FOTW July 17, 2021
– Interdecadal LOD Changes: 05449.pdf
– Galactic Spiral Shocks: 04975.pdf
– Centrifugal Breakout Micronova: 05649.pdf
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It’s amazing how much “In Your Face” crap these people are getting away with.
Beyond amazing is how many are ok with it, are ignorant of it, how many just curl up in a ball and ignore it and how many are actually part of it.
70 million voters were overtly pissed on by all of the above. Now effectively squelched by the status quo.
At what point does respecting the rights of those we disagree with, place us all in a position we will never be able to recover from, and the wilted tree of liberty beyond recovery?
Those who by their own life’s choices, are fully dependant upon the status quo and our economic system. Their ability to sustain their families and indeed their very lives, is extremely vulnerable to the loss everything in literally a single flash.
There’s still some good in this world folks!
At what point does that leftover good become worth fighting for?
I fear that the phrase “Too Little Too Late”, has become prophetic and that respect I spoke of is giving way to apathy.
I feel it… That’s why I moved to my own little 0bserver ranch in the middle of nowhere.
Time to start building my impenetrable ark. I figure I’ll just float the wave on up to The 0bserver Ranch. I certainly have plenty of trees…;)
Some may view catastrophism as Doom and Gloom!
But sadly, it seems to be looking more and more, like the last road to salvation.
Mom was an ex O.S.S. employee, and a Lockheed engineer. She died in 2010, telling us we were in the end times and that I would live to see it!
I thought back then it was simply her religious fervour and belief in the Fatima end times prophecies.
Now I’m not sure… Now I think it may have been her finding a way around the numerous polygraphs she took and NDAs she signed.
If you are without a plan?
Good luck with that.
Regarding Todd’s crypto statement about crypto being 100% traceable, he’s right. At least that’s what Martin Armstrong says. Armstrong says that crypto is being used to make people think that it’s more secure than cash so the central banks can replace cash with digital currency. @Wild Eye Tuna posted a link last week where a member of the BIS stated outright that the BIS is preparing to be able to not only determine who has currency but also what that currency will be allowed to be spent on. Go back to last week’s FOTW and follow her link to hear it for yourselves. For anyone who needs BIS context, they’re known as the central bank of central banks.
X’s statement that we need to go to paper ballots is also correct. Before she left Congress, Tulsi Gabbard introduced a bill to restore election integrity by mandating that all elections return to paper ballots. Needless to say, Congress chose to ignore her. She had been in the bad graces of Dems due to her insistence of prioritizing integrity over ideology.
Hey Adrian! I do not see ANY new videos on your youtube channel SuspectSky for the past 3+months. Are you doing this podcast from somewhere else today?
Yeah, Australian elections use paper ballots, initialed by the issuing officer for each voter. Sure we are a smaller population but the line of custody is clear, down to the issuing officer to the recount and scrutinized by any party or candidate nominee and done by people employed on affirming they have no political membership or affiliation. Mind you it gets silly for Senate votes with a voting paper up to 2 meters wide (taller than Ben!) They having not yet invented a party/political group I would like to join, I work Australian Federal Elections each time, (nice pin money). Other issues can happen like when a candidate in a Chinese speaking rich electorate put up signs to say in Chinese “The only legal vote is for whoever that candidate was”. It made a big scandal, but it was limited to one electorate. Fair elections are limited to the ethics and honesty of the candidates and their team…tricky.
Check out suspect sky on bitchute for the discussions. Information is there on how to join on discord if you like. Take care. 💐
Will there be an election that’s viable come ‘22.
There is NOTHING secure… …
Amen, dude.
No great loss. Adrian is an idiot.
Hello S0 community,
I just heard Ben Davidson mention atomic clocks and had a thought. If I am correct and time is directly related to the density of energy and emptiness in any region then measuring the rotation of Earth by comparing atomic behaviors with Earths orientation could be rather subjective. Should we not have clocks in multiple locations or environments like one out beyond Sols membrane and one near Sols energy dense nucleus on mercury so we can get a more objective time sense? If Sol is passing into zones of depleted emptiness as he or she enters the Galactic current sheet then time should be regionally variable… or rather change should happen at a rate that is dependent on the ratio of emptiness to fullness or the availability of emptiness to be adsorbed by fullness?
I vote for an accurate clock outside Sol’s membrane and one very close to sol that can be checked and for finding reliable devices like pulsars to be included in temporal validation and or correction.
an atomic clock is going to be subject to the same alterations in energy to emptiness ratio as will the Earth. The time and change measurement using a local atomic clock is therefor subjective where as adjusted measurements involving multiple devices in multiple locations should be better if not definitively objective?
thanks for reading and blessings
I think you are both right….I do not believe the depiction of the current sheet when you show that Parker spiral animation is accurate….a transverse wave’s motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation….remember a wave is not a thing, it’s what a thing does….they are propagations in the medium….a transverse wave requires 2 mediums and a delineated surface between them….in this Parker spiral I do not believe these “waves” are transverse…they are longitudinal question is do they exist only in the aether??? I do not believe so….I’m not sure how to reconcile that…..these waves do not carry anything at least not in the direction of propagation….Do waves on a pond carry debris from the center to the edge or vise versa….with no wind, debris would only move up and down; perpendicular to the direction of propagation….
