FOTW January 9, 2021

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  • cjan137

    I really appreciate all the different perspectives that this platform provides on a weekly basis. Thank you all!!

  • Blue State Bandit

    I have been looking into moving for the past year, socking away non-fiat assets and spending entirely too much tome on Zillow. I’ve looked at CO, but my focus has been WV mainly because with limited resources, and doing it alone, I needed to be in driving distance of PA/NJ for work and support network. When I heard Ben’s contest to design a campground, this is pretty much what I was hoping was in the works.

    My biggest question is location, location, location. Which direction outside of Colorado Springs is the land located. There are more employment opportunities for me between Denver and C Springs than south. I’ve been in construction focused on Solar for the past 14 years (’cause that’s where the money is) and would like to continue to milk that cow till it dries up and is replaced by SAFIRE reactors (plug and play to the grid).

    My working preference up to this point was to get a small plot w/ a house far from the liberal lunacy of the East Coast so I can get a mortgage and live off my savings to settle in while setting up a victory garden and hunting to supplement, but these plans meant doing it alone.

    My hope here, is to buy in and offer my skills in design and construction to the community while maintaining a job working for Tesla or Momentum Solar, possibly by remote (StarLink). I have about $12k in hand and upwards of $50k in mixed crash-hardened/digital assets that are set to multiply in a SHTF scenario. Some of which are in that process now.

    Will there be an “investors meet-up” of sorts for perspective community members or a detailed package laying out location, costs, and community member expectations in the near future?

    S0 has played a critical role in reinvigorating my love of science this past decade, I’m itching to learn more.

    Oh yeah, before I fain forgetting, Epstein still didn’t kill himself.

  • Backcast

    Good discussion! The varied perspectives are helpful.

  • Allenvaughan

    You know when you are deeply upset to your core, even though on the exterior you’re not ACTING upset, and you rake a deep breath, and your breath shudders?

    I have been doing this since the morning after the Senate run-offs.

    When I hustled back here from Alabama, got in about 3 a.m., then woke back up at 6:30 just to drive up to the Dahlonega court house to vote, THAT IT WAS GROUND HOG DAY, ALL-OVER AGAIN.

    I just want to throw up.

  • Cosmicgoddess

    Two other perspectives are presented by Gail Tverberg on “Our Finite World” blog and Catherine Austin Fitz on The Solari Report and they serve to expand your working paradigm. Basically Gail says the we have reached the point of diminishing returns on resource use and that the non-owners and managers of the means of production (non-elite workers) no longer have enough income to afford what is produced in the quantities necessary to keep systems producing, so systems will collapse. As someone said in this podcast, the robots will need to sell something to somebody. Gail says they will be able to do that only if energy use per capita is growing, but energy use per capita is declining now and will continue to decline. The non-elite workers can no longer afford to buy the products offered for sale and prices are not high enough for producers to continue to produce. When combined with Catherine’s perspective you can see the plan going forward.

    Catherine says that control of the economic system will be established by creating a digital currency issued by central bankers tied to UBI on a “Company Store” model. You will be paid by the government and you will buy from the government or their designated companies, and your every financial action will be digitally tracked from birth to death. Control will be enforced by your income and geographic location. Step out of line and you may not be able to purchase anything outside 5 miles from your home, your card or chip won’t work. Plus there will be a social credit system tied to your privileges as well. She calls this a slavery system. Patents have already been taken out to make it all work and the roll out of the central bank crypto currency is scheduled for Fall 2020 into 2021. Of course we may well have UBI for most Americans by then. Good Luck Everyone! Hope this helped.


    Regarding losing you and yours on any platform… it’s time for all of us to step up for ourselves … share knowledge resources as soon as possible… so many will have little to work with… except desire.
    Also they want to get rid of the keysian money system because it doesn’t work… will give you alll the education history money weather etc involved in all government’s til now with his AI graphing the situation today … he’s not a stock broker he’s like you guys but older and been around interested in helping people
    I tell people who do not take you all into consideration that they are foolish to turn away truth…. so I say the same to you guys too…. you need to know how to protect your money in the near future…. please check him out … I know you get this stuff but please he had made available so many ancient writings … he’s a numismatist…. went to jail over the money plane and magnitsky debacle……. go please

  • Ralphdlugas

    “Our only hope is the sun the earth and Jesus” Well put Ben! That is in my humble opinion the most truth filled statement I’ve heard in a long time! I could not agree more. We have no hope whatsoever in the the corrupt banksters running all of this worlds governments! Our republic is dead, at least for now. First our families must survive, second we gather again to restore liberty & restore the constitution but the reality is that is many long hard years away.

