FOTW May 8, 2021

– Helicity Development in the current sheet:
– Heterogeneous Lightning Electric Fields:
Showing 26 comments

    The girls did wonderful job on their paper….

  • Allenvaughan

    If you want me to submit on application for you to be on SWAG, send all the pertinent info to my email at
    I have testified before yhe DoL and Senate pension subcommittee members, so I know the drill.

  • Charles

    Does this mean the pharmaceutical companies can be prosecuted and convicted of slavery, human rights violations?

    What about the informed consent issue, were these people told their DNA would be modified?

    There are a lot of huge legal issues around this.

  • Jon Mallary

    Heres’ a conspiracy theory for ya. What if?… The MRNA vaccine causes the Covid84 virus to modify it’s own DNA? Becoming lethal to all but vaccinated humans, and with an R-naught of 1000! And anyone not already vaccinated would be immediately infected, therefore rendering any subsequent vaccination attempt ineffective. And consequently?… Those who understand why our star may have a cataclismic outburst, why the polar migration is a real imminent threat to our survival. Who understand the disingengenuous exploitation of this “pandemic turned flu”, by everyone corrupt enough to try? Well… None of us who refused the shot would survive the new Covid21. Snowflake eutopia… Till the sun puts their lights out…

  • sativarg

    Hi community,
    some observations and opinions?
    A preview for the end or a spoiler for the beginning?
    Earth is not going to end due to Sol’s behaviors. Human society may change drastically or end as we know it… but is that a bad thing? We have the delusion of civilization now… we have fake democracies, illusions of autonomy, sovereignty, security and privacy. Is that good enough? I don’t think so. So, I say the end is an opportunity and an end to an abortion; our experiment is as good as an abortion in my opinion. In this cycle of humanity in Earth we have never achieved sovereignty and our current state is dysfunction. We have made too many changes in Earth with a little knowledge from a science based in a perspective that is inadequate to ever be wise… we have screwed the pooch!

    Can we flush the toilet… Is the Great reset coming from brother Sol?
    If not from Sol then we are left with Big Brother and the Cloud. The memory hole is not needed if we let “them” take our books and put our reality in the cloud? With the cloud they can edit reality on the fly… no need for another dark ages… no need for another fire in Alexandria! Just press a button and all the inconvenient truth is gone.

    Now for the plasma light show… I hope something really unexpected happens. I hope all the levitating platforms and plasma based life forms are lit up or some thing like that. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Hundreds of unique plasma based life forms are seen with night vision glasses now… Thousands of people report seeing triangular platforms levitating in the skies of Earth… so why not let the plasma light all that up?
    let it be so?
    just for fun?
    thanks for reading

  • Jefe

    Back in the early 1990’s, a similar experiment occurred in Southern California. I was camped in Anza Borrego Desert State Park and watched the rocket release barium. It produced a beautiful green outline of magnetic fields. Camping bonus!

  • sativarg

    Hi community,
    another observation,
    I am in Illinois using a server in Denver to post here but my post says I posted May 9.
    using note pad time and date… 7:57 PM 5/8/2021?
    Where are you guys? some other time Zone?
    and LOL
    a blind Nutcase or perhaps a conspiracy surveilling Earthling?

  • sativarg

    I have a question… at time frame 26:07 of 51:25 and Could thunderstorm field potentials attract and accumulate cosmic ray secondary particles in a way that helps to explain how lightening is achieving such high, even relativistic, electron velocities resulting in the observed gamma bursts and prolonged gamma blooms? If Earth’s shield effects the path cosmic rays take as they plunge in then why not Thunderstorm accumulated static fields?
    back to listening…
    time frame: 29:59 of 51:25
    RE: conspiracy observation VS conspiracy theorizing…
    Conspiracy happens. If I quietly gather some friends and plan a surprise party then I am conspiring to surprise the victim or BreathDay celebrant. When democrats get together and plan election strategy they are conspiring… If I observe behavior that seems suspiciously like conspiratorial then I could be observing signs of conspiracy. I see builder Berg members covertly having meetings… I am observing conspiracy… No? Why have we equated the word conspiracy with the label conspiracy theorist? Could it be because we have been conditioned by covert behavioral psychology to do so?
    back to listening…

  • sativarg

    Continued at the Traidmarking Jab! or Branding then?
    So that gives the mark of the beast a whole new and ironic spin?
    DNA Branding as a Brand Name or trade marking of the Beast… Irony or what. As we the cattle or sheeple get branded? and LOL and ::Crying:: as well
    Now why did you have to take me there? I had enough to be paranoid about… LOL
    thanks Mr. Davidson.

