FOTW October 19, 2019

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  • b Nicholas

    Switch from Skype to Microsoft Teams. Microsoft is shifting from Skype to teams moving forward.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Remember the Ice bucket challenge? Maybe she (Greta) should take the “My First car will be electric challenge”. We are to old too, but surely we can take the “My next car will be Electric challenge”. And maybe slap a few solar panels up on the garage to charge the cars? It is good she is traveling the world. I have a little bit and even I did not realize just how polluted the world is getting everywhere. Many S-Observers do not travel any further than to the yearly conference. So this is how we get the idea that pollution is a 1st world problem than a whole world problem. Consider most plastic food type wrappers and bottles are burned by consumers that have no trash burying services or nearby river to throw it in for Ocean disposal. So rather than have it trash up the land you live on , would not you just burn it in your stove or fireplace to dump it in the sky? Also it is a perfect return to manufacturer re-cycle completion. Everyone and their children can enjoy the increased rates of disease we are seeing but just can’t figure out why via air polliution.

    A perfect way to settle the ” climate thing” is to step it up and solve the pollution problem. Sure we can smack pollution on the nose with a newspaper and say “Bad Pollution, Bad” and then rail about “whatever” position we have about the “global here or there” thing, but the real issue is pollution . It is a distraction to get caught up in climate change talk to prove it one way or the other.

    In other words, buy the best car out there,bar none, it is a Tesla. Buy stock in Tesla, it is still like buying Apple, Amazon or Google way back when . Get some Solar Panels for a personal ATM that pays you retirement cash as well as powers all your electric cars, mowers, weed whips , chain saws, tools , appliances, computers phones etc… or you can take the same money and just hand it over to those that push Oil. Wanna make some money or just be behind the curve and wish you bought into obvious big things like we still do now. Remember saying personal computers are going to be big and then not buying stock in anything computer related then, or is that before your time? Could you imagine buying stock in GM back in the emerging oil age? It would be like buying stock in Tesla in the emerging Electric age we find as we explore new fields of energy to supply our ever increasing World wide energy portfolio needs.

    BTW, Greta is probably going to come back from her world tour and talk about how she never realized pollution was so bad in this world and how exponentially fast it is getting worse. And like those initially at the UN, we will condescendingly laugh,….Where will the S0’s be on this emerging issue? Relevant at all? Or promoting some young person at some young person science thing about some science theory , people will note and say it’s nice but never really read anything much about it? Hmmmmm……

  • Johnathan Jones

    Of course she may come back from her first trip around the block and say the World is so beautiful rather than those that have been around the block at least once before and say, OMG, it is getting trashed out…

  • Billy Rogers

    With the Greta story guys listen to her as if she is talking to Al Gore where is she from? Just thinking.

  • kmiklNINJA

    Sorry guys Alex Jones got stuff right way before PizzaGate. But no one got PizzaGate right they blew that debacle. His predictions are like everyone else chancy at best. But his stories as crazy as they were at the time most of them were vindicated in the end. Atrazine (gay frogs) reference comes to mind.

  • epeeb1

    An large percentage of this alarm put forward on the Climate change issue is but a pretence for Wealth Transfer from us Capitalists to the Socialist’s and their United Nation’s Communist Leader’s !

  • kmiklNINJA

    sandy hook is what got Alex Jones banned

  • Dirt

    Tulsi has principles and she puts her ass on the line. She isn’t right about everything (AGW) but none of us are. I’ve been a fan of hers since Standing Rock and was thrilled to hear she was running for President. Thanks for talking about her on this FOTW! Great job fellers!

  • kmiklNINJA

    yes you are right tulsi hasn’t sold out

  • Woody

    “Adrian has been placed on suicide watch.” LMAO!!!! That was perfect. :-)

  • Richard Dahlem

    Regarding the Tokamak, interesting how they’re putting it on the time line as if it’s a fact! Reminds me of gravity, dark matter cosmology. It’s seems to me like a last ditch effort to get as much money as they can to reach for the forcing nature, nuclear fusion sun model, that can keep them all employed for the next bunch of years. Unless they are applying the SAFIRE results into their work, they won’t get anywhere. I also think the thing won’t be too dangerous, if it screws up, it melts, arc- flash discharges, and they can’t use it again until they fix it. Also I think it really uses tiny amounts of plasma, it’s just in high energy discharge mode, so looks really cool and heavy duty, but if you let it out, it’s barely there anymore. Also, xx million degree temperatures,are mathematical contrivances, hardly comparable to what we think of as temperature. Look at SAFIRE, the temperature is an electrical result If they don’t get the funding and start it now, they’ll be out of the job in a few years when the SAFIRE results start making energy safely.