  • Cyril Guthridge

    Thanks. I know the work of Fitz. Ill look into Gail. Good points and ill add to the control grid of the economics will also include nano techinfiltration of all the resources to know what you are controlling and how you can then make new “derivative” markets of the resources before and after harvest. It also seems from my perspective is that they think they can create a true utopia and i think the 500,000,000 humans as per the Georgia guide stones in highly inflated…

  • Cyril Guthridge

    That was the comment of the day that’s for sure.

  • Fred Jones

    OMG – Flag has the Earth EM Field Symbol and the Phrase “Eyes Open No Fear”

  • TommyDowd

    Right there with you Ben maybe someday I can commit but am stuck in my region for the time being. Hopefully I can get out that way before everything goes to shit.

  • Lois Rasmussen

    Hi Ben et al, Your prospective ranch looks lovely if dry. This ABC (Australia) link : talks about how one farmer kept water on his property during the regular droughts that affect New South Wales. It is an interesting addition to the considerations for you and others land planning, especially where the government claims all the water that falls from the sky. Keeping the water in the soil for plant growth is cannier eh?

  • Charles

    Kickstarter, and anything using PayPal is a good way to lose everything. Many already have.

    Strongly suggest finding an alternative!

  • Lonestar420

    great work gentlemen, Billy, its good to hear more of your wisdom

  • Mplonsey

    what’s wrong, Chris man? Who are you calling a “hillbilly”? I live in a house, on a street, in a town, with lampposts and streets and everything you (presumably) have. Also I have control over my reactions. If you are unsubscribed, fine. Presumably you still pay for premium content or you couldn’t be here, but I bet you could get a refund. Perhaps consider that, since this isn’t your personal catbox, and your words stink.

  • tonyio

    Having the conference cancelled was a tough blow. As a conference producer myself, I really felt that. Taking control of the ability to gather in the real world is a smart move. It may be cliché, but 2020 was a wake-up call. —Tony C.

  • tribeless

    Communism is simply aggressive Capitalism. So yes they plan to be “on top of the pyramid” as you say. Communist motto is “its ok for me but not for thee”.

    Naturally to keep the people in check and never threaten you a massive police state is established.

  • sativarg

    Hello community,
    I was commenting and such as I listen as usual… then I started hearing my concerns being answered as I listened. I deleted all the stuff on building a fortification and being visually strong and building up a reputation… when I realized you got this. I know nothing and decided just to say thanks again
    L8r then

  • Mrs. Altmann

    B”H … definitely putting it in our faces.. like they are saying ‘eat excrement’… I have often thought of doing that, because it is the main thing I have an abundance of, given my health condition, but, I do not think it is too healthy to ingest that even though the Dem Party seems to be telling me to, as an intelligent informed Homo sapiens, on this continent.

    Marshall Masters was not joking when he characterized certain Dem leadership as ‘bullies’… and at first I did not understand, but, once I found out what the CIA is doing underground, geologically, meaning not ‘underground’ as in ‘hiding out’, say, in head shops on Colfax, or on Skid Row, but, literally, under the earth’s surface, I reallized what Marshall meant… and when JB got up to decry the rally last Wednesday, I was amazed. He makes a much scarier Big Brother than Jim Douglas, o.b.m., did… just that this is real, not a movie… and we are in it… so if you do go ahead with it, make sure you are NOT in the movie.

