FOTW March 6, 2021
– A Hidden Solar Forcing: news/calm-days-sunlight-warms- ocean-surface-and-drives- turbulence-study-finds
– Or Gravitomagnetism? about-springer/media/research- news/all-english-research- news/factoring-in- gravitomagnetism-could-do- away-with-dark-matter/18928150
– Space Weather Heart Attacks: 2073-4433/12/3/306
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Ben, the paradigm shift you seek to understand is in the book Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins, Psychiatrist. He found how the material world can get glimpses into the spiritual realm, or dual to. Non-dual, or linear to non-linear. It has many names but it is the humans way to discover any truth vs. non-truth. I’ve read all your books, watched all your shows, movies, etc. Trust me when I say it is what you are looking for.
Gravitons are just as big of a fantasy as ‘dark matter’.
We have a good explanation of gravity, since the 1980s, by Dr Paul LaViolette. I would highly recommend reading his book SubQuantum Kinetics. Dr Paul LaViolette has built a unified theory that really works. Gravity is a property of subatomic particles, it has two polarities, and it follows the electrical charge.
I still call it Kungflu!
Thers a fringe EU yputuber who(sorry,cant find the video) who believes gravity is related to charge differential along the surface of objects.
B”H Yesterday’s podcast was full of important questions.
A few years ago due to one of my coworkers saying, when I said that there were astrophysical reasons that disasters were increasing, ‘sure, I heard that had something to do with extraterrestrials too, and I don’t believe in that’ I replied that, no, this is about celestial bodies and how they change the physics of what happens on our earth and thus how big the storms and seismic events get, something like that (at that point I had been watching mostly Marshall Masters and his Two Suns in the Sky, and this was still about something physical, not ET’s) I decided that there’s just too much hype about whether ET’s exist or not (we were always taught to look for UFO’s when on the road at night, and although it could have been half a joke to keep the kids quiet while Daddy drives in the dark trying to get home fast so he can get to sleep quicker and be ready for the next day’s work, it was never hinted to us that they could have been gov’t spacecraft or that of a foreign gov’t, but it must certainly be ET’s) I looked at to find out what the Lubavitcher Rebbe was saying abou these things. Someone had told me he said, for sure there are no ET’s. Did not sound logical. What I found was that he said to Velvl Greene, an excellent government scientist who joined the Chabad movement later in life, whom I met personally in 1985, that since he is a scientist, he is obligated to find out for sure! Meaning, he considered it a possibility! Well, Greene passed, sadly, and never got that answer, so I have increasingly felt that it’s on me, at least for my own peace of mind, to take it a bit further, even if I can never share what I learn with others… and specifically because I got a lot of my enthusiasm for the religious way of life from him (‘look, here is this very advanced scientist and he became religious, maybe I can too’ that is, a la Chabad, and not like another Chassidic group with whom I had previously taken that step 5 years earlier) and because I got acquainted with his son, who was one of the main teachers at a school where I was helping a bit in the office and cafeteria, and he then married one of my ladies-seminary teachers, who gave me all the clothing she was not going to need any more once she was married, when I had practically nothing, as I’d run away from home with a small duffel bag, $5 and an airline ticket (in my late 20’s) to return to that seminary… and later I got acquainted with the parents of the wife, in Brooklyn, who are/were (o.b.m. for the Daddy ca. 2020) close friends of my Significant Other, so, when it came to Velvl Greene, o.b.m., I was all ears… whatever he did not finish (I did not promise out loud to anyone) I decided, quietly, I need to take up this quest. My friends think I am off the wall from a Jewish perspective because I stay home and look at science and never come to whatever community events we have during COV19, but they do not realize, I have a bee in my bonnet to answer the Rebbe’s questions that Velvl could not answer due to passing away before he had a chance.
So today’s talk deals with a second such question. The Rebbe could not wait until someone would start to figure out how electromagnetic charge relates to gravity! He said that this is the next major field in science, to answer that question, and as the Rebbe was EXTREMELY humanitarian and concerned with the well-being of humans, even of Palestinians who were attacking our people in Israel so much so that he gave a talk that the Israeli government should let them have as many children as they want to because they also are commanded to be fruitful and mutiply, it is obvious to me that the Rebbe’s concern was for the well-being of humanity. We NEED to answer that question to stay alive and healthy, I would guess, judging from his emphasis.
