FOTW May 23, 2020
– Mick’s Debunk Attempt:
– Magnetic Dusty Pinballs:
– Ensemble Projections have Lower Warming:
– No Reconnection Space Weather Charge Exchange:
– Pluto Atmospheric Pressure Decrease:
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I agree with what you guys say on the Cov. I just cant understand why you keep praising Sweden as a country to look to as an example on how to do things. They didnt “close down” and so they have alot of dead people. Norway next door “closed down”. We have about 10% dead people compared to sweden. Economy here is still working, people are still out and about, health system functioning, no crazy shit happening. Not a stange “1984” autoritarian “lockdown” like you seem to have in MSM and some states of the USA. We handled the first peak and got prepared for a next. Now we are opening up again. And soon we will be able to travel abroad, but not to sweden. Sweden is now beeing shunted by the rest of Europe. There economy is gonna take a great hit. Sweden seems to have been lucky this wasnt dangerous and they keep doubting and not knowing and making lame excused for not protecting the elder. Then there is so much more wrong with communist wannabe Sweden, the country where i was born and normaly go shopping for food twice a month. Maybe there is more to it than that they made a genius decision and should be looked up to for the way they are handeling the Cov.
Great FOTW! Looks like Mr. Gates will, if he gets his way, produce some actual Reavers (Pax on Miranda in Firefly). Thank you Ben! Wouldn’t that be something!
So I paused the video a moment to comment, the first thing I did was search weaponizing vmat2, and did get the video again and an article at
so ill continue… the other thought I had was how do I know this is Gates… and how can I prove that , and its not someone else , there are a few tells/ mannerisms that the presenter does that should appear in other lectures that Gates has done if they are the same person here… I say that because the video quality is eh.. and so on… eyes open
Kinda regret the communist wannabe part… just not a fan of what sweden has become politicaly and how strange the society has become in the later years. I used to love living in sweden. I go to Sweden all the time to visit family and friends. Wouldent dare speak my mind, wrongspeak is not aloud. These days i am labeled a conspiratour, rightwinger and racist. So yes i have some bias. But i still think some measures had to be taken to calm the people and keep the elder from dying from the wuflu.
to answer the question in the last part of todays FOTW, I would have to say I’m frustrated at the mask “shammers” here in my 4 mile square area .. I fear the economic outcome. 30 to 60 million unemployed that thought they had jobs… yeah that’s not a fun thought….
to clarify, I don’t wear a mask, and some people around here are like im a bad person for not…
I am not buying it.
This seems so easy to fake by means of poor quality video , overdubbing , or simple misrepresentation. Whatever. If you waste too much time not critiquing this kind of propaganda , what won’t you buy?
I would hope Bill Gates could communicate fuckkittt….You can believe what you believe…uggh
I had no idea Gates was THAT evil. It would sure explain a lot though. That source video will probably be deleted from YT very soon! Everyone should preserve stuff like that, its easy using a little program called youtube-dl.
It seems that Gates may have missed a few implications of his proposed brain/dna altering vaccine. AFAIK the most brainwashed people are not religious or spiritual in the normal sense, their political beliefs seem to be their religion. This atrocity of a vaccine may turn people into zombies or ‘reavers’.
My neighbor is one of those brainwashed people, she’s afraid to be within 10 feet of anyone. She’s told me on a couple of occasions, she LOVES CNN … disgusting.
BTW a comment I posted this morning on Ben’s informative YT news has vanished, in fact all the comments I’ve posted in the last 3 days are gone. The algorithms have found me out LOL … must be time to use another account.
This morning’s video about the 9% BS .. seems to me that if it follows the apparent method of leftists lies, they just did an opposites thing, and subtracted the decrease instead of adding it to the previous cumulative value and reported that. By that I’ mean it is likely that they subtracted 6% instead of adding it .. so a probable correct value is 21% decline over the last 200 years…. to date.
Walk bravely and reassert the “normal” we’ve always know. Don’t listen the Karens of the world; ridicule them when and where necessary. Don’t wear a mask, or bend the knee and/or take ANY shit; give no credence to any more “experts” or anyone who uses them to mess with you. And if someone picks a fight with you, then fight them…and win. That’s it. Stiffen your backbone(s) and BE MEN.
