FOTW November 7, 2020

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  • onezeroseven

    ….🥺🥵🤮🥵😡🤬 ….but…. nevertheless…. ✌️🇺🇸

  • onezeroseven

    …duly stowed.

  • onezeroseven

    duly stowed

  • Norton

    Did India slam into Eurasia and make the Himalayas in just a few days?

  • Allenvaughan

    People that go along with and tacitly accept what happened in this last election HAVE NO PLACE in the next human civilization. It is blatantly obvious what happened, and it is criminal!

  • Allenvaughan


  • Allenvaughan

    Adrian, it is severe fuckery!! Brother, I have never more agreed with you!! And I always dnjoy your creative thoughts as you speak with Ben.

    But I say, once again, that the evidence at the Serapeum in Saqqara, where the granite boxes left unfinished and left in the hallway tells me that the people of whom were constructing that site had NO IDEA when the sun was going to micronova 12,000 years ago. I found we will either.

  • Allenvaughan

    I am putting a $100 bet in Vegas that Biden dies before Inauguration!

  • Allenvaughan

    I am putting a $100 bet in Vegas that Biden dies before Inauguration!

  • Fred Jones

    the solution is to turn off the electric, i can live fine without electricty , generation Ipad cant

  • silvermitt

    I don’t get to hear FOW all that often, but listened today. To get another thought regarding the whole voting issue, you might want to consider listening to Real Coffee with Scot Adams– this morning issue (11-7-2020). I don’t subscribe to alot to his ideals, but he often DOES give a different perspective. Fwiw, I think there were alot of shenanigans. But proving them is the key. Can that be done?

    Trump wins, we get riots and murder, because it’s an excuse for the easily swayed, crazies, and the Free Sh*t clans. Biden wins, and you’ll see an instance or two of it, but for the most part the Trump voters will just go on with their lives. But I’m not so certain that that crowd will sit very quietly for a president Harris and her appointed vp, as Biden is just a figurehead for the D crowd. There is no good end result.

  • Charles

    Civil War… this scenario has been gamed to death, the left wouldn’t have a snowflake’s chance in hell of winning.

  • love616

    Its like your first grader that was struggling in math with a D, and suddenly came home in the final exam with a A+ the teacher and Principal were not born yesterday. Obvious cheat sheet is somewhere, now are the parents going to come to the adult table and demand a retest, or are they going pretend that some cosmic hail Mary happened and make every excuse to protect the child and allow the cheat to happen? Or teach the child that cheaters never prosper and make the child aware that the adults aren’t stupid and made to apologize so they learn that. We aren’t going to take it or protect and keep silent, to save the embarrassing spectacle they made of the family.

  • John Mallary

    Perhaps because conservatives have a generally higher threshold for committing violence?

    Perhaps the goal is not civil unrest but to create the perception of civil unrest by the left, being motivation for judges to choose Biden’s side in any legal proceedings deciding an election, taken up by scotus…

  • VisitingProf

    Maybe the next iteration of relatively intelligent primates can and will do a ‘better’ act. Since contemplating All That Is happening in recent decades, it would appear to this visitor that “Lie, Cheat and Steal” has become the ‘New Americanistic Way’ (sp) – however not all American (US) people are inclined to debase themselves in those ways. For many people appearances are ‘everything.’ And to them it makes no difference who suffers nor how they suffer – all that matters is “keeping ahead of the ‘Jonses.'” Looking the best in the new clothes, driving the newer, better vehicle and on, and on, and on seems to be the new ethos of choice. How shallow and how so very sad. This may well be a “terminal condition.” However, take heart fellow Observers – soon enough the full effects of the Galactic Current Sheet will almost certainly wipe the slate clean again. Like it or not we might have to accept that the ‘human animal organism’ (as my elderly Attorney friend described people years ago) is collectively too immature to evolve spiritually. Watching this recent election plays out like a bad episode on a third class Satur(n’s)day afternoon soap opera. Having watched politics for over half a century I have never seen it this bad. Probably only the day JFK, Sr. was shot has been a worse single event. I agree – would the Sun just hurry up and do its thing, please.