And the Rebbe was no cream puff in math and science. He studied at the Sorbonne, halfheartedly with a Hebrew book under the desk that he was reading simultaneously, yet was able to quickly answer a question in advanced math that took his academic superiors hours to even begin to answer. Until his father-in-law left the world, leaving the Rebbe position open and needy of being filled, he used to ride the bus daily from Crown Heights to the Navy Yard to do mathematical and scientific work for some part of the Department of Defense that was located there. One of his brothers and his wife’s nephew were completely devoted to science (not religion), and as she was his cousin, one can see that science was definitely in the family.
Since I do not have a degree in science, having felt too ill in college to complete Organic Chemistry and Solutions, and thus completing a three-way major in Biology-Philosophy-Religion, which is good for nothing but, perhaps, an MRS, I don’t tell anyone big in my community, that I am into science. They might expect me to understand things I do not. But, my closer friends kno,w about it… because I tend to sometimes tell friends what is on my mind, especially if I think it can help their chldren survive.
This thing about gravity is ESSENTIAL and has to be solved, I am convinced. Velvl Greene is gone, my friend from school, Tab Rasmussen, sadly is now gone for at least 5 years, and he’s only my age, and Dr. Herman Branover is quite elderly and last I knew was feeling quite ill (we saw him on the street a few years ago and he did not look too well at all)… so I HAVE to do something. I can’t just let it be a hobby like applique or multi-stitch embroidery… it is a little bit more urgent, FOR THE CHILDREN. But don’t tell anyone… it’s like the Christmas presents hidden under my ballet-slippers bag on the high shelf in my clothes-closet… nobody could find out WHAT THEY ARE until 1. they are finished and 2. the big day comes when everyone shows out the presents they are giving, and by then it had better be good… since I couldn’t go out and buy anything, had to make something, but do not want to be a nebby gift-giver even so… we have to hatch a few VALID theories in secret, and not bring them out until we see that they work, and then at the right time when people are in the mood of finding out what is new in science… I always am, but I mean the general populace…
But I can’t do much, have symptoms from various things as mentioned before (no wooden leg excuses are allowed to me but sometimes I cannot drag myself around very well let alone think clearly) and every worry and disappointment aggravates those symptoms… stolen election, Harris taking over (after, I have heard, sentencing a person who had been proven innocent to Death Row in her previous job) … I do not want this butcherette running my country or conducting diplomacy in my name. ZOUNDS.
And then the fact that Trump is in danger, after a harrowing four years with multiple murder attacks being fended off, probably due to the fact that he authorized the Pentagon to try and rescue some of the trafficked infants and children from underground… and the fact that I have not heard from the journalist who was at the Pentagon’s behest notifying those people in the public who could find his sites, that such liberation had been accomplished, and who had asked some questions, to get people thinking, about why certain things happened with George Floyd and Joe Biden, exposing the possibility that the fraud in the current (yes, it’s violent as it’s related to over six months of rioting, killing, and burning of public buildings) coup was deeper than most imagine… not just about election results but a few even darker plans… he has not posted since 2/3, so this has me very on edge and I snap and get angry for nothing and get symptoms and the whole nine yards, so I have, as of yet, no answers to the Rebbe’s questions in science… it’s not just a clown world but quite worse, and yet, specifically, this is when the inner light shines. This is a testing time in which each human will be challenged to let his OWN light shine and he/she will win his/her OWN PLACE in the next state of existence, and we cannot win such rewards without tests, so, here is the test, and I pray for every member of SO’s because powermongers hate the TRUTH and SO”s is all about truth.
What will bring down this monkey-business mockery of a federal administration that began 1-20-21? I feel so sorry for liars, because (this is to quote my Mom o.b.m. who used to tell me what kinds of students to avoid) those who lie to others are in terrible danger because chances are they are lying to themselves, too, and even more so, and thus they will be ensnared by their own lies! This is NOT about sending someone to the White House with a crayon-size Batman-sourced disintegrator to reduce each illegitimate usurper to a pile of powder that will be kept in test tubes until they have repented.
One very important part of the clown act is that clowns have very big feet, and eventually they trip over their own feet and fall over, and get very sore. They retire to their make-up tents and can be seen, if anyone creeps into the tent to spy on them, crying from loneliness, and streaking all of their makeup. That’s why they NEED makeup. They have to paint on the smile, because they are all, in real life, tragic figures.