  • Richard Dahlem

    Oh, yeah, Happy Birthday tomorrow, Ben!

  • Vinny




  • sativarg

    RE: Ubiquitous Cold Massive Filaments:… or “Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters”
    I am hearing my screen reader say bubbles too often when describing exclusion zones and or depletion zones generated by energetic processes. In this paper I am left with the impression that bubbles are moving; their centers of radius are moving in relation to the cluster that hosts their sources of generation. As for the cool filaments that are said to …
    === ===
    clusters have shown that cold filaments extend along the trajectories of the radio bubbles or around the X-ray cavities (Salomé & Combes 2004;……et al. 2016, 2018). The molecular clouds have likely cooled in-situ by either (i) low-entropy gas that has been uplifted by the bubbles to an altitude where it becomes thermally unstable or (ii) direct thermal instability of small perturbation in the hot halo (see the introduction of Tremblay et al. 2018 for a detailed description of the different scenarios).
    === ===

    I am left wondering if these “bubbles” are indeed moving in relation to the generating forces, if they have a surface tension with cohesion, if any cohesive membranes interact among the “bubbles,… because if these zones are not bubbles then I say do not say bubbles. Using a familiar term for an observed phenomena or behavior tends to skew or taint expectation in the minds of observers in ways that can lead to misinterpretations… etc

    I am left seeing cohesive bubbles like foam with adhesion holding them together moving out from the source energy? I can not tell if the filaments precede or trail the bubbles? But I bet there is a nice picture drawn by some one that has not been there that clears all this up.

    No, no no this is not productive, rather I say observe and describe but do not think to interpret what is being observed with such a limited perspective?

    I give the introduction a C- then… LOL
    but who am I to quibble at bubbles and such?
    still… I will.

  • sativarg

    RE:Earth is Not Special:  and I am cringing

    OK now this is better
    “Ancient stars shed light on Earth’s similarities to other planets”

    Who is not special then? Earth is more than unique and that state is not just due to the usual reasons like the chaos from which we all arise, in my opinion. Our sister in Creation has a unique relationship to her star and a moon that is so specific as to all but rule out the random. Her living waters are so well divided by her land masses as to provide near optimal regulation and a sort of life support that I would bet is more than Unique; rather Earth is divine in her concept and execution. Ours is a true garden and oasis in the midst of a storm of adversity in my opinion and hardly common at all.
    just my opinion and I get it but still our Sister Earth has my respect and our Brother Sol as well

  • Curtis loew

    “Yeah…sure, we got splitting the atom down to a T, lets give Fusion a shot….”
    I respect Science and all it stands for, the occasional loony idea gets through the gate, so there does need to be a kind of rational approach…the driving force behind such potentially destructive technology is financial…the ability to sell the power generated and profit from the exercise.
    If we were interested in providing cheap energy for all…we would work with what we already have an abundance of…
    …earthlings have the technology to really exploit wind, water and light…why go messing with particles as if we were ‘god’?
    Fukushima is pumping thousands of gallons of contaminated water into the environment today, just kept out of the mainstream media to allow the industry to prevail without much scrutiny, Chernobyl is too dangerous to spend much time near by…so hell yeah…lets just leap up to the next level…despite being aware that we have no way of containing that technology when the slightest thing goes off plan.

  • Curtis loew

    And Gravity!! how could I forget…the earths magnetic field could provide everyone with cheap power…we already know this..

  • Michael Durfee

    It was only 14 months prior to that event in California, that Kīlauea erupted in a similar fashion. Are these a warning sign of things to come? Or just pressure being relieved?

  • Charles

    The Lyman Alpha Forest also works with the different versions of the ‘tired light theory’, which fit the observed data better than the big bang nonsense. Especially Dr Paul LaViolette’s version.

    Hitlery tried to rig the last election, she rigged the DNC primaries, and she will try to rig this election 8 ways till Sunday. Thanks to a psychologist that has come forward, we now know that Google/Facebook/Twitter surreptitiously altered the 2016 presidential vote by an absolute minimum of 2.6 million votes .. more probably 10.4 million. If THAT isn’t interference I don’t know what is. The same guy has pointed out that this time around, with refined techniques, that maximum is likely to be 15 MILLION votes. This debunks the nonsense about HRC winning the popular vote, once and for all. <==with video of his testimony.

    Get out and vote guys! We have to overcome this corruption!

  • Johnathan Jones

    After listening to FOTW a few times, I must comment it is still refreshing to hear people express concern for the environment and forestalling pollution. The concern was billions of lithium car batteries would clutter our dumps, poison our water, never break down and be worse on the environment to mine than the oil based technology currently driving you and the worlds daily commute.

