Is there a way to check this english magnetometer network and see how it changes through time?

  • Kane1331

    They dont have to test to say it’s a covid death. Most times they dont. The American Association of physicians and surgeons has some interesting articles.

  • ahoban

    No, Cyril, the profligate governmental debt spending of epidemic proportions is because a great debt jubilee is coming in a year or two and they won’t have to pay it back. Look into the “Great Reset” for more information.

  • Andy Robbo

    Cough cough was strategically inserted.
    I wish I was in your guys close circle.
    I’m in Australia and fully awake.

  • Chris

    I guess links are moderated, so reposting a comment here with links removed.
    Check out recent posts by free diver @victordevalles on IG.
    He likes to create and photograph bubble rings, while diving.
    These are long circular bubbles that have a very rapidly spinning toroid structure.
    The interaction between the rings, and small creatures swept into the rings are fascinating to see.
    CMEs display some of the same fluid dynamics while visible leaving the corona.
    I wonder how much of this structure may persist which we can’t see.

  • Curtis loew

    Deliberately buried Gobekli Tepe….ridiculous…? Really???
    Consider the amount of time and effort exerted to create this whole Megalith, if its intent was as a message for the future generations of earth….especially if it warned of the coming calamities….Id bury the bloody thing as well!!! I dont think its a ridiculous notion at all.
    Knowing that at some time it would be found and the message delivered.

  • dsparshott

    Question. If the ‘PTB’ know of an accelerating catastrophe timeline which is partly why such crazy policies are being enacted – how would they know? Are there other satellites/observatories/data sets etc., not available to the public or academia, that would reveal this? I suppose you could say, “we wouldn’t know whether these things exist”, but is it even plausible that they may?

  • Dirt

    Sure it’s possible. There are bound to be highly classified programs dedicated to this. After all, we have evidence that the CIA has buried accounts of the catastrophe under both classification and subterfuge.

  • Chalmer

    Most people are watching and listening ………but to whom? They are listening to and watching MSM which is mostly propaganda.

  • Don Joseph

    Cheers Andy Robbo,
    It is a privilege to be just a fly on the wall around this close circle. Logic and critical thinking have been all but eliminated within social commentary. Now the freedom to gather and brainstorm in person has been assaulted by the plandemic.
    This community of Suspicious 0bservers ripples out from this circle and covers the globe. We all must do our individual part within our own consciousness and family lineage, this will benefit the human spirit. All humanity is collectively interconnected as it has always been, impossible to ignore now.
    As ignorance is banished by wisdom, the truth comes to light. ~OM~

  • David Droescher

    Solor wind triggers ground wind. They understand (from the San Diego power plant debacle)that energized lines are better antennas to receive the incoming energy. Its a perfect cover for the side-effects of a weakening magnetic field.

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