Ben, I agree completely with you, that some—thing is coming. And that all of these things that have happened recently that are affecting us globally, are part of that some—thing.
And, may I ask, but is this the first time where you have, in specifics, described where the disruption of the sun’s own magnetosphere is the linchpin as to why there could be such a build-up of the ejecta-the sun’s “solar wind” of millions of tons per minute of nearly all of the elements, being stuck in the sun’s gravity, only to finally be expelled in the micronova? I have often wondered if the matter ejected in the micronova were the accumulation of cosmic materials that have fallen into the sun, or, if some other mechanism were at play, and the galactic sheet was merely the trigger or catalyst for the event. I believed in the latter, until now with this very discussion. Your thoughts? And thank you in advance for your book–I am looking forward to a great read this summer!
Allen in Dahlonega, Georgia
I watched a funvax video years and years ago. I don’t remember Gates being the speaker. The other mans voice (the voice that speaks of aerosols) seems original to me. The gist of the video I remember was to target the fundamentalists with aerosols from planes to subdue opposition forces.
That is an old video and has been shown many times.
Weather the vid is old, real, or fake,
we all know gates wants to depopulate.
gate’s dad was a baby killer and friends with soros and dr. fauci.
All very evil people.
Frustration, anger many emotions. I see folks in their cars with mask on. Hear of people shut inside of their homes in fear. My best buddy running people out of his front yard if they get to close. In laws getting in altercations with others about mask wearing practices. Certain businesses allowed to stay open while others ordered shut down. What bothers me the most are folks willing to openly give up their God given virtue human rational thought. And where is our free press in all this anyway? I have not seen a single local news story that focused on human interest of the mass deaths. Where are the front line journalist with videos of morgues processing body bags? Where are the interviews of victims families, sorrow, tears, mass death in the streets. You would think this would be a ripe environment for those journalist to show the carnage, grief and fallout of the worlds worst pandemic in human history. Where are the human interest stories? Don’t give me that “the reporters must isolate from the infected” business. In that case they are a bunch of cowards (which they are) You did not see war correspondents isolating.
This whole thing is so easy to see. It was a part of a plan written by a movie script. This the same MO as the Russian dossier which resulted in an attempt coup of a US president. October 2019 Event 201 was held in NYC. This entire affair was laid out in that conference. They specifically focused on an information campaign to convince the american public to accept the lie. They called it “Flooding The Zone” . They used a script (model) from a TV miniseries made back in 2003. Look up the Dead Zone, The Plague episode.
I choose not to participate in the fear. Not to lend energy to the massive pendulum they have set in motion. I however cannot sit and ignore events. Waiting for the pendulum to stop swinging. As a previous commented fight back. We are in a corner and being assaulted. Our human virtues are under attack by the subjectivist in power. Voice your knowledge. Let you best buddy, your mother, sister in law, cousins, neighbors all know you are aware we are under attack. They may recoil in anger or try to shut you up. But forge on. Remember you might have to open up a big whoop ass can of forgiveness. Yes, to forgive those who succumbed to this propaganda and who choose to give up their virtue of rational thought. Without forgiveness guilt will keep them captive in the information prison.
Charlie Harner
Ben , how do you feel about Vogt’s take on black holes and Hawkins papers ?
Thank you randrat
I so agree, I wish to voice a out cry! There is no avenue, ? our news outlets are dominated with a global lie talking box of fake propaganda.
I’m in a split decision do I join the militia?
Or do I advance light workers magic language?
Is civil disobedience expected?
We are in an information prison. Good news is….. This community is aware. Once we are aware we can see the way to escape and forge on.
Our journey has just started. Is why… observe all… no fear… trust the universe. Bless us all…
Feel free to cut and paste this to YT. Doubt it will last.
Is why we need to maintain this current mode of comms. ch
btw… starting a HAM group. Hope to tell you all freQs so we can comm when all goes out.
That does not look or sound like Bill Gates.
Here’s an essay by a Constitutional Law refuting Dershowitz. Jacobson doesn’t the State can force you take a vaccine. It says they can fine you for refusing and ti exempted children. There’s another case that Dershowitz ignored:
“If a person should deem it important that vaccination should not be performed in his
case, and the authorities should think otherwise, it is not in their power to vaccinate him
by force, and the worst that could happen to him under the statute would be the payment
of the penalty of $5.” Commonwealth vs. Pear, 83 Mass. 242 at 248 (1903).
