FOTW January 16, 2021

Showing 23 comments
  • Charles

    The words banned in congress… they want to erase families.

  • John Mallary

    Thank you!

  • doug

    You guys know how to keep it real! Glad you keep the convo going.

  • Allenvaughan

    According to the English philosopher and theologian Thomas Hobbes, without a government, life will be “cold, dark, cold and short.” Hobbes also advocated monarchy. (Hobbes lived during the time of the dissolution of the English monarchy, and fled England for his life!)

    A generation later, John Locke agreed with SOME of what Hobbes observations. BUT, he disagreed, strongly, that the Leviathan tyranny of government, where it is severely limited, having its power GRANTED or relinquished by the population, in order for the individual to pursue “life, liberty and the pursuit of property.” Of course, one can recognize the familiarity (and the one stark difference–which is a subject for another time) that Jefferson asserted in the American Declaration of Independence. (And, once again, Locke was expelled from England during the restoration of the English monarchy. How ironic, then, that these two English “suspicious observers” of their own time became the seminal authors of thought of the Founders of our Representative Republic.

    But Hegel, the author of thought for the plagiarists Marx snd Engels, is the poison of liberty. Hegel elevates the state, while simultaneously dehumanizes individuality.

    We are in the “death struggle” of liberty.


    They are insane… this will be like ‘mutiny on the Bounty’… who will be Quige???

  • Ricky Neff

    It makes me mad when people call Ben “Political”

  • Ricky Neff

    Background checks and social media investigations for 0bserver ranch 100%

  • Calvin

    Thus far, 9 minutes in you’ve not mentioned Gates has stated he wants to put vaccines in FOOD… Food he grows? If you’re hungry enough or gullible enough, or he has legislation protecting him from identifying his food vaccines with truthful labeling… PS… please may I comment on your fb wall Ben?

  • Michael Durfee

    While on the subject of La Nina and the climate variability, Adrian’s comment around 26 and a half minutes in where he inquired into animal dieoffs from the period of 2012 through 2014, made me remember the years following Hurricane Sandy in late October 2012. It’s an interesting time because we had a spike in sunspot development compared to the prior three(ish) years of cycle 24. As 2012 progressed, our climate degenerated into one severe blizzard, storm, and tornado swarm after another. With the exception of 2013 being quiet in terms of hurricanes, it lasted this way until late 2014. I remember it well because the news wasn’t published on January 6th 2014, and then on January 7th, the polar vortex at the time was to blame for record lows set across 49 states. On the 16th of January 2014 the news had an article that Sinabung let loose 30 times. The late winter of 2014 was also pretty severe. 24 months of sustained cold and storms is not very good for survival if you call your home outdoors. Was the reason why this cold was so concentrated because the increase in sunspot development torqued the northern jet stream? Whatever is to blame, this time period is our best analog to what we’re in store for in cycle 25. Bundle up and hunker down.

    While it is true things aren’t going very well and states are becoming more susceptible to fail, we need to take into account we are, for the lack of a better term, surviving or at the very least existing in states (plural). One state composed of many…well not as many as there used to be as of now. We just need to decide which one has failed, what the conditions are (or were) that lead to the failure, and how to find unity, balance, and agreement on how to mitigate failure from happening. So I’ll stick my neck out and point my finger at the discourse that has been taking place between the scientist and the engineer. The feedback process taking place between these two states informing and correcting issues with one another has failed because it no longer sustains itself. The crystal ball the scientist uses to articulate their ideas in the fourth dimension can no longer be translated to the scale of the engineer’s realm in the third. The specifics of that need to be worked out further in process, but that discourse is a good place to start. Does it mean this feedback process has totally lost all hope of being restored? I remain optimistic. You have to be able to communicate outside three dimensional space, but the scale must be replicable in the third.