  • sativarg

    continued and red herring?
    There was a recent law with the ironic number Like 666 as its actual legal index number… All of the latest PSYOPS have been endowed with all manner of false leads.These false leads or red herring serve several purposes. One is to get observers and investigators all arguing and often over preposterous theories based on too easy evidence. Evidence that was planted just for that purpose. The Mayor of the City picks up a passport of the “Hijacker”right off the sidewalk? LOL or The man in the grassy knoll? Red Herring like all the coincidences surrounding John Lenin’s murder… surrounding the crimes of September eleven 2001? All serve to inspire conspiracy theories that discredit even the investigators on the Right trail… see?
    … could the observed DNA Branding potential serve such a purpose?
    Two, the second way red herring serve… the next time a similar thing is really deployed the sheeple ignore the wolf crying wolf again… see? hear? The wise wolf cries wolf till no one listens?
    back to listening…

  • Caroline5765

    I believe the ownership transfer will be confirmed voluntarily by the individual when they take the vaccines and then get the tracking chip, or some form of that.

  • Lois Rasmussen

    Perhaps this is why there is a global movement to not allow patenting of the intellectual property of all the immunizations.Considering most governments (public) funded the research and manufacture?

  • PaulN

    Hoax of a disease? India’s suffering is real. Shame on you.

  • sativarg

    Continued RE: DNA profiling?
    What is the likely hood that the test material will never be used as DNA data?
    How much do you trust all the testing to be Anonymous?
    What a great way to profile Humanity? I mean how in the face is that then?
    back to listening…
    … is it Go time or is a wolf crying wolf…
    Is a fox telling sly lies again?
    if you say it is go time now will you be like Chicken Little?
    If you turn out to be wrong will the villagers think you are crying Wolf!
    Chicken Little (1943
    Disney being Disney… or Propaganda for The Goose Is Good For The Gander
    It’s hard to be sure so better safe than sorry? Suspect even your own judgement?
    I suspect my own “facts” as a rule. Knowing how stupid I am was my first best step towards wisdom in my opinion… LOL
    Facts are very dangerous things from my perspective; an inadequate but improving perspective.
    back to listening…
    The word of the decade… Escalate?
    Now that Control has been deployed, full steam ahead? or are they still testing their new toys?

  • Brad

    Upon your death they could file a claim against your estate for repayment? They could in effect with what your saying lay claim to your life savings upon your death. Interesting thought as they would be able to steal Billions in retirement funds.

  • American Nurse

    I think the reason why this government won’t give up the mask is because they really haven’t been vaccinated…

  • Houseboat Grandma

    Anyone familiar with Nuremberg Code and Notice for military and public to use in refusal of mandatory vaccinations, written by Frances Boyle? Have you watched his interviews about this subject? What do you think? I am super impressed with him. Thank you Ben, Kat and Team love yall. Be Safe. Why is this not allowing me to post comment, saying error, fill in required fields name and email ??? Wth… i am logged in. Omg what website do I use omg

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H I listened to this in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Thank you for alerting your followers that it is now ‘go’ time. Given my unique situation, there would not BE any place to go. I would be a burden forever. No one will miss me, whether spike proteins forced into my system by a SWAT team, oversized gelatinous female BLM attackers, or a direct lightning hit amplified by my smartmeter and the 5G cable laid in the front yard will snuff me, it won’t be skin off anyone’s nose. I am jsut trying to mind my P’s and Q’s as the SYSTEM in Denver has awoken to the fact that i returned, after I submitted my tax return in Denver under a DEMOCRATIC Federal regime (Republican regimes are more lenient for me, it seems, it’s when there is a Dem president that I seem to crack up more), whereby local Democrats may now tryto explore in person what my parents’ daughter has to offer…. and be mighty surprised, how I turned out. I am at the end of the road and they don’t know it, and if I talk about how this happened, they would just be angry and disbelieving, I think, and still require action by me for things I do not believe in (it’s not the BLM or Antifa that scare me, but rather the white-collar ‘liberals’, so-called, as they can get inside my brain and try to terrorize or manipulate me, so I need to armor my thinking, to try and stay good… a nice time to dematerialize and disappear as some type of vapor that floats through the walls and never comes back.. But my understanding of Physics is insuffieient for me to accomplish this. Bummer. Got a used Calculus text, am very fascinated by it, maybe some Early Transcendentals will help me transcend the situation, early rather than late, so I don’t get caught by the wrong individuals!