    Make sure you are seen only as innocent, liberal, hardworking backwoods Mom & Pop people, hardworking American/Asian Everyman, of a multicultural, patriotic AND openminded veteran family who is very New Age and wants to help humanity reach the stars and deal with climate change, which we all agree is happeniing, hard to ignore when iguana sandwiches are for sale in the fast food places in FL, even if some of us are sure it is not due to an abundance of CO2, and, I might be, with some dramatic snuff scene… of ME being snuffed… because, I think this is the way justice can be achieved more quickly, and, anyhow, I am already dealing with 7 terminal predispostions, am much older than the babies who die of vaccines before 48 hours of age (there is a REAL injustice) and my living situtaion can be ended at any time if my sister, may she live and be well, because even if she is a Dem I still love her, it is in my chemistry, decides that the trusteeship wss discretionary and kicks me out of the house for voting Red, and, has her Lawyer argue such and sign on it. So, I am already dead meat… so now is time for some real wild western snuff drama! It might expose the REAL situation like a charm.

    I just have to wait for it to arrive at my front door, or perhaps head downtown to visit some of my Dem freinds from earlier stages in my life, to make it happen quicker… and challenge their views and their choices. I may have xx chromosomes, but I am not reproductively viable, so the snuff would be no great loss to humanity. And I am burdening the sewer system a little bit too much with what is going straight through my personal bodily plumbing without leaving behind too many nutrients, in my bloodstream and wherever the digested food is made into energy, to power achievement by me that others can use to help their up and coming offpsiring… it would not hurt at all, to make me the iconic snuff that will change this dystopic drama into something more fair that leaves all 7.7 bilion people alive with room to increase further. If we were all just six inches tall, there would be room for lots and lots of us, and we could all be diverse… we could learn to live in any environment on or in earth… caves, DUMB’s, underwater… just NO MORE INFANTICIDE, PEDOCIDE, INFANTOPHAGIA, or PEDOPHAGIA… and i would not have to give most of the funds I inherited to the plumber.

    Welcome to Gullible’s Travels, and, I, as Gullible, am looking for the Lilliputians, because, if we were all Lilliputians, there would be room for lots and lots of us, and lots of opinions, but no crowding, no wars, no necessity for fraud or free teenage hanky-panky victims to stroke wounded egos such as that of JB, and, no need scientifically for people who think they are thinking clearly, to pay attention to the reprehensible, awful Georgia Guidestones.

    I suspect JB may have a phosphorus deficiency. I am not allowed to prescribe, but he might do better for all of us with a good supply of Kali phos 30c, and don’t say I said so because I have no formal homeopathic education and thus am barred by law from prescribing. Maybe, though, he could also use Causticum 30c… but, I am not certified to mention that either.

    Respectfully submitted.

  • SS

    There was a very inappropriate comment left here recently which was pro-antifa. I have deleted this comment and removed this members access to the site. Their name was “Chris”. Please let me know at if this person shows up again. If you’d like to send them hate mail, or otherwise annoy this person, they can be reached at the following email.

  • silvermitt

    Rewatch Ultraviolet. Parallels abound!

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload gentlemen. Regardless of the topics you pick, the bottom line is this, if Trump and the military (Trump et al) do not pull the trigger on them, they will be pulling the trigger Trump et al (maybe literally) and then on us. If Byeden gets in we are the bus going straight off the deep cliff with Trump et al.

    The first people to lose power and disappear to the CCPing will be those elitists they have bought, as CCPing not only does not trust them, they will want control of their wealths (both tangible and personal). So they have no where to go really. Too late for them. Them first, the smaller bought peons next, then us (because we are a force to be reckoned with, especially if militants uphold their oaths and defect to milita (which we all already are by definition).

    Do not let denial stand in your mind or wrestle with ‘what ifs’. This has been building for decades (since they killed Kennedy) and the previous Presidents worked the play-towards-the pay card, especially the last 4 terms before Trump. Trump would not go along and thus began the long arduous job of exposing it all from A to Z. We are at Y now, not only are you asking why, you know why.

    Piglosi’s laptop was the last piece of evidence Trump et al needed to be able to sleep at night and exhaust/expose and to be able to enact and it ensue. 3 Executive Orders were signed on Jan 5th for a reason. Look beyond the obvious past, predictable present and think of the future in a way that says- It is on. This is real. This is also about to get real nasty, no matter which side of the coin you are looking at, no matter which side of the coin you are on.