    We successfully did this when the “Voyager Golden Records” were sent out aboard the Voyager spacecraft in 1977. The records contain sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, and are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form who may find them. This record, considered sort of a time capsule, contained a song by Willie Johnson and is entitled ‘Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground’. There are no lyrics to the song, just soulful humming. It’s my understanding this was included on the disk as a representation to our loneliness in the universe. Not the loneliness one feels in their heart when being apart from family, but one where you are unable to find the networks to survive. The reason why was that Willie Johnson was blinded when his step mother threw lye in his face when he was a child. After a short lived musical career, he died from malarial fever after his home burned down having nowhere else to live but on wet newspaper. His song will continue to live on close to our hearts, but also way out there in the loneliness of interstellar space.

  • Katz

    And again, we are just PERSONS = NUMBERS

  • nmarshall

    Whales – have any of you read The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenburg? Worth the time.

  • Kevin Benham

    Freedom of choice is what you want…..Devo

  • kmiklNINJA

    What about felons??? Are they welcome on Observer Ranch….I heard you say Police friendly….I can be police friendly as long as they are not infringing on my liberties….that goes for anyone though….I’ve been in trouble, everyone has a past….20 years ago….I insist on being around principled people, but my principles and general ethos…..I refuse to pay taxes or conform as far as the gov’t is concerned….but thats my enemy and everyone else’s…..I love Americans and America, but it’s gov’t is the only real enemy I’ve ever truly known….

  • kmiklNINJA

    Interesting how they left out the implication that one could possibly own property, it’d be nice if it implied that we weren’t ourselves property….

  • American Nurse

    Ben, you’re still on fb because they want to know what you’re doing. Yes, you need to screen people to live on the ranch or you will be infiltrated and chaos will ensue. One bad apple… They want to destroy the family. They want children ratting on parents and vice versa. They want loyalty only to government. They’ve already started neighbor against neighbor.

  • Vinny

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

  • Michael Sterling

    Good morning all. To Kat and Ben: doing my part to bring in more of us to the site. Added this to my profile on Gab,

  • Michael Sterling
  • dragorios

    If you are confused as to what / how you should refer to yourself or others, try; the mammal in question.

    Regarding UV Biosignals. Chickens stop laying eggs in November, and fire back up about the end of January. Commercial places keep lights on 100% of the time to mess up their systems and make them lay eggs like crazy non stop. Of course it’s terrible on their health. Prior to November, they molt, loose and replace feathers. It’s a real mess. Don’t know what the trigger is, but by the time the winter cold arrives, they are prepared with new feathers. They all go through the same yearly processes at the same time. I’ve never had a chicken get out of sync.

  • Chalmer

    Read or listen to “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”. Many many parallels.
    Burn books (ban speech) than ban certain people (send to re-education camps) than eliminate certain people.
    It’ll be different this time……right!!

  • Johnathan Jones

    Maybe we wrestle against flesh and blood as well. Maybe we are not quite right in what we interpreted and expect. Maybe bad press and fake news crosses all the media’s of the ages. I hope its better than what we have been told it will be. If Jesus is the Christ for the Humans than what about all the other forms of life? How are they included in the grand scheme of things? Humans love their dogs and cats etc…would eternalty be fun without them? Still I think it will be turbulent dealings when the time comes and until as of late, I thought none of these thing would happen in my lifetime especially as I get older and become a short timer, a soon to graduate. Anyhow Ephesians did not write not write about many other powers like orders, seats, ladders and lights, chute and ladders, Snake and Arrows, but hey, can’t write about what you don’t know about…

  • Johnathan Jones

    Yeah, and they say repeat something over and over again and it becomes truth. Yet they fail to pick up on the fact that the person who told them that was a pathological liar. Go figure, we have a tendency to wish for what we want to be true, to be true; rather than throw of our desire and just root hard for the truth. A self conditioned blindness. btw, Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich is a free vocal book on you tube as well as many other educational books we can listen to while we work or drive…..

  • HeavyDuty13

    Bill Gates is not a scientist, but he definitely is MAD.

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