Major White’s deep involvement in the secretive agencies DOES NOT help his credibility.
Because just like Hapgood, he could have very easily altered the truth, altered the documents etc.
EVEN IF WHITE WAS 100% HONEST, that is science from the 1940s and 1950s, definitely NOT something I would take as gospel. The most fledgling field of science, and subject o many many errors and misinterpretations.
I do not like that you cannot edit or delete a comment,…..
I don’t agree with everything in your statement, but I do agree that the election was overtly scammed and the resulting backlash and dissent has largely been ignored…..what gets me is people still are waiting for gov’t to fix itself….dude I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if there has been no organized resistance to protect the liberties of the population…..then those liberties are gone and the resistance is a fantasy….everyone with eyes to see can see the reality of whose country this is, or to be more specific whose it isn’t………
I also chuckle at the irony of the “End of History” being what is going to preserve our freedom……God wins again…….
We are definitely on a train wreck happening in slow motion and not much we can do about it. Getting the word out and making people aware of what’s happening is what you do best. Keep up the good work Ben and stay ahead of the ‘Ministry of Truth’!
Why is the disaster prediction app Not workng?
Hi community,
RE: the Low Velocity Zone and Earth’s exceptional situation…
I can not ignore the exceptional nature of our situation when trying to anticipate the behavior of Earth in respect to the Low Velocity Zone. Do we observe how unusual is the Earth moon Sol relationship? That alone has me suspecting that the stability or lack there of of the Earth’s crust is not purely determined by the laws of Nature or rather i suspect the laws of Nature are being followed but managed for the benefit of one or more benefactors of Humanity and Earth. When I observe Sol’s behaviors towards Earth I must suspect an exceptional relationship and or management on behalf of Earth either by Sol or by someone or something else. Ask Jesus indeed and LOL I like that Mr. Davidson.
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Hmmm… I’m not seeing how the bow shocks mentioned in “Highest-Resolution Rotation Curve of the Inner
Milky Way proving the Galactic Shock Wave
” PDF. I hear the shocks caused by moving gas vs stationary or interstellar medium within the arms but not about the waves propagating between the arms. The picture on page five is no help to the blind. If I provide a surface where there is delineation between dense matter and energy and far less density then I can see where waves could be. That is what I had always imagined the galactic current sheet to be. Professor Yoshiaki Sofue seams to be describing something different within the spiral arms driving star formation rather than the thing that Sol interacts with every twelve thousand or so years. Now I am seeing bulges in thickness of a sort of fabric rather than seeing the fabric itself being ruffled or pleated in sinusoidal forms. Like waves of water but both above and below a sort of X axis with the Galactic planes as being that X and the amplitude of the waves being on the Y axis and distance from the center of the galaxy being Z and also a sort of modifier of Z orZ’prime… All this being confined as a plasma form? A plasma structure at the galactic plane?
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at time frame 33:24 and is any one monitoring the speeds of rotation of Mars and Venus as precisely as we do Earth? Should we b doing just that?
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Is here any causal relationship between the altitude of Ice and the eventual destination of melt water with respect to Earth’s rotational speed?
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When there is a change in the local magnetic field surrounding Sol and passing through Sol there should be an accompanying orientation of some matter or dust that could be detected by sending out polarized radio waves and detecting returns. If we could ping the surrounding dust at a given distance we could effectively put a magnetic finger to the galactic wind or rather the galactic magnetics surrounding Sol… No? Is there a place surrounding Sol outside his or her membrane where dust and or gas that responds to magnetics resides? I suggest locating such a resource and sending out a polarized rotating magnetic transmission to various locations and detecting the polarization of the returns to detect if such a polarization of matter exists and if and when it changes.
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OK then, What is obvious now in our times is seldom what it seems.
It seems obvious that the last presidential election was stolen. Perhaps but consider how useful it has been to divide factions in nations being softened in preparation for exploitation and or disruption. Consider how some one could want Biden in office and also want to set deeper the wedges between the two parties and even within the parties. I could see the manipulators of Humanity needing Biden in office and also wanting to further disrupt the United States. At the same time such hidden hands may benefit by framing one or more nations as the actors in such a theft as is being perceivedTo further disguise themselves by placing all manner of obvious red herring in the form of obvious evidences… see? The red herring would have investigators arguing while precious time passes and Biden’s administration settles in. How likely is it that the result of the last election will be reversed? The very obvious lies surrounding us and U.S. also serve to drive more and more cognitive dissonance that seems to me to be like the “How many fingers?” and “how many lights?” with the immediate punishment for not accepting the wrong answer EG lies. Are we, as a species, being broken in the sense that only the compliant among us will remain after all the real Human Beings are weeded out? People who refuse to accept the election result, the official story of the first second and our current 9/11 stories, the idea that Humanity is in charge in Earth and the other lies will either succumb to cultural pressure or be eliminated by being labeled and marginalized out of mind and sight? It is very demoralizing to fight for the FLCCC Alliance only to have all the institutions keep right on lying! It must be very frustrating to know that Earth’s climate is being determined by Sol’s behavior and not ours. How frustrated are republicans who can see and hear now even as they find plenty of evidence but only ever get ignored by courts and the main stream. How long have architects been fighting to dispute the N.I.S.T. findings and those of the 9/11 commission? The behavioral psychology being deployed is very powerful that uses cognitive dissonance to drive despair and demoralizes patriots?