Sorry for the wall of text here – I got curious about the funvax hoax.
I’m not sure what you looked at, Ben but when I accessed the Neurology article with the image, it’s definitely the exact same one in the video. Figure 1B. And it does come up in some reverse image searches from the video image. The Neuro article caption does describe the features in the particular brain scan – there are distinct features in it that would not be in all brains, that appear in the video too.
The video actually cuts to the slide being shown! That wouldn’t happen in a surreptitiously filmed and leaked vid of a presentation.
Back when it was released, nobody was saying it was Gates, and it doesn’t look like Gates to me, when he raises his face. He sounds sorta similar, but I don’t think it’s Gates.
The documents and interview that are supposedly connected to the video “leak” are pretty badly done IMO (the “Joey Lombardi” interviews and the “Quarterly Funvax Review”) – although, those are attributed to the Ryan Harper guy who was supposedly trying to make money off the whole thing.
So I think it’s a hoax. But I think it’s a suspicious hoax, because I think the explanation by debunkers isn’t totally credible either.
The supposed kickstarter filmmaker, who would supposedly benefit from creating the hoax and is offered up as the likely perp, Ryan Harper, is said to be also a biologist – which is supposed to explain how there could be convincing-sounding technical stuff. A Ryan Harper is a coauthor on a couple of minor molecular bio papers from a UCSF lab in 2004 – he could have been grad student or undergrad (I myself am a coauthor on similar minor papers, and I was just a lab tech for a couple years). His website bio claimed he was “director of the Biotechnology program at Silicon Valley College.” The only Silicon Valley College I can find is in San Jose and offers associate degrees in dental hygiene and stuff, nothing with a Biotech program … and then there’s a Silicon Valley College listed as closed 2018, but still having 2 (?) students enrolled, a campus address in a business park in Fremont, and an Israeli website in Hebrew that pops up a chat, promising you “details and a lucrative offer” if you give your phone number. (goog translated)
So, after that fabulous Director of Biotech gig, Ryan Harper decided to become a filmmaker… a Ryan Harper is credited with a bad “fantasy psychological-thriller” about humans being reincarnated as animals, titled Circulation (2008). The studio that produced it has made no other feature films I can find, and appears to be defunct today. “salty dog studio”
Since it doesn’t seem like Harper ever held any lucrative position anywhere, that would allow him to drop his science career and try his hand at making feature-length films, it would hardly surprise me if there was someone supporting him to create this fairly elaborate hoax. Like, maybe he thought it would make money – but, was it his own idea? I can imagine a fresh-out-of-grad-school biologist changing his mind about his career trajectory and deciding to be a filmmaker, but I struggle to imagine one deciding to hoax people to get himself started. That’s pretty risky and ballsy, and to me, seems like something one would only do with the blessing or encouragement of one’s financial supporters. It certainly fits a larger pattern of disinformational messing with the suspicious community, and has predictable negative effects on us.
I dunno, I’m not too good at figuring out the plans of the kinds of people who see deceptive manipulation as a decent basis for making a living. Nor the plans of powerful people who might anticipate global catastrophe and try to drive things their way using deception. All I figure is, chaos and destruction enable takeovers of all kinds … and the extended lockdown will surely increase the chaos and destruction. The extensions of lockdown, and the use of blatant propaganda to do it, makes me feel as though something is being cold-bloodedly held underwater until it is drowned. Namely, our ability to know how to act in our own interests.
Why don’t we assume for a moment that the video is fake. Some trolls dub in audio of an impersonation of Gates and the presentation is from something else. Or it’s deep faked. Case closed right? No need to look any further. Any other information relevant to a run-away vaccine program is null and void. That is a textbook example of information warfare working at optimal capacity. It’s kind of like saying that just because Aliens are guilty by association with recurring observations of glowing discharges in the sky, the whole phenomena is discredited. In other words, because we have no irrefutable physical evidence of Aliens therefore, everything about the phenomena is completely disproven. Talking about it any further you are subject to the ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ label, and may God have mercy on your soul. Well, what if those glowing discharges seen in the sky are the solution to our dependence of fossil fuels? Would it be scientifically advantageous to sound a little crazy hypothesizing about that? Or getting back to the topic at hand, what if there is a run-away vaccine program to which the extent is not fully comprehended by the corporation, business, or group that is developing it? This is something that probably should be looked into further.