But jugglers do NOT trip. JUGGLERS cannot afford to make mistakes, as they are throwing torches, eating fire, and doing other dangerous things. They rely on skill, not on illusion. They had better not fall off the unicycle because it would hurt. If we will dare to be JUGGLERS then the people can be cheered up and entertained without having to watch these miserable, lugubrious clowns… and we can STEAL THE SHOW and in that process notify the public where the REAL dangers are and why they should not waste their time obsessing about cow-flatulence or the burning of wood or coal when otherwise they will die of frost.
Thank you for laying the groundwork in your risky research and postings for the preservation of our greatest resources …. HUMAN RESOURCES. Lies kill because they give the wrong information and thus prevent the continuation of life, which is preserved only via the right information. Thank you for your hard work in providing and disseminating alternatives to the (currently enforceable) lies. You deserve PURPLE HEARTS, all of you.
An interesting thought I’ve had for a while now regarding Clown World might be worth consideration. Ben has reported on the numerous papers that describe (in particular) the psychological effects of space weather and also, in mice, the effect of a lowered magnetic field. Combine this with the stories from widespread and far-flung cultures about how people basically turned evil and away from spirit just before the cataclysms. I truly think these pieces cannot be ignored when looking at current behavior or our “dear leaders”.
well the solution is simple…. thanks
well also you can track your ups shipment…why cant you track your vote… here in Washington state… you can see that your vote was counted….but it would be nice to also see how many hand (names) got hold of it.
Ben, this is what I think. The stuff we are experiencing now used to live in the shadows, dark alleyways, behind closed doors, in the darkness of our minds – now it has begun a naked dance in the middle of the super bowl – because we are running out of time
Cyril is correct. It is called a blending back together. In the ancient town of Babble God separated the people and scattered them globally, and mixed up their languages so no one could understand the other – because the evil in their hearts was letting them think they can do whatever they wanted to do. It gets worse with the blending together of monies, religions, cultures, and another one world leader (like Nimrod) just a lot worse is on the way. As we get closer to that time, it will get more unbelievable each day.
hence your “clown world” – except I see nothing funny about any dam bit of it.
As ben said, its easier to control two groups than 1000 groups. But the way that they will control the two groups is in this manner
1. Their group will be left alone
2. The other group will be eliminated
3. First, eliminate them online and at work
4. Next, big brother will eliminate them in real life – weed them out of their delusional society.
Orwell 1984.
Really, Mental breakdown and pain?
Kazan state Federal University E-Archive :: The Peculiar Features of Cognitive Processes in Rats Exposed to a Hypomagnetic Field Using Moderate Magnetic Shielding —
I felt three days of real pain due to self induced bad chemistry from Friday through Sunday. I never knew how bad a migraine could be. It focused on my right eye so badly I actually felt as though my eye would burst. Now I wonder just how much pain those rats felt?
… One possible connection to the rat shielding study and dog behavior may indicate that dogs benefit from magnetic orientation. Dogs seem to orient north and south when defecating. Could this adaptation be due to better awareness when in that position? Is defecation a vulnerable state for dogs and other canines?
I am still recovering from last weekend. I am finding it harder to navigate with the keyboard and to concentrate on scientific articles. I have never felt that bad or I have forgotten feeling that bad for good reason… all due to too much dark chocolate? never again and pass me the MAO please
if I ever get my focus back I may listen to this and the other S0 content I have missed.
So, I used this new software to put together a slideshow-thingy that tries to make sense of S0’s content. There are a lot of links that Ben rattles through everyday, and I would imagine only the dedicated fans read every paper.
This thing is more for the average everyday internet user to help understand the micronova/CME event, than the dedicated fans
This thing is editable and you can make it your own and share your own links of your own content.
Anyway, take a look, see if it helps at all, and if you find it useful, modify it, make it your own and share it.
Dear S0 community
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) – YouTube
hope this posts this time
UPDATE the presentation I linked above is full of outright false information…
the web site associated with the presentation uses … scripts beware
… that said there is too much good observing going on in the presentation as well so put on suspicious observer filters if you watch the presentation and maybe you can even get some ears on learning experience on how to detect Bull as in 0Bservers
no bull?
sorry for the risky link above
Is sub-quantum effects not just the name given to Aether purtabations???
Its somewhat irritating that if you post a comment wile listening to the FOTW Podcast here, that when you click POSTCOMMENT, the audio is stopped and goes back to the start…..
My feeling is that universes are recycling bins and black holes garbage disposals…universes are fertile ground and everything recycles…it was always there and will always be. It’s just my gut feeling.
Melting pot Vs tosed salad bowl
Sink or swim sepperated by value(dincity) Vs no continuity/ compartmentalized
Organised natural sorting Vs vomit