  • VisitingProf

    Some time ago, perhaps 25 years ago now, I was loaned a copy of a casette tape which had recordings of small groups of singers who had gotten permission to do the following. They went into three or four famed buildings, actually large churches in western Europe. Places such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France for example. (Provided I recall correctly.) The leader was a man named David Hieke, and there were perhaps four, five, or six ‘singers’ in each of the recordings. The singers would begin making vocal ‘notes’ in the ordinary range (pitch) of humans. The singers would each ‘sing’ an assigned note and hold that pitch. Within a few seconds another pitch would emerge. These ‘unsung’ notes were in a much higher range and sounded almost as if there was a person whistling. The much higher pitch was reportedly created by the sound waves interacting within the building(s). It was fascinating to me – so much so that I asked to make another copy of the tape. OK, the preceeding is preamble to my following comments. Those higher pitched sounds did shift up and down somewhat, although as far as I am aware the singers did not change the pitch of their voices. Presumably the higher pitched sounds came about by the sound waves bouncing around inside the building(s). Because the information presented in Ben’s work focuses so much on matter, electricity, light and plasma it seems pertinent to mention sound. Any comments on this? Also, if I recall correctly the production, or perhaps the group, was called the Solar Choir. Has anyone else here heard of this?

  • ElementOrange

    What if the Earth-Facing Quiet is caused by the (relatively) strong magnetic field of the Earth itself, and as the fields weakens, we will see more activity directed at Earth?

    Next, ownership of a patent does NOT grant ownership of the implementation of that patent, it does, however, open the question of licensing fees. Patent owners are due fees from those implementation the patent.

  • sativarg

    Hello community, I listened to this: Voyager 1 Is Detecting a ‘Hum’ of Plasma Waves in The Void of Interstellar Space —
    and I am left with the vision of texture and or volume if the waves are resonant. Resonance implies or suggests things like fabric, turbidity, viscosity, spacial volume etc. This is exciting. It is so nice to have at least one finger outside of Sol now. I hope we can put hands on on Sols structures with new eyes and years and such if not physical devices like Voyagers.
    thanks for reading and blessings

  • dragorios

    Those who take the vaccine jab have agreed to take part in an emergency experimental vaccine program / test, and be subject to the tracing. So, basically you agree to be a LAB RAT. The test is paramount, not the welfare of the lab rats. Lab rats are not viewed as individuals, but rather as a collective to be controlled and studied. To properly determine a products effectiveness, you have to control the test subjects (control group).
    My guess is, the control group of vaccinated people have signed up for a life long test. It will never stop.

  • VisitingProf

    Thank you for ‘chiming in’ Chuck, ; ). So, Voyager 1 has detected a ‘hum’ of plasma waves in the void of interstellar space and I suppose continues to do so. In addition to the sound of the ‘Solar Wind’ in the first several seconds of S0 Ben’s current introductory video, this is not entirely new to me – not at all. Surely a few others here can recall an old expression – the “Music of the Spheres.” My earlier comment was more so an attempt to find more information on the concept of ‘sounds’ out in interstellar space or perhaps some direction as to where to look for such info. I ll be looking, Thank you – ‘Doc’

  • sativarg

    Dear community,
    RE: Synchronous machine performance under geomagnetic disturbances
    The most vulnerable components are the highest voltage transformers when phase is voltage lagging… So, build a capacitor with nano magnets of iron oxide as part of a dynamic dielectric… See: Nano-magnetic particles used in biomedicine: Core and … —

    One should be able to develop a very fast acting dynamic dielectric such that it is sensitive to current. A dielectric that reacts to current inside the capacitor should be able to actively compensate for delta phase conditions… a dynamic phase compensater that could be deployed to installations d retroactively… retrofitting without the need to alter the very expensive transformers quickly and cost effectively? Dielectric would be colloid of crystals suitable to be doped with (superparamagnetic Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles) or an equivalent?
    thanks for reading

  • islandtime

    Not sure if this will be read, but I would love someone’s input. I live in Hawaii and at the moment of the KP Index hitting 7 on the 12th (Hawaii Time) I was out walking in the dark before sunrise and saw a huge green flash in the sky to the NW. It was like sheet lightening but green. Is it possible that I saw geomagnetic disruption so close to the Equator? Is that due to the weakening magnetosphere? Didn’t see anything about it on the news and I’m not active on social media so haven’t looked there. I didn’t know the KP had spiked until later in the morning when I got online to check the space weather. I am still kind of in shock about what this may mean. mahalo

  • Pat Vester

    Do you have a ref for the court case mentioned?
    Since Govt paid for it, I suspect people vaccinated are Govt property.

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