There are two tactics that I’ve noticed being employed in information warfare. One being “The Misdirection” and the other “Fake/Manufactured Information”. The old misdirection tactic is to exclaim about evidence that either completely disproves the original issue/situation or evidence that is loosely related whereby engaging with it takes the original issue/situation out of context. Both of which results in the proponent not engaging with any other metric, historical instance, or the core narrative of the issue/situation. Then there is the “Faked/Manufactured Information”, often to create an artificial crisis where the proponent has all the resources/knowledge/abilities to utilize in an active role in ‘resolving’ the problem.
I didn’t do too much investigating into our old friend Mick West’s debunking, but judging by your reactions it was either both or a combination of those tactics he utilized. If you’re trying to disprove the video you will succeed. There are too many ways one can come up with to completely disprove only one aspect about an underlying issue. If the video is fake, this does not remove Gates from being involved with vaccinations in general. If the video is fake, it doesn’t make a program like FunVax any less likely to happen. Et cetera and so on. Sure, he isn’t the one going from person to person giving injections, but he is the spokesperson for the pro-vaccine crowd.
If the video is not fake then Bill Gates was a spokesperson (and or involved at some level) for a project called FunVax purposed to ‘immunize’ a gene (VMAT 2) resulting in ‘less extreme’ individuals. And the method of delivery would be to use a rhino or flu virus. Yikes. Does this make Gates an actor in the effort to push unbounded vaccinations or the villain? I say not enough data. But if that doesn’t spell run-away program with serious unintended consequences, I don’t know what does.
There is a serious lack of criticizing with a sense of objectivity nowadays. It’s always absolute, total, and permanent. Issue debunked, move on to another topic or be subjected to ridicule. If this video were a reproduction of reality then a replica of an existing truth would be the result and no further analysis would be necessary.
And yes I do agree with Ben that we must be concerned about Beryllium 10, Aluminum 26, and Iron 60 showing up in recent stratigraphic datum.
Agreed. He might sound a bit like Gates but definitely doesn’t look like him at all.
This was the first description of how a micro nova actually works – if there are others that I have missed, I’d appreciate a shove in the right direction!
Really enjoyed the conversation.
They have the best numbers. I have no idea what you are talking about.
Yes but what point are we making?
2005 Bill Gates?
The movie and 44 part series do it a bit.
The mention it, but do not really o into what exactly it is and how it comes about.
We must be seeing different numbers. My comparing is to Norway and Swedens numbers are much worse. We only took a bit more measures, nothing like the USA. But my angle to this is not the actual numbers. There is alot of missreporting out there and different ways off counting. But more the aproach they have taken off almost not doing anything. Right or wrong its hurting the people and the economy. Its a difficult situation and i do not advocate for “lockdown”, but i would not hold sweden as an example of how to do it. Now they seem to be turning around are taking more strickt measures. This is all politics….. I wish we were talking about Plasma Cosmology. (Never thought i would be on the ” wrong side ” here @ SO.) Kr
Do you understand what the sun is and how it works acording to plasma cosmology?
I am trying to understand. I seem to be getting in trouble with people i respect and normaly wouldent argue with. I read that herd imunity is not happening the way it should and the antibodies only pressent in 7.3% off people tested. Would it be better if we just let the Covid run its course without doing anything? And if so, why? Is that the best we can do? Please see that i am really trying to understand this. I am not afraid of Covid for myself. There is alot of conflicting info on it and i am not sure what is what anymore. I would love to be able to argue from a logic standpoint.
I am trying to understand. I seem to be getting in trouble with people i respect and normaly wouldent argue with. I read that herd imunity is not happening the way it should and the antibodies only pressent in 7.3% off people tested. Would it be better if we just let the Covid run its course without doing anything? And if so, why? Is that the best we can do? Please see that i am really trying to understand this. I am not afraid of Covid for myself. There is alot of conflicting info on it and i am not sure what is what anymore. I would love to be able to argue from a logic standpoint.
Sry, that was posted in the wrong place.
Hi. I am trying to understand how they are the best numbers? What is the goal?