    The only one question you need to ask yourself on a micro level is this; am I prepared to fight to keep liberty from all angles and at all costs? Because, THAT is the only choice now…. and that is where Trump et al are at at this very instant, right along with you. Simply said; if you were him at this point and time, what would you do?

    Until mother nature disrupts and the creek rises, slice the pie of your upcoming survival, prepare each piece and secure accordingly.
    Thank you again. Godspeed trigger.

  • nmarshall

    Really proud of you for moving forward with the land. If, against the odds, it’s 50 years in the future, imagine how productive your garden wil be! Mr Carolina is welcome to stop here in WV on his way out to you. Be well.

  • Johnathan Jones

    Jan 20th is when the starting wall gate opens at American Downs and 100 million horses a year pour into the 50 state track like the Oklahoma Land Rush, Cali49ers Gold Rush or the Yukon gold rush in which the World poured in. This time its a food, store and land rush. We are the NavAms, better keep your guns as the settlers from other lands will come armed.

    No government or “they” group has ever been in charge ever in history, Exponential Human growth always has been and it has never moved so big and quickly. It is impossible to support exponential demand on a finite resource like a planet. They took control of the election to safeguard the children, started a mob war amoung the families by setting aside the agreement know as the constitution. But what will happen this year will be far out of human control and foresight. “They” think they are in control, again…exponential human population growth is.

  • laurie

    Just a reflection here…I was thinking on what it would take for me to betray my country like so many who participated in voting fraud. All I could come up with is that perhaps they were promised some bunker space the government has put aside, in the coming catastrophe. Pull them aside, tell them about the secret science that the public doesn’t know about regarding the sun, and show them their apartment underground. That is the only thing I could think of as to why the average person, trying to survive, would betray their country for. Just a thought…
    I agree with (was that Tony?), Transhumanism is our future.

  • Dirt

    My first internet stop of the day is S0 News. My second is Armstrong Economics!

  • Dirt

    I’m also a Fitz fan!

  • sativarg

    Dear S0 community,
    I am or was listening to Meet the Press this evening. I became aware of some thing as I cringed…
    some thing has happened to good people in Earth now…entertainment became entrainment becoming the malignant form of the MASK
    Today in America there are actors who have been entrained into blindness, and malignant self imposed ignorance. These ones are identifying with roles they are playing. While the ability to switch roles in life is a positive adaptive behavior, that same asset can become a vulnerability when behavioral psychology is used to exploit it.

    The Meet the Press session I am hearing this evening is full of entrained people who are playing roles that they identify with so strongly that they are unaware of the mask and the power it holds over them. The masks slap into place so fast and come complete with such finely tuned sets of blinders and biases so that the person has little conscious control of them. We learn some of the worst of these masks from the entertainment we enjoy. We learn that in order to enjoy the entertainment we must put aside a certain amount of our better judgment. We learn to accept fictional elements that we intellectually know can not be true. This seems innocent and harmless enough but that entertainment slowly becomes Entrainment as we start identifying with certain themes and characters. The very emotions and immersion we enjoy are powerful doors to our deep selves. The masks grow stronger and stronger… the acceptance of falsehoods becomes easier and faster and automatic… we so deeply identify with certain roles that the mask for that role becomes like a drug or comfortable pair of shoes… each mask comes with a cock tale of powerful brain chemistries… see how easy it is to become programmed by the programs? How we can become addicted to the brain chemistry and dependent on malignant mind sets?

    How do we remove such malignant masks as do exist from fellows safely and mercifully?
    Perhaps such masks have been a problem for as long as people have gathered and told stories. Perhaps such entrainment has been a risk and threat for a very long time and perhaps some successful civilizations have found effective ways to overcome these vulnerabilities. Perhaps one of the roles of ceremonies like peace pipe and peyote and Iboga and such work to take off masks and dissolve malignant entrainment and false bias.

    Could we benefit from such ceremonies now? These are not religious behaviors at all but rather therapeutic measures to ensure clarity of thought and good judgement.

