FOTW March 12, 2022

– Reduce CO2, Trigger Rapid Ice Age:
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    But still there was a lot of petting going on in appreciation… if you were a doggy you would have been wiggling on your back…. Lol

  • Vortex

    I’m surprised that you guys cant understand why Russia is using old vehicles, they’re as close as you’d get to the big burb in military gear.

  • cjan137

    Can anyone hear the wealth of the nation circling the drain? Russia and China have pulled the proverbial plug. Can you hear it?

    Don’t worry about Russia. Don’t worry about Biden. Worry about getting the f out of fiat and in to hard assets.

  • CommonCents

    Too many ‘nazi’ tactics used during covid to be coincidence. Did we really defeat them in WWII? The ‘bad actors’ surely know what’s coming vis a vis the sun. It’s easy for soulless evil-doers to rationalize culling the human race (for their own gain) if they believe nature may do the same soon enough. Technocracy is their answer to the coming end of the age. But it’s evil and dehumanizing. Our SO community is on the right track of transparency, objective scientific inquiry and respect for the individual. It’s a human weakness to be easily fooled and misled, but our strength is our love and commitment to a worthy cause. The founders of our country are good role models for us. They risked everything to stand up and work for what was right. (Patriot has a course on it that’s tops.) There is much to do to prepare individually and collectively for the future we all face, but it should be done with love and humanity.

  • Ametrine Moonshadow

    My feeling is we need to step back and look at the “bigger picture” much as I hate that phrase. Why are Westerners so easily led? A stampede from one thing to another? Low info, no critical thinking skills and ruled by their emotions. By which they are easily led.
    Poor quality education. For the majority anyway. The Feds took over our public school education and started dumbing the population down. Why? Makes us easier to control by the “Elites”, who get a different education, so to speak.
    Just like it was back the good old days of Royalty and Peasants. Keep the majority fighting amongst themselves and the few can do what they want.

  • Katz

    I don’t think the goal is CHAOS but rather the consequence of them cooking something. Other than screwing ordinary people, leaving us powerless and moneyless…what is the real deal? What are they cooking up? It just feels something big is coming but it doesn’t feel good…

  • bumpkin

    The reason that some folk think Jan 6 was an insurrection is because of how easily humans, especially the non-computing elderly, are hypnotized. Ten-toes up, in their easy chairs, tuning into the Public Programmers on their Programmer box, with their clickers in their hands, and they believe absolutely EVERYTHING their favorite hypnotist tells them. I mean lock, stock, and barrel. But, then there are the folks like my own BEAUTIFUL daughter, who is a computer nerd, married to a programmer, and SHE told me, “mom! They would not be allowed to lie to all of us!” Like there is some over-watch for honesty. (sigh) She is actually not stupid. She IS incredibly naive. Because Mama never let these kids get away with lying, she thinks that there is some grand ‘mama’ ruling the nations that insist on truth, apparently.

  • bumpkin

    Did you guys see the video of Zelensky(whatever his name is) -and spouse, singing and playing their guitars together that was floating around FB today? I stopped by to say hi to a few family, and DANG, they are even performing for sympathy! (gag me!) Trolling for swoons…

  • bumpkin

    Where’s Faux Fauci? Someone told him to shut up in case we had to go to war, because NOBODY would show up for boot camp if we were all still P’d off, and one cannot have a war if nobody shows up for it.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload gentlemen.

  • Linefeed

    Where’s Faucci? Maybe in a Ukraine biolab scrubbing evidence?

  • Roos Kohn

    See the chat as a IBER succes
    Fitting uptic in the earthquakes listening to fotw on Sunday evening.
    A live on say Discord would be fun just for subscribers here.

    We are having the warmest winter in Holland I have ever been trough. No complaining with gas prices at €10 dollar a galllon.

    I am thinking to move to Butan. Holland is not a place to be in an earth flip being 6 meter under sea level.

    I notice I vent my thoughts here without reading all the other comments and I feel that is a bit anti social so I’m going to work on that.

    Stay safe
    Rosie Kohn

  • Roos Kohn

    That made me laugg

  • Roos Kohn


  • Roos Kohn

    My thoughts om the hidden leaders, what ever they are named, is that they work with the same info as discussed here about science of the sun and Mickey Way So Russia puts in some ancient material busts up evidence about covid and yes there is like 9/11 collateral damage but the event is great to keep the viel over the eyes of the masses who could not handle the truth.
    Russia cut a deal as they will need the south habit. Put on is part of the WEF as much as practically every leader in the world.

    Zelenski may have gotten greedy asking Hunters millions back or something. Maybe he was blackmailing by threatening to uncover some plots. What does it matter.

    All I see is a big turmoil coming from the heavens and we can’t let our eyes be blinded by the daily news. Only here we can find out the important stuff.

  • Roos Kohn

    Sorry for the typos
    Mickey =Milky

  • Mrs. Altmann

    Pbs”d this thing about seeking to isolate all individuals , each in the unique world of his/her own opinion, this was done on the first locked psych ward I lived on, the first time I was there. They did not want patients forming close relationships with each other. They wanted to make sure all relational energy from each patient would be given to his/her respective psychiatrist. This is the extreme keel of greed we are facing from those that aspire to be global controllers down to the minutiae of each individual’s momentary thoughts.

  • sean leech

    Thanks S0, great discussion . As Billy said , ‘ There is only one truth’ and time will expose it. All the theories put forward on the Russia – Ukraine conflict have a ring of truth but the changes to the world order as a consequence of this provoked conflict will reveal its purpose over time.

  • Peacefrog

    Don Lé mon – Most poopy face ever

    Dis information- willingly slopped up at the poop trough.

    Ultimate evil goal- total chaos.

    ?Whats Billy’s news reference guy? Midway through…
    Don Ice…?

    Billy: Everyone of us was almost blue libs- 10-15 yrs ago, now look at us… yep in that/this group

    America was not named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci but named after the god of Peru AMARUCA “The Land of the Plumed / Feathered Serpents”

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