FOTW February 9, 2019
On the Line: Ben, Billy, Xaviar, Todd, Adrian
– Long-Term Earthquake Forecast Update:
– ESA Jupiter Plan:
– SETI Review:
– Spallation, Not Volcanoes for Moon Rock:
– Torus Jet Nucleus:
Rare Event Recorded in Mica:
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I honestly love this more than the youtube channel. check out the flow chart of the U.S.
I hate when I comment it re-starts the video over.
Rapid change in weather will not give you flu. Being inside is what makes you sick. If you have an abnormally high body temperature you will always have a higher chance of pneumonia but that is cause you cause condensation in the lungs. Other than that rapid change in temperature is a myth. I am a member of the 300-degree club. Where in Antartica you sit in a sauna at 200 degrees F for 10mins(or as long as you can) and it is 100- F and you go run around the south pole naked. Trust me when I say your body acclimates better than you think and cold weather is not the cause of sickness. It is being inside for longer periods of time with other people.
Here is a link to the new repeating signals.
rest your voice for 3 days. Speak easy. Breathe deeply.
Thanks guys for taking the time. Pura vida
B”H I really like your interpretation on the four horsemen. For more material on the theory that the story of Genesis is post-cataclysm, you might like to search on-line for ‘Norse Mythology for Smart People’. It leads you to a section in There is discussed the origin of the world as interaction of fire and ice (which they still have up there, and which, thus, they would likely envision as the source of the world) and the cycles of creation ending in Ragnarok, and then the covering of all with water, and the eventual emergence of a little land, whereupon one man and one woman begin the story of mankind all over again. Of course, that could also be an allegory for what happens in marriage… hopefully, in a way, each couple has their own island and their own world, and, feeling very alone, they start humanity all over again… but it does seem to fit in with this idea of the micronova cycle. Of course, if you want to be a fundamentalist, there was NOTHING before Creation… but, now that we have gotten to 5779, time travel has been invented, so all those worlds that were created appearing to be trillions of years old could now, theoretically, be visited, if you travel fast enough, by going back in time through space on a fast vehicle, to the original star formation events, which were so far away that even though they happened billions of years ago, the light is only getting to manmade telescopes now, at this late date. It’s kind of like a retroactive law (which is, by the way, a very unjust law, whereby a person gets in trouble for doing something that is now illegal long before the law was passed, which is why one would not want one’s personal records stored electronically for very long) … it’s a retroactive experience of a stellar event that happened before time began at the creation of the world, but it seems to be one of those options packed into the Creation package… with many alternatives, each individual has a choice as to how he/she will interpret Genesis, and in so doing, create his/her own world, through effort and difficulty, and thus expand the frontier and make room for yet more people.. which in the end is great for the Higher Power, as I understand it, because He does not want to be the only decision-maker, and that’s precisely why He made people, not being satisfied with angels that automatically and effortlessly carry out His will without the possibility of questioning.
New problems arise as time goes on, and new diversities are created. In order to resolve these tensions, there is a necessity for a frontier, where the resolutions can be made successfully without rocking the world of the established too forcefully… thus the early colonies were for people who did not fit in elsewhere – they either excelled and wanted to explore, or had problems fitting in due to beliefs or personality, and had to flee… and the Western frontier was the same, longitude by longitude… Kentucky, Kansas, Colorado, the Cascades and the tragic Donner Party, and finally California and the sparkling blue Pacific. Other possible frontiers? Inside or under the ocean.. inside or under the crust… looks harder than outer space due to heat, pressure, lack of oxygen for other reasons than nothingness, etc. But, when things get hard enough, we adapt. We have to. We don’t have permission to just ‘peel out’ and give up on the project of keeping the Higher Power company by being other, related decision-makers in the various realms of an ever-expanding, ever diversifying Creation.
Good luck and great success in preparing for OTF 2019… I am confidently hopeful it will be the best one ever… we really do need that to happen because it is really providing a light in these troubled times.
Have you ever considered getting rid of the video and just using audio for these? Reduce the data usage
Been needs a good protocol to do so, it might be as simple as posting an mp3 file rather than mp4 I am not sure how this wp site is set up for this blog post but it should be able to use mp3 it can be converted here
opps! Been*= Ben I should prof read because there is no edit button.
It is refreshing that some functionality in Ben’s site is lacking because it is a JS lite site very basic. The only problems are, the access to some of the content for me is inaccessible for me because I am running High JS security software but it only applies to archived content I suspect it is because it is stored on a third party cloud server. and my security auto kills script from servers outside the main CMS.
That sound from Adrian is a plastic water bottle.
So really the only explanation for mass population die offs that is needed is that the storms caused by these events can make a majority of the population sick and it will spread freely and rapidly because of environmentally resistant infections spores, yeah I’m dark at night but I am a fungi.
Yeah. I assume its the way it is as a result of him using vimeo. An archive section with mp3 only would be fantastic. I cant listen to these on my phone, due to the video pausing when the screen turns off. Plus streaming video uses more battery than streaming audio only. I can listen to headphones all day at work and I would absolutely love the ability to catch these. I generally do not get around to listening to fly on the wall otherwise.