FOTW February 26, 2022

Showing 23 comments
  • albrown54

    There is no sound…. Weird

  • Jan

    Audio please

  • Lonestar420

    As per the above comments, no audio gentleman

  • Vortex

    Those require a google account to sign in.

  • Kevin Benham

    Gotta love technology….I won’t miss it much when it’s gone.

  • Byrdman

    Link access was not given to me by google on the raw data audio. I look forward to the observer discussion and insights after you get things fixed.

  • John Mallary

    What a drag.
    Bummer about your computer.
    Sadly, the files do not allow me to access.
    Message to await an email, so such animal has appeared…yet. I suspect this show is a rather good one.

    I’ll be waiting and watching for this to magically appear… somewhere.
    Actually… In line with what Kevin said above, this is good practice for when all the satellites get Musked and the power disappears along with the internet.


  • HotRod

    I agree with the above. We need to harden up and be more flexible. As Monty Python said at the end of Life of Brian: Look on the bright side of life.

  • David Porter

    I trust you, but don’t trust Google. I’ll wait till your system is fixed, or is google going to allow that? Miss the program though!

  • Cosmicgoddess

    Nato is at war so we lose the internet video-processors, or is it because of the US convoy, or just aging equipment? Are you guys willing to look for alternative podcasting arrangements yet? Build in some redundancy please. Much love, just miss the FOTW.

  • Caroline5765

    I appreciate the links gentlemen, I can wait until you have a chance to upload the video. I will catch it later. Thank you.

  • John Mallary

    Yaaaay 👍


    I am going to site a link you my find some history here about Zelensky and Ukraine you had not heard…. political
    I cannot believe any news outlet… they are all jumping on the agenda…. incredible.

  • Uncleharley

    Ukraine is all about Nordstrom2, it’s also about US relations and control of Germany via who gets the cut of the gas transiting tax shall we call it! Which country will the pipelines transit through. and who’s in charge of the filthy lucre. Russia has its preferences and Biden’s Family regime has his preference as well. We all need to go back and read “the prince” by Machiavelli it’s a simple as that!
    They want US clamoring for a return of Trump who is programmed to do what Biden isn’t capable of. Remember operation “Pizer” Speed. Trump set them up to profit. Don’t look to him as a s savior!!!! Sorry two sides of the the same coin! As long as the propaganda machines are running the lives of citizens, the agendas continue to move forward!

  • Uncleharley

    Ukraine is all about Nordstrom2, it’s also about US relations and control of Germany via who gets the cut of the gas transiting tax shall we call it! Which country will the pipelines transit through. and who’s in charge of the filthy lucre. Russia has its preferences and Biden’s Family regime has his preference as well. We all need to go back and read “the prince” by Machiavelli it’s a simple as that!
    They want US clamoring for a return of Trump who is programmed to do what Biden isn’t capable of. Remember operation “Pizer” Speed. Trump set them up to profit. Don’t look to him as a s savior!!!! Sorry two sides of the the same coin! As long as the propaganda machines are running the lives of citizens, the agendas continue to move forward! Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!

    « Back

  • RoxanneSumners

    I truly appreciate this conversation. You are all so knowledgeable and it’s helpful to hear you say you don’t know – because we can not believe any “news”.
    Anyone who watched Purim’s speech can see he is REALLY PISSED. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
    QQ: Main thing he wants is Black Sea Port?
    QQ: US is major weapons producer/distributor. Could this be one reason stock market stabilized?
    Thanks quys.

  • Roos Kohn

    This whole thing with covid 84 and wwwlll is in my view a distraction from the observers preparing on grand scale to get as much life on this planet (and outside) to the other side of the storm that’s coming. Wouldn’t surprise me if Klaus Schwab is a member here and listens in daily.
    Really it’s all a smokescreen for a much bigger plan and they really believe in it.

    I hope I’m talking nonsense and we get another ten thousand years of liveable climate. But what we know, they know two.
    So I am doubling up on survival mode.

    Thinking of moving to Butan

  • ddtufw1975

    I think that one of 2 things is about to happen. There will be a cival war here when every figures out these vaccines are killing more people than they are being led to believe. Second that the entire world goes to war with United States when the people of the world figure same thing out. It’s coming out now too. A insurance company in Germany just let it’s people no that the vaccines are causing way more death than there being told. Also they don’t think they should have to pay the insurance claims since the government mandated people take the jab.

  • sean leech

    Thanks Wildeyetuna, great link .

  • sean leech

    Thanks SO, great discussion brought to a stunning conclusion by Ben from about 49 minutes on. The Nazi party was socialist but was called fascist which was a word coined by Mussolini.

  • John Henderson

    Another worthwhile site for quick useful non western updates is

  • Ametrine Moonshadow

    ⅔ of the world’s wheat supplies comes from Ukraine and Russia and China just bought up about 50% of it. For years they wanted nothing to do with Russian wheat due to concerns over mold and other contaminates, they just changed their minds a month ago. A month ago.
    Also, Ukraine provides 80% of, I think it is safflower oil. It’s an oil used in a lot of processing. It’s on Ice Age Farmer. I’m sorry, there’s been some awful family news since I heard it on Fri.

  • PapaCriss

    When thinking about Russia one might want to consider the fact that, under Putin’s domain, the non-violent group, Jehovah’s Witnesses AKA the Bible Tract and Watchtower Society, has been designated an extremist group on par with Al-Qaeda. Additionally both the organization and numerous members have had ALL of their assets, both financial and physical, stripped by the Russian government. And, regardless of sex or age, lots of members have been arrested, fined and/or imprisoned, with some terms as long a nine years.
    Biblically speaking, Putin very much fits the description of the “Kine of the North” as outlined in the books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. Combined with what we see in the Heavens (in the bible “the heavens” refers to both governments and the literal heavens.) we are very much in the final days. I would hasten to get ones personal version of The Ranch done and find high ground with a good cave system since, while there are a number of fitting references in the Bible, Revelation 8:7 sure sounds like a solar micro nova to me.
    “The first one blew his trumpet. And there was hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green vegetation was burned up.”
    Just sayin’

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