    Could the leadership of any new community like the S0 settlement benefit from adopting indigenous ceremonies guided by wise and skilled practitioners?
    just my two cents on a new and better and less vulnerable form of government?

  • Calvin

    I hope you get better internet than Diamond does in Pagosa~

  • mytechtoday

    lol transhumanist bankers

  • mytechtoday

    the bankers are in control: they are capitalists for their profits, but socialists for their loses

  • Johnathan Jones

    OMG, I love it!

  • Rusty

    Ben to the people that help him create Observer’s Ranch after SHTF: “Okay, we leave here and you don’t good luck.” Wow, that summarizes it all up for me Ben and I know where I won’t be putting my money.

  • dragorios

    Who or what Biden / Harris is, ie capitalist, socialist, whatever. NO. They are just criminals. By nature, criminals are parasites. These parasites despise the host. The economic collapse will happen because the parasites miscalculate the damage and bleed the life out of the host. They are not smart, they are just criminals.
    And the GOP is so full of cowards that just wanted to go-along to get-along, that they accidentally pulled failure out of the jaws of victory.

    Think about this election, every institution failed us. The final blow, even with four letters of reclamation of the electoral college electors from Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia, Pence did not send them back to the states. How hard would it have been to state “per their request, …” and send them back.
    Too many people failed to do their jobs. Something unusual was at work.

    I wonder if God allowed the criminals to succeed in this election as a wake-up call to prepare. You should listen to your own FOTW. You guys are fired up, and fully understand it’s all up to you. Not one time did you mention needing government in any way shape or form. However, this is the first time I’ve heard Ben mention Jesus. Hint – God wants us to turn to him for guidance. Yep, I think God is telling us, he is about ready to turn off the lights.

  • littlebuddha4

    I did email you about what powers the governments have around the world ,have in a pandemic ,shuting roads, and stopping movment, and lots more all in the a email i sent to you even talk about if a pandemic, get it if a pandemic. you were warned

    keep getting ready ,but fly under the radar.
    Why ? As things around the world more chaotic more info about you will be collated,and you will be rated on how much of a threat you are .look out if you think yr safe .Whats OVERHEAD can do more to you than you now .
    There is one group that you all should now about there in 4 countrys that i now of England ,Australia , USA, Canada. mostlikely in more placers ,they fly under the radar. Hard to trace down poeple that do not us phone ,emails,websites to talk to each other ( to much leg work to keep track of ) There aim is to tracking down all the survival people and groups ,then go from place to place , using all of yr supplys moving to the next place . There well trained, well armed , no morals.
    Keep safe everyone. When phase 2 start you will all now.

  • sativarg

    Hi Community,
    Mr. Davidson provides an interesting inspiration in the form of a link: A Rocky Planet Around One of Our Galaxy’s Oldest Stars – W. M. Keck Observatory —

    While science seems determined to date stars and planets relative to the theoretical big bang and how much heavy stuff they have I would like to point out that new evidence seems to indicate that most all stars can and do make heavy elements. It is believed that the heavy elements can only come from the most massive stars exploding and or from other huge events. What if the stars believed to be so ancient are simply on diets low in dust? If some stars eat less dust and thus do not have enough intake to build heavy elements then they may seem very old to main stream science even though that is not the case. Our star and most stars with planets that science has observed are near the dusty food rich planes of their galaxies. Well feed stars have lots of mass to work with and so perhaps much more mass to turn into heavy stuff?
    just another thought on living stars and galaxies VS dead mistakes and such… Fullness and emptiness dancing the dance of Death and Life…

  • Cosmicgoddess

    Hello Observers,
    Ice Age Farmer says Big Ag is at war with the small farmer now. He says supply lines are being cut. Planning for cold will get you canceled from twitter. He’s created other options for his message.

  • Lonestar420

    Great info SS, let the hassling begin

  • Dixie

    Thanks everyone…

  • Bad Lam

    Thank you . I wish I could get all my loved ones on board. I think your plans on the Ranch are amazing . How does one move forward when there is no one that wants to look at the science. The realities of the government. What I will do is keep listening and learning. I have been listening to you for years.
    Your words of help keep my mind open .
    Much respect to you and all of your team and family.

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