    First lets address the disposal issue, even when old and “worn out” these car batteries are like a little mining cart of very valuable metals. People will buy them just to re-refine the metals in in if they don’t already just lease the batteries to you in which you don’t own them and must return them. If you know of a dump full of these new tech batteries, let me know. Thank you.

    Secondly, Lithium is commonly found as a salt compound in dried up salt beds or even in solution in salt water. Dry out the water and refine the leftover salt. This is the reverse of oil that must be washed in fresh water to remove the dissolvable host of thing you don’t want in oil. Then this water should be refine to remove all those things but this probably does not happen more than it does. Even Cobalt have valuable byproduct, Impurities (iron, nickel, copper, zinc) are removed, and cobalt is precipitated in its hydroxide form using lime. Cobalt metal can then be refined from this using electrolysis, before being crushed and degassed to produce a pure, commercial-grade metal. Other processes to refine ores of lithium can produce in house waste water to be reprocessed but nothing like the deadly pools of water you spoke of in FOTW. Those pools are gold, silver, lead and other mines. The “billions of refined car batteries” slurry pool don’t exist yet because. they have not been made and your experience is so far other mining products made. But even Ben at 4:50 said Coal is not bad for the Environment. So it and all the strip mines and ash slurry pools of using coal is ok and electric car batteries are far less than Coal. The fact is it is know that the Electric Cars let Coal power the American commute with American coal rather than domestic and foreign dirty polluting oil.

    I hope this has allayed your concerns for the health of the Earth and maybe shown the way to more green, enlightened and of course profitable investments in mining and tech products that exploit mankind further inroads into new energy and transportation fields and products as a ever emerging and increasing world wide energy demand expands our portfolio of energy inputs. Managing Petrodollar and other cashflows to bring oil and other energies into holistic energy corporations experience is a unignorable non hostile whole is the win for the companies that see it, and can adapt enough to seize this emerging day.

  • Sunny Bono

    No no. The Russians ARE Marians.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H I believe it’s Vogt that said that on the 12,068 year schedule, every star micronovas at the same time, and one can see that when looking through space because there are darkened, dusty bands at multiples of 12,068 light years away… showing that at those times, everything had just micronovaed and the dust was all over, and one get no clarity until you look to a further distance that is more than whatever multiple of 12,068 light yeare one has gotten to in one’s ever expanding examination of the universe around us. so the trick would be to find a micronova somewhere out there that you CAN see… but you can’t see it, because it’s obscured by the dust it throws off. This everything-micronova’ing event is, I believe, what you are meaning by ‘galactic superwave’? No need to answer that… you are much more productively busy. My own lack of confidence to express that as a question not a statement… I will have to check that out.

  • sativarg

    Mr. Davidson sparked my curiosity today when he mentioned that the light from the Medusa Collision is so very old and that we have yet to see the current state of the formation. That comment has me wondering if we could locate any sort of quantum level signatures for energetic events. If we know the distance to a given event and have matter known to be from the location, could we monitor the matter in the time leading up to an energetic event that we know is coming?

    If we had had a sample from or highly entangled with Saturn before Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted would we have been able to recognize the quantum signature of the event in the entangled matter/sample?
    Could photons from a energetic event hold untold riches of information about that source in real time?

  • Joningham Farms

    Late to the party on this one, great show though!

    I don’t think any tokamak is going to work properly, it is a design issue, while the torus is a natural plasma form, the way we try to create the torus is not. Currently we build out our magnets in the end shape we want the plasma to conform too, the universe does not do this. In order for the idea to work you need to use a natural approach where the interaction of multiple magnetic fields and the plasma itself is what is shaping and containing the plasma, until we do all tokamak experiments end in non-sustaining failure. In this regard I actually think the SAFIRE team is closer to achieving the sort of containment necessary than any tokamak team is. I actually think this new ultra powerful minitaure magnet from the MagLab in Florida is going to be the key to truly understanding and mastering plasma containment, the most powerful current tokamak design utilizes a maximum 12T field, this tiny soup can size magnetic produced a 49T field, this is like the integrated circuit of magnetics and plasma.

    I also think some of the fears of current tokamaks exploding is a bit overblown. First off, because they fail first due to the above reason. Second, tokamaks generally use deuterium and tritium as fuel, isotopes of hydrogen. Even if a tokamak blows, its not using things like uranium, plutonium, or thorium, the long term effects are going to be quite minor compared to any type of traditional nuclear blast. The blast is certainly going to be massive and devastating, but is going to be “simply” a blast, any self-sustainment ends when the chamber is destroyed, and the by-products are relatively benign.

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