FOTW November 2, 2019
– Molecular Clouds from Magnetized Plasma Turbulence:
– Plates, Mantle, Who Moves?
– Obama video from last segment discussion:
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WAre you able to procure a better microphone, or keep yours closer to your face, consistently, as you speak Ben? Your voice trails as you move around and it causes some to have to constantly adjust our volume.
Could it be caused by the Extended Gama Rays , might our perceptions be Altered and we would not be aware of it ? AS with the Black Face Boy, He is Controlled by Gama Radiation and often “Howls AT THE MOON”! Are our thoughts our own ?
I don’t post often enough to project well. I do try and remember from time to time to let you all know how much I appreciate your thoughtfull input. The reflections you offer are either a mirror of my thought, or a glimpse of an angle that I may have missed. Do know that your efforts do not go unappreciated.
they give us our heroes and they give us our villains . vote harder bitches.. glad to c u changing closer
oh by the way loved pod cast as usual. learning is joy , 2 thumbs up. thanks
New generations determine future sociopolitical landscapes. We already have two or three…
Far too many children today learn how to function in society in public schools, not at home anymore. This is more prevalent in dense population centers and moreso in coastal regions.
This nonsensical social ideal is taught to kids in school and the thru mainstream media and social media. Reinforced by peers and younger parents who also were also sculpted by a similar deviant social environment, as they do the dual working parent thing, expecting kids to raise themselves as they did. Oblivious to the shortcomings.
We may have surpassed any point of safe return, in that the infrastructure is entrenched as much as the ideology.
The will to train civic responsibility and previous societal norms of personal responsibility and respect for others into our children, is fatally degraded in those regions.
The only way to reverse it is to shock it with a big dose of reality that clearly illuminates the vulnerabilities and consequences of loosing those two fundamental principles, in a situation where help requires ones own two hands. Kind of like hitting rock bottom is necessary before some can arise again.
At this point, nothing short of a profound and widespread disaster of biblical proportions can provide the necessary amperage for that shock!
Sadly, that equates to swim or sink, and the majority of today’s youth, and their parents, in those regions?
They do not know how to swim.
I don’t know what the future holds.
But I do see unsustainability for these people. Their ideology is parasitic and as the substance of that segment of society diminishes, as any service based economy must eventually do?
Lifestyles will diminish as well, to the point where entitled mentality is incapable of adapting.
An implosion of depression, outrage, envy, hopelessness and despair is all that will remain for the unprepared masses.
The socioeconomic divide between the affluent left and the impoverished left will increase in both ratio and ideology. Leading to an unrecoverable downward spiraling apocalypse of failed lives.
Meanwhile, those in more self reliant and community oriented regions and communities, will have the tools to prosper. Albeit also with a diminished lifestyle.
It’s the fundamental principles of civics, personal responsibility and respect that will afford their ability to survive and flourish, as the majority of people in the coastal cities simply do not have those principles and skills in their toolboxes. The only thing in there are a sense of entitlement, mouses and iPhones. Not the most flexible tools…
Sometimes, when fishing, you get snagged up, and no matter what you try? The only recourse is to cut the line and start over.
I fear that is the inevitable conclusion of this situation. The woke progressive outrage cancel culture, and the current educational paradigm, is firmly embedded in their society, like an Alabama tick!
Bill Marr is a script reading comedian, Barry is a candy stealing politician. Both are clashing with this new progressivism and will inevitably be pushed aside by the left. The craziness will continue to define itself both socially and geographically.
That will continue until either it collapses like Venezuela and the USSR?
Or until the shit hits the fan.
And sadly, we must allow it. They won’t listen because they cannot hear. The only help we could provide and they would accept would be handouts, the exact opposite of what needs to happen.
A raw display of tough love, like the day my Dad threw me off the dock.
They must swim or sink. Harsh but I see no alternative that wouldn’t simply perpetuate the problem.
We cannot allow those unwitting domestic enemies of America to drag us under, along with them. Had I not popped right up? Dad would have jumped in.
That won’t work with this problem because for the ideological left?
Dad can’t swim either.
And on that happy note?
I hope I’m wrong.
I used to vote democratic, but Trump has won me over, especially as he caused me and many many others to question the global warming scam. Even years before he ran for office, he would often divert from walking to the limo to go and talk to construction workers on the next block. He really is a sincere people person.
There is a saying, “President Trump is a jerk .. but he’s OUR jerk.” He has wit, he understands and connects with us common people. He’s a stable genius, but you’d NEVER get that if you watch CNN/MSNBC etc. Watch him at a rally, he doesn’t need notes, he has all this stuff about the state he’s in and the people memorized, ZERO gaffs or racist remarks. Unlike other politicians that can’t get it right even with notes in front of them. Once you become familiar with Trumps mannerisms and humor, he’s nothing short of awesome. He is sincerely in it for the PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY. Go watch a couple of his rallys and you’ll see. Better yet, compare his rallys vs Biden’s.
