FOTW January 13, 2018

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  • sean leech

    Great discussion especially the last issue . Mind over matter. Cancer was never going to get the upper hand over Trevor once he was ready and organised . He would know or find out how to fight it from all angles.

  • trebor4321

    what are you guys doing? The erronous noises are VERY bothersome. Geezes

  • jcrazyelk

    I perceive of a current sheet as necessarily two layered. The energy flow contained within.

  • Ricky Neff

    So many mistakes being made these days. What are you doing brothers?

  • stefanos kostaras

    3 hours north of Toronto i live in north bay ontario and thursday we had +9*C and friday night -28*C and 2 days before the warm showed up we had a week of -30*C then just for like 2 days in the + crazy up and downs

  • harmonywebster

    Western Lake Erie is shallow and freezes first. This lessens lake effect at Toledo first, then Cleveland and Erie, PA. Prevailing wind sets the angle of the lake effect shadow. South of I-80 is less likely. I am in Rochester, PA at Ohio and Beaver River NW of the ‘Burg. Thursday, Jan 11 hi was 60 and freezing rain by 4 pm Friday. Currently 13 F on Sunday 3 pm. Light wind allows the lake to freeze. I’m thinkin’ I need to get down there to the Taos, NM area.

  • harmonywebster

    I read story on ZeroHedge that Zuma went into Indian Ocean with 2nd stage after failed separation. My tinfoil tells me it was a stealth vehicle and must be denied due to offensive capability. To quote Lord Eddard, “Don’t want opponent to know my skills.”

  • harmonywebster

    I have lost track of the number of times I’ve texted someone the moment they called me. I am convinced. Well done Trevor.

  • Caroline5765

    A book titled Get Out of Your Own Way by Robert K Cooper MD is a most interesting book regarding the body electrical impulses that it sends and receives to and from persons. You may want to check it out. It also contains a lot of scientific references regarding the information published therein. Thank you for another interesting upload gentlemen. Best to you all in 2018.

  • bluejean

    A change in personal/cultural paradigm … instead of “attacking one’s disease” … be/come “healthy”. Its a lesson we all need to learn now and apply on many levels … Good news, Trevor! Congratulations to you and all those who see you healthy!

  • bluejean

    PS. Those chemtrails that don’t exist or ??? …. whatever — they seem to spray them in my area (along the western coast of Lake Michigan) when the winds are taking them north (usually to unite with a cold front moving east) or just plain east moving over the Lake). They used to just move with the westerlies, but our wind directions have been very unusually inconsistent lately … much more wind coming from the east/northeast off the lake towards us … Perhaps its a coincidence, but the East Coast gets pounded everytime they spray …. and the heavier the spraying and longer time (days) they do it … the worse the effect. I know they are not “creating” the weather (much as they might like to think so), but they sure are manipulating it.

    So mind/heart/soul over matter people! Clean the toxins out of the air and water by visualizing, believing, energizing (dancing) our home planet healthy!

  • Daniel-One

    Hey, guys, I have a question; how can I download the podcast and listen to it on the go? Is there a way or do I need to listen to it this way?

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