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No Mr. Davidson… the facts show that the election was manipulated. at time frame 44:51 …
The facts do not show that Joe Biden did it or that the democrats did it. The facts do show that someone and or something manipulated the election. I am not convinced that the Democrats achieved this, rather it seems more likely that the hidden hands made this happen from outside any nation state and for there own reasons. but that is just how I see it from my perspective.
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Is it not necromancy to try to resurrect democracy now? Democracy has been a tool of organized crime for too long. Democracy has proven to be inadequate as a form of government due to it’s inherent vulnerability to seduction. Democracy dies in the dark where there is no truth in fact lies are not at all compatible with democracy. No people can hope to make good choices in the current social cesspool that is our uncivilization. We are not now nor have we been civilized in Earth. Human Beings have been owned and domesticated for the whole of this cycle of Humanity in Earth. Democracy is used as a counterpoint to communism in the operation that uses Human Beings to ripen Earth. Until and Unless we see this and achieve the perspective adequate to see our true relationship to the greater ecosystem and economy that exists on the Galactic scale then we can not hope to self govern, diverge from our domestication and transcend the illusions that keep us domesticated… see? We will never be civilized until we see our true reality? As long as Humanity can not agree on such things as the reason there are triangular platforms hovering in Earth’s atmosphere, as long as we can not see the hidden hands outside the sand box filled with toys then we will continue to be owned and property and domesticated into perpetual social adolescence. Just as dogs are not ever wolves we are never truly integrated and Natural Human Beings or what ever our non domesticated forms may have been… perhaps the natural men and woman are here as Big Foot or some other forms we do not recognize. I often address readers as Human Beings and other Earthlings with my perspective demanding inclusion?
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the frame for the presentation has just gone to something called undefined?
internet glitch so posting Justin Case
“Certain private interest . . .” Enquiring minds want to know more!
bs”d I also saw exactly what happened, with the count starting the evening of Nov 3 and forward, and Jan. 6, and coverage since, and I am SO angry (because with those of us on the schizoaffective continuum, fear manifests as anger and I know the bad guys are in control now) that i could explode… and if I do not, something else will… it always happens that way… when I have to suppress my feelings too much the disasters start up again.. so I am trying to learn to be humanitarian and effective with my concerns, to figure out how to induce the bad guys to leave their posts, the liars to start telling the truth, etc., so I will not feel explosive… because those disasters hurt. It was that way when Hurricane Sandy hit… I was very angry, and very suppressed… not that my anger caused it, but, sychronicity….
My mom o.b.m. taught me that the criminal hurts himself more than he hurts anyone else, because he believes his own lies, so he is actually making himself crazy. There losers in the NWO, WEF, & the dam Dem Party are destroying their own pyches, emotional stability, personaitlies, and characters every moment they fail to reliquich stolen power, tell the truth, and get the *^%@)**@ out of their positions. AARGGGGHHHHHH..
Voting – yes return to paper ballots. Voter ID a must, and dip your finger in ink and put the imprint on the register, and on the ballot. As people leave the building, a count of the people with an inked “I voted” finger. The voting register, and ballots and the number of people who left the building need to all match. We need to really go overboard on security.
Flies On The Wall: You see NO benefits in destroying ALL markets? Hmm. Wait a minute… if you are right, we only have 20-30 years before the next event. Perhaps they agree with you and know even more than you imagined. We all know you cannot save 325 million people in the USA. What is the number? 32 million people?
So we need to get rid of 300 million people.
Why? Those people are going to be DANGEROUS in the end. They could ruin the plans of saving the 32 million.
And you should agree we CANNOT have ANY rebels in our underground cities. We want obedient people… like those who go get their vaccines. Who knows how long we will be underground.
Now let us all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
Excellent post dragorios. :-)
Thank you for the upload gentlemen.
Let’s just say that Trump was cheated into office too; so that he could set up the house, have the walls removed and glass installed for the outside people to see what was going on inside. Now we have a whole diverse set of passer-bys. Those who refuse to look that way. Those who are looking in with disbelief. Those who are denying they see an elephant in the den. Those who are trying the windows to see if they can get in to clean up. Those who are criticizing the remodeling. Those who are pretending to tend the lawn while watching the passer-bys singing ‘keep moving, nothing to see in here’. And finally those who wish mother nature would open a sink hole right beneath it.
I tend to think of it as a house of cards and wonder which card will cause the onset fall of it all.
Kind regards.