FOTW February 23, 2019
On the line: Ben, Billy, Todd, Tony, Xaviar, Adrian
– Ancient Marsupial in the Polar Region?
– Chernobyl, Reborn:
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If all the stars where going at once why do we see some?
Stars are huge and dense they cleave off after burning like a meteor in the atmosphere of space sounds logical when they lose too much of the used up dynamic outer shells that nova no one survives
Pray the earth is on the forward of our trajectory when it happens it would most likely affect us less
The Conference was great! I am amazed that so many things have come to light in the time following my ticket purchase in early December. Very exciting time to be literally on the edge of the precipice looking forward. It feels just like that. We are witnessing this happen before our very lives.
When grounding and facing the sun, I envision the energy streaming down the helical prana wrapped around the 7 chakras. My intent is to enhance my being physically, mentally and spiritually. The idea that the sun promotes evolution is worthy of consideration Ben.
They are different distances from us?
For years at Boeing I hosted meeting for Engineers to develop new parts for aircraft. Usual meetings had about 30 engineers on Webex and in the room. I had to get concurrence from about 15 core stakeholder branches of engineering plus any speciality engineers depending on the part and where it goes on the plane. It was Cat herding at it’s finest. One took it as a given that there was so much to the model (aircraft), that no expected to make the aircraft with out a team or to be vertically a expert at all levels with no blindspots. The expectation to innovate and improve the next model (aircraft program) was taken as a given. While aircraft has not changed in basic parts, wings, vertical stabilizers, propulsion and control systems, etc ; they have have change much since the Kitty Hawk.
Which brings us up to scientists, and citizen scientists, wow talk about Cat herding. Good thing we don’t have to fly on some of our scientific models. Funny thing is each person can be very right on what they see and yet have it only go so far before rework on the model is needed and possible. I myself used to think I had something only to throw most of it out and rework the concept even or go back to the best proven start point and re-plunge the Rabbit hole. Like a Wild cave, it is easy to go on beyond the length of the string and get lost in a labyrinth of unworkable exploration.
Yet, many see and understand things well enough, that they can build a advanced thing like a magnet of greater strength even without research data and laboratory testing of proof of concept. But Like Tesla, don’t sell the wired power patents because your so sure the wireless patents your working on will soon replace your old patents. Others are not so much the working theorists but are exceptional on building models on data and laboratory work. Some are mix of that and other things. Maybe if we had to anti-hoard our models done to 10 %, what parts would we keep? Some would certainly keep changes to a atmosphere as a game changer in how space weather is processed, like on Mars; while other say it has no bearing on anything, like on Earth.
But we do need a variety of information and the ability to change and adapt our models based on ever increasing incorporation of knowledge and input that we can now measure. Sure some will say some some inputs are important while others drop a input because they find it is not relevant when compared to other inputs. The point is we need rough formulas and numbers to present causes of relevancy rather than just say the inputs are there. It like asking what is the r-value of air and it’s resistance? Well the Radio Engineers handbook and the Refrigeration Engineers Handbook has that information in easy to find tables and formulas to use for this. Yet they seem to be absent from the meeting, why weren’t they invited to the meeting? Maybe no-one saw the relevance of inviting them until now maybe?
Anyway, terrible models don’t prove the nonexistence of a thing and would be a poor proof to prove some other model. Yet if you took a room full of terrible models and threw away all but 10% of what looks like a possible puzzle piece, you might find a box of Pandora’s fine chocolatier treats and …….
Or a room of really great models for that matter, so don’t throw out Newton too. What if one made a periodic table for elements so heavy they can only exist in the heavy gravity of stars? Why Newton would work and one could throw out 90 % of all the new age, new wave of quantum this and that and maybe even all that missing matter everyone is looking for would show up,…in plain sight just out of sight in stars. And why Stars act differently then other seemingly similar stars too.
It’s like if we look at the Earth with out a see through atmosphere, with spectrography, one could conclude the Earth is entirely a gas planet. And yet we know this is not true while at the same time not complete sure of of Earth’s core is made up of.
4 conferences ago, I was talking to Ben about sublimation from liquid H to plasma H and he said CME’s are so big that the Sun should not burn as long as it is, that got the wheels turning to find a reason why it can erupt so much material and lead to the Stellar Periodic Table Idea. But also that the Sun uses Hydrogen like a heat pump refrigerant and it dumps heat out into the Corona level which is why it is so hot. The Earth uses H20 to cool itself beyond the radiative rate and it to has a very hot upper layer but it is called the Thermosphere, not the Corona of Earth. If Earth emitted visible light , would we then still call it a planet?
I wonder if the sun go mini boom and the radiation come to all places…
Do that radiation can change any life form to kind of evolve?