  • Gmo

    When I was trying to figure out what the hell the numbers meant during the election, I found that Michigan has 8.1 million registered voters for this election which is more than the number of voting age population. In other words, there are more people registered to vote than the estimated populate in MI that is old enough to vote. So I started looking at the the other contentious states and found that many of them had very high ratios of registered voters to VEP (Voting Eligible Population). GA/MI/NC/PA were all over 90% which really doesn’t make sense. I don’t know if it means anything but it is anomalous. I didn’t do analysis on all the states either. The registered voters numbers for the most part are on each states secretary of state’s websites. While there seems to be a lot of talk about the counting process, why isn’t anyone looking at what’s feeding that process? The registered voter numbers are goofy. Also which of the these states were a part of the governors that did a pact to fight Trump over COVID stuff?

  • Dirt

    That won’t happen. He has to make it two years in the Oval Office. Then Harris can take over the presidency and then be eligible for two more elections. If he doesn’t make it two years, she would only be eligible for one more election. The Dem machine wanted Harris all along. Tulsi kneecapped her in the second debate and destroyed her chance of getting elected in the primary so this was the route chosen by the DNC instead.

  • JDSOL3

    I don’t think they realize that they’re all interconnected between these different areas of research

  • Caroline5765

    Some thoughts, okay, a lot of thoughts…. I believe Trump et al knows their playbook well, knew the fight was coming and has taken measures to counter. If you do not think he/we are, and have been, in a 4 deep chess game then you are way behind. Ever since he took office, everything they have tried to do has failed. Those that have been bought and bossed by their own exploitation of position and are fearful, as they have lied and lost 2 times now and China is squinting at them. None of them wanted to accept bribes of death and that is where they are now. Trump has pulled us out of countries for reasons not told to the public. There also exist The Insurrection Act which you know empowers the President to deploy to suppress civil disorder. With the National Guard having been dispatched to 40+ states prior to election Trump still has the power until January, so don’t discount that. He also can fire and hire between now and then too, so if justice is not served on many fronts already in play there may be some calls to action over the next two months and there most definitely will be some if put back in office. Do not discount that either. By the way, remember in his speech he mentioned 4am ballots? And look what happened, he hints you know. Judge Amy did not weigh in on the recent event for several reasons, but in the upcoming case(s), she will opinion and she is pro Constitution. We can handle a fight, we cannot handle having our Country handed over! NO ONE IN AMERICA WILL WIN. Aiming to reduce fossil fuel will not only result in many job losses but every darn man-made thing in this world we use depends on its use in one way or another, go figure which gets cut first, won’t be your taxes. Just as was done with the Al Gore Global Warming lie to get the taxes, so too will many facets be forced to abandon again for green deals to pay the bills. What result will that have on us? A to Z, pick. Trumps executive order implemented the voter fraud task force no one talks about; which is still in place and quite active, the public only sees what they allow. The so-called FBI were not the only ones holding the Hunter laptop for over a year, and the Chinese hold some serious damning evidence too. VP Biden used his son to avoid potential legal, what a rat and the kid has a ruined life. The Russian payoff was not a payoff, it was a purchase, but I digress. Anyway, there is so little transparency to the American people in this chess game that we are left to pick the lesser of the evils; hint for fence sitters- your life’s been pretty good the last 4 years except for the plandemic Fauci et al have been involved in for over 8 years, Trumps all we have. What did you get with Obama? The evils have been being slowly exposed for the last 4 years to educate the dummied down people who do not realize we have been pulled into the swamp over the last 12 years, many are still stupid but most have been catching on here and there, with this or that. All the while Mother Nature still holds a steady forward course on her cycles, and no one knows all those answers… but she hints too. Best to you all and thank you for letting me share.

