FOTW August 28, 2021
– Geothermal Antarctica: articles/s43247-021-00242-3
– Climate Snow Extremes: articles/s41598-021-95979-4
– Major Volcano 6K Years Ago: https://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1002/jqs.3362
– Nova-Surviving Younger-Than-Thought Pulsar:
– Si & Cl Isotopes: articles/s41598-021-95600-8
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Almost ALL of my military friends agree: What is happening in Afghanistan is not a mistake. Their plans are being executed perfectly. Just look at the results and know it is all planned. Under the guise of being “inept” or “stupid”. Is it a distraction? Is it the war machine?
Good Morning… No? good afternoon then community,
I have observed something suspicious you may be interested in. I was learning about magnetic nano tech when I found an odd misspelling in a PDF. At first I thought it was some sort of term I was not hearing right. When I kept hearing magnetic elds over and over I decided to search it with my favorite engine that is not Google but has ducks in it.
I found way too many PDFs with the same term, “magnetic elds”. Is there some sort of cloud virus out there causing so many occurrences of magnetic fields to be misspelled in so many PDFs? Is some one trying to cover up something or reduce search results for certain terms? I wonder if other terms are being misspelled strategically.
Try it? Search “magnetic elds” and see it for yourselves. What do you think?
Dear S0 community,
I am harping on some thing important this afternoon… I find it suspicious these results from way too many important science documents the spelling fields as “elds”
please confirm or explain…from a search of “magnetic elds” specifically I get only PDF results as follows…
??””PDF Characterization of the magnetic eld of a cosine coil …
My assignment this summer was to characterize the magnetic elds of the coils used for the University of Washington’s EDM experiment. To achieve the homogeneous eld necessary for the experiment, a cylinder wrapped with magnet wire in a cosine distribution, as depicted in Figure 3, is used. In addition to the main
PDF Lecture 23 Scalar and Vector Potentials
Figure 23.1: The electric and magnetic elds are great contortionists around a conducting particle. They deform themselves to satisfy the boundary conditions even when the particle is very small. In other words, the eld varies on the length-scale of 1=L. Hence, r˘1=L which is large when Lis small.
PDF Observation of a magnetic- eld-induced Gri ths phase in …
of magnetic elds for 0:1 p 1. The absorption ˜00vs T shows a broad peak centered at T G(H). The peak height of ˜00drastically increases with increasing H, forming the magnetic- eld-induced Gri ths phase. For 0:50 p 1 the system exhibits a metamagnetic tran-sition at high magnetic eld. The metamagnetic transi-tion temperature T
PDF Conservation Laws in Ideal MHD – Harvard University
Magnetic helicity measures the linkage of magnetic elds IThe magnetic eld B can be written in terms of a vector potential B = r A (46) while noting that A is not gauge invariant: A0= A+ r˚ IThe helicity of a magnetic eld is given by H = Z V ABdV (47) IAB should not be considered a ‘helicity density’ because of gauge freedom!
PDF Electromagnetism: the simplest gauge theory
PDF Unit 3: Macroscopic Maxwell’s Equations in Matter
Search domain
linear materials in which P and M are linearly proportional to the electric and magnetic elds in the material. Unit 3-1: Dielectric Materials: Polarization Density P, Electric Displacement Field D, Bound Charge Maxwell’s equations apply exactly to the true microscopic electric and magnetic elds that arise from all charges and
PDF Why study plasma astrophysics?
I Magnetic elds play vital roles in astrophysical processes I Star formation, thermal conduction, accretion, turbulence, particle acceleration, dynamos, etc. I Astrophysical magnetic elds directly impact our increasingly technological civilization I Space weather I Plasma astrophysics allows the study of phenomena at
PDF Lee-Yang theorem – MIT
this would be magnetic elds), whose domains can be extended to the complex plane. In particular, they proved a series of Lee-Yang theorems. 2 Lee-Yang theorems The Ising model has the Hamiltonian H= K P ˙ i˙ j+ h PN i=1 ˙ i. Here K>0 means ferromagnetic interactions, and K <0 means antiferromagnetic interactions. his the external …
PDF 1 Conservation Equations – Auburn University
downwards unit vector. Other mechanisms can result in body forces, such as electric currents, magnetic elds, and coriolis e ects. Application of the divergence theorem to Eq. (7) yields the di erential form of linear momentum conser-vation: @ @t (ˆu) + r(ˆuu) = r˙ + ˆf (11) and combination of this with the continuity equation in Eq. (3 …""??
what is a magnetic eld?
Is there some sort of conspiracy to divert search results in this? If so why?
Hmmm… note how many instances exist in each example… not a typo of any normal behavior?
I suspect a virus attack on cloud networks and such?
thanks and now I will listen to this presentation.
The tailgate market where we sell mushrooms sent out an email telling us that masks would be mandatory for vendors. Only 2 vendors and the market manager wore masks. A good 90% of us refused. We didn’t coordinate actions. Everyone appeared to act autonomously. No one came to enforce the mandate. If it is enforced, the market will collapse. It did my heart good to see so many of us refuse to go with the program!
I believe they estimated that Mount Mazama (now known as Crater Lake, Oregon) erupted 7700 years ago and was witnessed by the native Americans in the area. I wonder how off they were on that estimate? Time to take a closer look maybe?
Hello Human Beings and other Earthlings,
to the presentation inspirations…
36:15 of 45:38 well, people, are’, stupid…
In our current state of domestication we are, as a whole, stupid. The discipline necessary to achieve individual and group maturity is being subverted by techniques and technologies that keep Human Beings stupid in Earth.
Why do we have fluoride in our water?
