FOTW June 1, 2019

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  • John Mallary

    Hi Theresa 😘

  • epeeb1

    I wonder just what they will say when they look back on us and what we did or didn’t do in a hundred years from now ?

  • Michael

    I look forward to these discussions very much. thank you. Northern NH 33 degrees this morning.

  • Johnathan Jones

    The GEC (global electric circuit) is coming through a atmosphere. If Earth is a capacitor among many other types of electrical components, does it matter what it is composed of? Does the atmospheres of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, the Moon , Mars and the atmospheres of Stars all behave the same electrically? Well we can look at how man has built electrical components out of different materials to accomplish attainment of different electrical properties to attempt to answer this question. The short answer is we use different stuff in different configurations to do different things. So can man wack the weather by changing things that are part of the GEC? Hmmm, good question, who would think what a planet is made of could effect what it does. Yet, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are fairly big size yet they behave and exhibit such pronounced differences. Could even their atmospheres compositions play a part in how they behave? I think so and looking at how man had changed the atmosphere of Earth so much, I now have to peel the Earth problem onion and look at how we could inadvertently change the manifestation of the GEC effects by our changing the “wires” it runs on. Ever hear the saying/ insult , you could break a steal ball with a rubber mallet? Well, mankind can break a Iron ball bare handed….all it requires is no thought required. But I digress. I will get back to this with more conclusive material analysis estimations soon.

    Tornadoes, Ben grew up in Pittsburgh, I grew up in Cincinnati. Although they are mileage wise close, they are geographically light years apart. Geography separates how a cold front breaks on the shore of a standing warm air front mass, yet as things are atmospherically going into flood conditions, we are seeing weather events never seen in those areas. While absorbing the electrical influences spoken about , in how it can affect a 🌪 dropping, which would be a solid in predicting where and when. But still, a hot still day where you feel a cold air mass cover a hot afternoon air mass and sit on it, you should be aware as night arrives and the cold air presses down and the hot air wants to come up like the air in the pipes below your draining bath tub, the shawazzele is hitting the fanziselle. This knowledge was learned by actual experience and almost having my car thrown off a highway overpass as we were driving over 275 in the Cincinnati Area. Short answer is, I noted temperatures more driving a than GEC ruling here. Still if something could be found to measure a predict, one hot day from many….

    Aerosols are like dust, pollution and other things in the air, clearly they affect comic radiation as well as other energies coming in and going out. It is interesting to look at this not only from a insulative heat pump system point of view, but from how it can material compositionally affect the GEC. Just another big field and perspective to look at that arguably has not been looked at until,…now. Wow I feel like quite the explorer……tomb raider!

  • Johnathan Jones

    Magnetic map, well north and south are different, equator and poles are different and oceans and land are different (conductive material differences). These differences are my first criteria rules in trying to make estimations of value in this map. It is pretty pronounced.

  • Duffy

    Great talk this week. I like to imagine that I’m attending a college of electric cosmology and I get to listen in to the professors talking in the teacher’s lounge. I spend a lot of time thinking about the logical process by which one might deal with proof of planetary extinction, say 50 years ago. I was given a copy of Hal Linseys Late Great Planet Earth on Kodiak Island at the age of 15 while away from home on a high school wrestling trip. I am no longer a fan of Mr. Linsey’s books but the idea of the “end of the world” stuck. It has been a modest life’s quest for me to get to the bottom of a growing list of shit that just doesn’t add up ever since. History, Science, Religion, Government, Medicine, Economics, everywhere I’ve looked I’ve found dysfunction, distortion, and deception. None of that makes any sense if we are solving problems and seeking long term solutions for humanity from a world leadership perspective, instead what we are seeing looks like reckless power grabbing and hoarding behaviors from the top down. This time in history looks nothing like the future that I imagined for the world. Only Electric Universe theory has offered me a logical cohesive and comprehensive insight into the world I see around me. Now the past, the present, and the future are more aligned for me. What a profoundly ironic time we live in. Just when we finally start to solve some of the greatest mysteries of mankind, mother earth wipes us off her ass. Bittersweet indeed! LOL I continue to be humbled and honored to be a fly on your wall.

  • Brad

    Question for the Observers Community. Having watched all of Douglas B Vogt’s videos on his channel and of course been involved with the Observer community from pretty much the beginning ( Have never missed a video released by Ben or a Fly on the wall talks) does anyone have an opinion on the “Micro Nova” or full on “Nova” as far as it being cyclic? If so does anyone consider given all the information we have to date are we in fact close to experiencing one of these said Nova blasts? I am asking because to me this is a very exciting time to be alive. I often think that if the current time frame is referred to as the 5th age of man what happened to the other 4? More and more we are seeing ancient writings or new discoveries happening all over the world were these attempts to leave information for those that would survive? What I mean is that if we are in fact close to one of these Nova events would it not be of great importance to preserve what we know now in a format that survivors of these events could find and then rebuild rather than starting over from as an example the “Stone Age”? If it were possible to create several data caches covering everything like Medical, Electrical, Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and so many other things that would help jump start civilization as we know it for those that survived? These data caches could also have writings regarding law and order, things NOT to repeat like religious beliefs or factions, wars, weapons etc. I mean in theory we could write an entire new people teaching them what not to do, like do not use money, categorization of people based on their jobs, money, beliefs etc I mean you could do away with money, class warfare, religious fanaticism and ridiculous laws. I guess this could be considered a data vault or time capsule. I have often wondered if the Georgia Guide stones were in fact not meant for us but for survivors of some great cataclysm a future people kind of like a reboot. Anyway this is a fascinating topic to study or ponder and an exciting time to be alive. Peace.

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