  • Fire302

    Thanks guy’s.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H fantastic comment correlating the lobes inside earth to the N and S polar jet marks inside the muscovite crystal indicating an unusual cosmis event…. picture starts to hang together…

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H from Gab last week: at least 4 ballots found from people who were too old to vote, i.e. one fllow who was born in 1960; and a 24 secont clip of JB proudly telling a Dem audience that his party has broken the record for voter fraud, from a team that help Barack as well… just 2 headlines out of many… people need to get the anger and hatred out of their system, and many have been taught to hate the likes of Trump, regarding his skin color, country of ancestral origin, religion, and pre=politics profession, and there MUST be some way to get that anger out of their systems that won’t hurt anyone… but if election fraud stands and is normalized, they will lose out too. Maybe every Democrat and Antifa me,ber needs to do a Rage Release. This is a therapeutic technique in which a person who can’t other wise get the angry vibes out of his/hre body is held down by ten others who scream at him/her, provoking an immediate screaming-back response. Since he/she can’t move or fight back, it all comes through yelling, and then it just disspiates… and the person winds up looking ten years younger and is ready to talk about why he/she was angry. Discussion can then be had and contracts made. Was praccticed at a therapy farm in CT in the early 1980’s, but I do not know if they still do it; they may have received some complaints from residents; families as it is somewhat trauatic. But, socially and energetically, it does get the job done.

  • amommamust

    Help is coming: Dennis Montgomery, Hammer and Scorecard – keep the faith!

  • Johnathan Jones

    No, it was over where Africa and Europe is and did it over the time it took to go from there to where it is now.

  • Chris

    You just feed into the disinformation for profit cycle. Not a good business model Ben. I’m definitely unsubscribing. You give the thunderbolts a bad name. This podcast is a virus. Do yourselves a favour and watch this video. Goodbye

  • dragorios

    Of course, if the Dem’s are successful and steal the election, the Republic is finished. If Trump takes the election he won, their will be a few days of crying, and the media will be amazed to discover they did not have the authority to choose the winner.
    The captain of the ship really does set the tone. Think back into the Obama years, the big story – the most important social issue was bath rooms. Bath rooms dominated the news. When Trump got into office, and the problem faded away.
    Their is nothing to worry about if Trump takes the election he won. The media will be busy covering themselves, demanding the subject be dropped, as it was all just misunderstandings and simple incompetence.

  • LyonTheeves

    Thanks dude. Good stuff.

  • Don Joseph

    Hey Chris,
    You’ve been threatening to unsub for a few weeks now…..
    just cash your shill check and bounce out.

  • ElementOrange

    Ben – what is the plan when you get kicked off of YT and Vimeo??

  • sativarg

    Hello Community,
    “Earth Internal Skeleton, Cosmic Ray Alert Continues | S0 News Nov.11.2020”
    As I hear this this afternoon I see something that has been growing in my mind. I can not see all the renderings of the structure detected in Earth’s outer core, inner mantle and out through her upper mantle to her skin/crust. I do not see bones though. I see vitrification or organization due to Sol’s plasma arm(s) passing right through her. Earth like a pearl on an electric string… many of the planets lined up on one or more plasma arms that reach out to Sol’s outer membrane. The cave paintings of interest are described by electric Universe proponents. Could such an electrical structure organize the interior of Earth to produce the “bones” of Earth we observe? Could a plasma rope of many strands explain the southern African “Adam’s Calendar?” Is there a corresponding structure to the “calendar”near the adjacent or opposite side of Earth?
    … now I will listen to the presentation… sorry for the late arrival and off topic tangent…

  • sativarg

    OK Mr. Davidson… Your vision and mine have intersected at time frame 10:44 of 58:28 of this presentation… No? see my earlier post?

    I wrote about my growing theory/vision before I heard yours but it seems that we are both on a similar track here. Yes I remember the crystal cosmic energy artifacts that you mentioned a few years back and that is part of the root of my theory. Also the remnants of lightening strikes in sand or soils that leave solid structures called Fulgurites inform my vision. Could a rope of Sols plasma have gone right through Earth in the past… could it happen cyclically?
    … back to listening …
    RE: teleportation…
    It depends… if the tech depends on strictly analog to digital and back then no way man but if the process is organic and mostly analog then perhaps.
    … back to the conversation then…
    At time frame: 24:43 of 58:28 and bones breaking…
    I do not see the “bones” breaking, rather perhaps they are reinforced each cycle by another interaction with Sol’s energy. It there were past breaking of the structures then we would observe the remnants of older broken “bones?”