OTOH the left has devolved into hypocrisy, lies, complete disregard for the constitution, and unadulterated lust for power . Its a very scary time, we are on the verge of what happened in Venezuela when Hugo Chávez took power. We CANNOT allow them to disregard the first or second amendments or ANY part of the constitution!!! If Pelosi and/or Schiff pull off this coup we’re screwed 8 ways to Sunday. Because socialism has a 100 percent track record of abysmal catastrophic failure.
Adrian’s sister sounds like she just liked men a lot earlier than most, good for her!
I woke up for a moment to realize that it doesn’t matter how the flies are encouraged to pull off each other’s wings, As long as they don’t talk about anything that threatens the oil cash flow all will be well. If they talk about threatening the oil cash flow they are quickly subverted in the arguing about whether oil will be taxed or carbon. Or whether the electric car is as dirty as the gasoline powered car or some other rabbit hole that quickly takes us back into mindless wing pulling out of each other’s wings.I struggle hard to think of topics we can fight about more ridiculous than the ones we already see in our media. Maybe we can argue about what the dead want to be called or what they identify with. Speaking of dad you haven’t lived until you feel the fear that comes with coming whether on earth and/or coupled with earthquakes. Winter time as a wonderful time for earthquakes to take power out for months! We’re sitting in the sunshine or laugh every day I remember when we were kids are parents always said you have to learn there are consequences to your actions.Thank God now that so many adults of mankind now can circumvent that rule because they’re adults now. Of course I’m joking!
Hey John Mallory can you put a timestamp by each of your comments? And make it really easy to match the comment was what was being said at the time.
Charles, excellent analysis.
The flip discussion is interesting and Id intuitively agree that earth only shifts 90 degrees, the shapes of the two items that flip 180 are very very similar in there being a larger mass at one end then the other, its logical that they would flip 180 degrees.
To really see what would happen to the earth, that experiment in space should be done with a little gyro, like the ones we played with at school.
The moon IS interesting, really interesting, its size, position and spin is almost too coincidental to be ‘random’….thats a complete different discussion, but the gravitational connection could be viewed as a ‘counterweight’ that will exert some form of control over the ‘internal-gravitation’ of the earth…
On the political discussion, there is a certain establishment that could be called the CoG or continuation of government. they have an agenda, they have their candidates and they try their best to ensure that regardless of who gets into the hot seat, they can either be controlled, coerced or manipulated into progressing that agenda. Its rare for any candidate to get through this screening process, they have been vetted long before they get close. Trump, for all his human weaknesses, is not following the agenda, therefore, he must go-hence the impeachment, misogynistic character etc etc…
Barack Obama had a very slick veneer….but he was a lot more aligned with the agenda. (Although he did start to clear some of the swamp filth in his second term…goodbye Hillary!)The media really just plays with you, the stories they pick for publication is simply part of the plan. you are all dancing to the tune. (so are we in Aussie) whilst the real story is being played out without any scrutiny what so ever.
I’m there with you on the walk away. But Maher can sound as much like a dick as now and Obama (it looks like) spied on the Trump campaign….so…they can go screw too (and I voted for Obama AND attended both Inaugurations).
Unbelievable! You guys actually believe Politics is real? Look none of this is real people! Politics is just a ruse to make us think we have choices. IMF and other groups control all politics in our country and the other G7 countries.
If you think politics is real your really one confused person. I sit here enjoying what you are talking about until you delve into things you are ignorant about. All politicians are appointed not voted in ever! Presidents are picked not voted in, Trump was brought in to remove the powers like Bush, Clinton’s, Rockefeller, Rothschild. I suggest sticking to science because you have no clue why our science is messed up regarding facts of our electric universe.
There are facts guys and myths of politics. Economics, and every aspect of our lives are controlled. 700 people own around 85-90% of everything. They own all food sources and if you do not grow your own food your gambling with your families lives.
Wake up guys and see the world for how it is. Ancient text speaks of it I am sure David Talbott and others have read the text that I have. 13 families essentially have ruled earth.
These families creating the committee of 300 who run all of the corporations. The United States is one of the corporations and you guys are talking about this topic like you understand it. You guys need to research and STOP listening to TV magazines etc. They lied to us about more then science, almost everything we learned from our history has been twisted.
hang up your views on political affairs we your really wrong here completely confused and brain washed guys. Control is what our world is about, and you guys I thought understood this. lol Amazing >:^D
Picked up in this discussion one comment on Charles Hapgood, that he had lied. Hope if I listen more that I will find out what in the world he actually did. Curious…
People change. I did a lot of things I’m not proud of in my youth. Age has made me much more aware and wise, and I am not thyat guy who was or did or said things years ago. Since learning that about myself, I give everyone a new chance every day, to be different.