If herd immunity. I read that people presenting with antibodies after beeing infected are 7.3%
If its about economy. It seems to not be doing better. That acording to swedish MSM themselfs. The countries around sweden are now punishing them. Therefor they seem to be abandoning the herd immunity and taking more measures.
So i guess the “strategy” has failed.
All this for the Flu?
This shit is breaking my brain and my heart.
I dont get it ÷(
I digress.
Probably using ” I digress ” in the wrong way. Maybe I just dont understand. I give up. Suspicious Observers is to me the only community that doesnt suck. Studying, promoting and defending since 2016. Lost all my old friend but gained some new smart and open minded once. Covid will tare us apart. “The deeps are getting exacly what they want” I go back to focusing on the Plasma Cosmology. Eyes open. /Don
After alot of time thinking, reading and wasting both So’s and my time. I will be content with not understanding. I give up. Suspicious Observers is to me the only community that doesnt suck. Studying, promoting and defending since 2016. Lost all my old friend but gained some new smart and open minded once. Covid will tare us apart. “The deeps are getting exacly what they want” I go back to focusing on the Plasma Cosmology. Eyes open. /Don
“Sweden seems to have been lucky this wasnt dangerous and they keep doubting and not knowing and making lame excused for not protecting the elder.”
I take this statement as they took the correct action. Those who locked down overreacted, because as you said, “Sweden with lucky this wasn’t dangerous.” Its the political peacocking that is dangerous and we will have multiple Generations of effect,
Bill gates propsing proformance genetic modification experiments on the hole population to remove there ability to present/experience/acknolage any form of displeasure?
This makes sence, the grease(general pop workers) that lubes the cog(bosses) will open their eyes at some point and cease to perform the only function they served. Then the cogs will get upset and the Machine ( One World Government NWO) will fail.
35:11 “IBEX is looking too far. ”
Should we not be able to see each wave of the galactic sheet interacting ,not just the closest? Granted it is looking for a needel without a hole in a feald of needels.
Is there any correlation to the spacing of nova, and/or “Lost light of Hubbell “? Eg 12 parsecs between(12Light Years distance) , the assumed frequency of the sheet .
Is the lost light just dusty patches from recent nova that has cooled below visable but not cleared enough to allow the light from behind or the original star to pass through?
Yes it seems logic not to lock down for the deathrate of a “fluvirus”. Lock down seems to have been different from country to country. Here, most just got to stay home and still got paid or had home office. The kids had homeschooling. hygiene, distancing and small groups. No limit on movement within the county, no masks. Now we are almost back to normal. Until now 236 people (4.4 per 100k) have died from or with Covid. None yesterday and one today. Sweden with almost no measures taken, though encouraged to hygiene, distancing and small groups. They have 4266 people (42.2 per 100k) dead until now. 95 yesterday and 46 today. They say that the strategy is not herdimunity and the latest numbers in sthlm showed 6% of tested with antibodies. (I stated 7.3% of those who had been infected earlier, must have conflated some numbers) I dont know what the right way is. The effects on the economy dont look good. They went there own way. They said that we where doing the wrong thing, but now they are backtracking. I dont know anymore. This is confusing. I wish them well. Maybe Greta will save them, i hear she is a covid expert for CNN now ;)
Correction. Latest numbers in sthlm showed 6% of tested with antibodies. Not as i stated earlier that 7.3% of those who had been infected had antibodies, must have conflated some numbers. Sry
thank you Ben and the FOTW crew..!!
Henry David Thoreau
Love you and your wonderful content, but Yeah, James Corbett (of the Corbett Report) just did a show on the Video you open with. Although, James and I do believe BG would love to see a vaccine that could remove spirituality from humans (he does show an actual clip of BG sr. and jr. say something to this effect) This video is NOT of B.G. doing a presentation.
Yes, the goal posts moved. This is a psyop to push the populace into a complete fascist Orwellian society. Welcome to the new world of NGO rule over you and decide if you are essential. If you are determined to be Non-essential you may be given a chance to reprogram to an essential function or not. What happens to the people who get put in the Non essential line?
yes sorry thats not Bill Gates. Look at all these retarded comments.
Thanks for the disinformation Ben. I hope you sleep well at night after you spread your shit all over these vulnerable people (your audience). How dare you
LMFAO dont listen to these hillbillies. The real conspiracy is: THIS CHANNEL IS SPONSORED BY THE TRUMP ASSOCIATION!