FOTW July 28, 2018
On the line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Adrian, Tony, Todd
– “Gravity” Redshift:
– Pacific Northwest Geoelectric Hazard:
– Conspiracy in Solar Physics:
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I want to go to inertia to think out gravity
Along with inertia like a ride where you are held against the spinning wall and you are held against the wall and the floor drops out as long as the spin keeps going but I will share that the invisible wall is the atmosphere and that weight creates gravitational force but also there is not much or no gravity in empty space it is more 0bserved near spheres. Just my personal theoretical thoughts Billy Roger’s 2018
According to the Department of Energy and Infrastructure, they are very concerned with restarting energy after an outage – which would be a nightmare; as well as prediction, preparedness, and risk minimization.
According to those in charge, we do not have any extra large transformers, nor the ability to make any in less time than 1-2 years because of materials and lack of parts. Being prepared on one’s own would be the way to go. We may be frozen to death before the power comes back on. Wood burning stoves?
I posted this on yesterday’s news. It’s a book… But this stuff is beyond a 240 character comment.
Also, John A Eddy was cool. After watching a documentary in school on the coming ice age in the 70s. I had to write a report. I wrote him and he replied with encouragement and a copy of his paper. He was definitely the first S0. But has I not found this new S0?
That memory would have remained in the dusty void between my ears.
Here’s my post.
Some very cool vids on the Sagittarius 2 star.
I like being able to zoom in on videos.
(Book Alert…)
Fascinating EM anomaly… although the details in the ESA public release were most sparce.
I’m assuming the Einstein validation is the star not being consumed by the black holes massive gravity, as the time dilation allows it to escape the event horizon’s inescapable attractive force, briefly changing its EM signature in the red band, as we see it.
What I found interesting was this star appears to be orbiting on a plane relatively perpendicular to our line of sight.
It’s motion keeps it about the same distance from our position of perspective.
So it’s not moving towards or away from us yet, it’s EM signature, according to eso, experiences a change in the spectrum wavelength of red only. (I’m assuming… No mention of others…)
So it’s not the train whistle redshift effect, it’s something else… (I don’t think it would invalidate redshift as a cosmic yardstick because this effect is restricted to only the closest star to Sagittarius A.)
The first video in the ESA link shows the Space-time Blanket being depressed by the black hole, and time dilation is inferred. OK…
I get it. They were watching for behavior in line with special relativity and saw one. Cool!
What I’m not seeing are those aspects of alternatives to the presumed cause of this phenomenon, being sought or even considered, nor efforts to invalidate their hypothesis, so according to ESA, only one cause and explanation is on the table. In other words they’re not looking for anything but confirmation of the Einstein Assumptions. OK, fine.
So what other potential conditions may exist which, could produce a shift in wavelength besides gravity, and how can those be falsified?
One way is to believe that any alternatives are nonsense which… Appears to be the case here…
But in the Electric Universe, a galactic center is thought to be a galactic scale plasmoid. A region where the current flows of galactic arm birkeland currents converge, and are contained by the powerful magnetic fields of the energetic electrons interacting in the containment area with each other, and with the positive ions drawn into *AND* drawn into and out of that region, along with those field aligned current flows of galactic arms.
Also interacting with the varying magnetic fields, produced by electrons and ions ejected by galactic center jets.
The powerful magnetic fields involved would certainly affect changes in the resonant energy of the particles making up the atoms, making up the molecules, forming the star S2.
As all lightwaves are generated by the frequency resonance of sub atomic particles, which vary with energies induced?
Changes in resonance would be expected to reflect changes in their spectral (light) outputs.
So this would involve other spectrum as well, if electricity were the driving force and not gravity here. There would also be changes in other ranges of light. Not just the red, as proximity to the galactic center changes with the magnetic forces encountered by the star at parahelion.
We may be seeing the direct effect of a transition of fractal zones, where the energy of a galactic Z pinch is processed into the distribution and resorbsion patterns of an electrically powered galaxy, at the same point in space where the Milky Way’s scaled up Z pinch is located. And the redshift change is similar to what Aarp saw. Quantum redshifts, of the matter comprising this object.
That’s merely a different perspective than that of the ESA. But isn’t it the responsibility of the scientist to seek and consider all possible perspectives, when interpreting their findings?
This seems a good example of how a narrow perspective limits perception. Looking too hard for one thing can make it impossible to see anything else.
One thing’s for sure, there’s definitely something there. What I’m missing is… if a galactic center is a region of containment for energetic sub atomic particles, we should see powerful magnetic fields and the EM signatures of those particles. But we don’t see the EM signature.
Unless it’s obscured by dust…? (Which is definitely present.) It’s not there!
Fact is we do not know what is there. Until we do, only the suspended disbelief of our own assumptions can hope to allow us to see the answer to the eternal question…
WTF is really goin on?
The Parker Solar Probe will be launched in AUGUST and they want to land on Mars in 2033 (Congress).
Excited for more lightning videos. I especially enjoyed the return strike conversation. Very cool.
5 Alternative Explanations for the Redshift we Observe
This could be old news, but posting it just in case. I haven’t watched everything on this site yet :)
Something about plasma causing redshift at 8:35.