    back to the presentation…
    OH… the difference between the two lobes… could that be the difference of current entering and passing into the core vs that same energy leaving from the core out?
    … back then…
    RE: interdisciplinary Science VS dogmatic almost religious disciplinary isolation…
    Wow… is that ever a huge threat now, in my opinion. Now we have all manner of false facts calcifying the minds of those indoctrinated into the disciplines. Members of any separate field are in a echo chamber. What is worse we have all manner of powerful feedback in the form of high resolution graphics that work to cement bad ideas and false facts as if they were real… see? Seeing is believing even when believing lies?
    … back to listening then…
    Mr Davidson… Yes it is obvious and so are so many other staged events now. With the rampant labeling culture entrenched and main stream obvious conspiracy is immune to criticism. In our Bizarro World a patriot is a terrorist and conspiracy is impossible? The more obvious the evil the better it is protected from good in a corrupt environment? When organized crime is business as usual then justice is evil?
    … back to listening…saving now… continued perhaps

  • sativarg

    continued at 39:01 of 58:28…
    So the liberals are OK with cheating that serves them… How many conservatives see Roundup poisoning and weigh the profits over consequences? How many know Ivermectin and Azithromycin and zinc could be saving thousands of lives and are counting the profits before passing out the cure? When the air is full of the soot of burning bodies are any lilies white? All is fair in war as long as you and “they” say that that is so… but nothing is fair, all is what it is. Democracy is not! In this Earth now Human affairs are steeped in lies and secrecy. No democracy can exist in such a world! That is the Truth and no amount of blindness can change that. Only sight and Light can change this reality!
    … back to listening…
    43:24 of 58:28 and what can the Conservatives hope fore…
    Perhaps Donald Trump will run again. By that time liberal policies could have made such a mess that Mr. Trump will have a much better chance for a second term?
    … back to listening…
    OK then… you talk of how the reset button ends thousands of lives and in the same vein we hear Sol’s intervention is the answer… both solutions are bloody. Both are very painful. Do Humans learn from pain or has this sort of lesson gone before and selectively been forgotten? Did Humanity face such consequences twelve thousand years ago… or twenty four? Did we choose to forget or is amnesia a Natural mercy?
    … back to listening…
    The End then?
    Thank you FOTWA panel for the stimulation and confirmation and affirmations you bring

  • sativarg

    Hello Community,
    RE: “The universe is getting hot, hot, hot, a new study suggests — “…
    I’m listening to the article by Laura Arenschield on the claim that the Universe is getting hotter. It is sad that the writer does not understand the accepted theory for red and blue shift in cosmology. As I understand it it is a function of frequency and motion rather than directly due to the distance that observed light has traveled… but I hear this from the writer:
    “”The concept of redshift works because the light we see from objects farther away from Earth is older than the light we see from objects closer to Earth — the light from distant objects has traveled a longer journey to reach us. That fact, together with a method to estimate temperature from light, allowed the researchers to measure the mean temperature of gases in the early universe…””

    Perhaps red shift is a factor that can help determine distance from a light source but we are learning that it is not a reliable indicator in many situations?
    This writer also seems to accept that Dark Matter is largely responsible for the dust and gas gathering rather than ever considering charge, magnetics or energy flow through plasma structures as even a minor factor… Let alone the major driver of structure accumulation. What a shame Laura Arenschield. How much further would you have to go to see that our Universe is alive and behaving thus?

    Dear Laura Arenschield,
    Please come and visit the Suspicious0bservers community and consider a better perspective?

    As our Universe matures from a mere bud off his or her parent, towards it’s greater potential I expect that organization of resources will continue. Energy and information, Light and heat, Dark and cold will be moving and organizing and things will keep getting hotter in the structures until they do not. It is life in my opinion and quite reasonable and beautiful.

  • grendelcat

    Here is the video that came up as suggested using 0 cookie no login You Tube right after PM Robitaille’s last amazing video.


    Suggested Next Video:

    It already has 10x the views of this sorry excuse for a debuuuuunker. This targets SO directly. Please Ben how do we strike back against this?

  • Charles77

    Could some of the rioting and just complete lunacy be due to the extra energy coming in due to a weaker magnetic field just a thought

  • David Droescher

    I must be the one who sees the void in the muscovite as the eye of Saruman, for a intuitive inturnal “CGI” of formation prossess as the capacitor catastrophically discharges .

    How do you see to connect the dots if you do not think in image’s?

    It’s a crapshoot I got the semi automatic version, dose what it wants not what helps me.

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