Why do dentists still put mercury in the mouths of the poor children?
Why are there still millions of homes in the United States drinking led in there water?
Why are most of the packages and serving plastics we use drug delivery systems?
Why do Americans still believe that the FDA and CDC and NIH are their friends?
Why do children in America struggle to compete with children in “third world” countries in subjects like math?
Humanity and especially People in the United States are being dumbed down strategically so we do not ask questions and observe the conspiracies suspiciously?
… back to listening…
frame for presentation is not playing? posting comment prematurely to re-lode the page…
OK got the frame working… peer block was blocking the URL all the sudden due to an error on my part…
39:32 of 45:38… on What “they” can do now VS what the manipulators have been doing all along.
The, “they”, being the elite Human Beings aka the trusties and their minions VS the owners of Humanity and Earth
Here in Earth we have the illusion that Human Beings own Earth. We do not and have not owned Earth for a very long time if we ever did. The owners of Earth have been monitoring Human Beings for as long as there have been Human Beings in Earth in this cycle. What is changing? Now the monkeys are learning how to use the tools of the masters. We are learning how to press our own buttons and how to do the other things the gods do. We are learning what those implants are for and how to make our own. We are learning why Human Beings are programmable and how to do that to. What the owners of Earth, the gods, have been doing all along is now in the hands of elite and others for better or much much worse.
… in my opinion…
… back to listening…
at time frame 41:24 of 45:38 and All this talk of the plans has me remembering “The best laid plans of mice and men” – Meaning and Origin … as well as the answer to Life the Universe and everything or 42?
In the novel and the movie the Hitch Hiker’s Guide the Mice were the manipulators of Earth and Humanity even as bureaucracy Galactic had Earth demolished for a new High Way… Remember? What did I do with that thumb attachment? LOL
I can LOL or Cry?
I was searching for info on the thumb thingy used in the guide and FireFox crashed to desktop… LOL almost lost the comment… NO great loss that?
… back to listening…
Now the presentation is saying try again? LOL so posting to refresh the page again?
Now I need to log in again… LOL
the Universe is trying to tell me to shut the hell up! LOL so posting again or not?
Well in closing…
I am sorry for all the extra posts this time. I am having internet issues ever since I found out that some gods in Earth have no clothes…
Will the mice rebuild Earth with all of us and even U.S.?
Interesting times or thyme’s tincture?
Thank you for all the fish… good night
from chuck
I was a loud and proud Democrat and believed the climate is heating up. Until I found a couple people on YouTube, one is this guy named Ben yapping about space weather and stuff. ;-)
The other was kicked off a couple years ago.
I was doubting the narrative already because what I was seeing outside my window didn’t match, what Ben was saying was. Also the goal post kept moving on all of it and I couldn’t keep up, I have a life.
This will be my first Sunspot Max with you all. I can’t wait to learn more.
There was more, but my train of thought derailed…..
Did you guys see this?
Record Breaking Asteroid Super Close to the Sun Found
I was a loud and proud Democrat and believed the climate is heating up. Until I found a couple people on YouTube, one is this guy named Ben yapping about space weather and stuff. ;-)
The other was kicked off a couple years ago.
I was doubting the narrative already because what I was seeing outside my window didn’t match, what Ben was saying was. Also the goal post kept moving on all of it and I couldn’t keep up, I have a life.
This will be my first Sunspot Max with you all. I can’t wait to learn more.
There was more, but my train of thought derailed…..
It looks like what our “overlords” are doing now, is full on sewing fear, mistrust of each other and hatred for each other. Fear the unvaxxed. Hate the demoncrats. Hate conservatives. Hate Whites. Fear Blacks. It’s a big scary world out there, full of germs!! Stay in your home!
It sounds more like those “in charge” are more mentally ill with phobias than any sinister plans to ruin us.
I dabble in astrology, I’m looking up that info on Uranus!
Thanks guy’s.
What state?
Hello Ben you should listen to viva Barnes on , Barnes is a constitutional lawyer who is suing about the mandates, he has worked for Trump a little, he says on trumps part it is pure ego he got warp speed and he can’t admit that he made a mistake, Barnes hates the eugenics crowd. You can listen to his stuff for free it is great. Many free speech people who can’t stay on Twitter and YouTube are on there. Paul
Ben just look at all Bill gates patents and how much money he has given to every health care organization, he also comes from an eugenics family
Dune called it decades ago…
“Fear is the mind killer.”
Yeah, they want KamelToe in office. I bet Hunter’s laptop gets blasted all over the MSM soon, time for the Biden family to go bye bye. The puppet turd served its purpose and its about to be flushed.
But people’s critical thinking is gone, one of the many goals of covid1984.
In fact Dune called it decades ago… “Fear is the mind killer.”
I will build you a store. You know I, if anyone, can do that.
I can get an app going that calculates and separates taxes for you.
I can help, just gimme a shout 3019190404
I will build and manage the store for a resume reference, this is a fair trade. This is an Ayn Rand Virtue of Selfishness fair trade.
Im an Australian and in defence of our reaction to the totalitarian regime being forced upon us, I can tell you that the ‘Cult’ first took complete control of the media, absolute control. Most of the population simply have no knowledge that the ‘Plandemic’ is a sham. People are lining up with their babies (practically) for their shots without a glimmer of suspicion. Its gut wrenching talking to friends who just dont get it and actively refute even listening to the truth.
The media says 3500 violent protesters, when the number was more like 50000 peaceful protesters with some agitators positioned near the MSM camera crews.
Anyone with the guts to stand up publicly is vilified in the press, harassed by the police and locked up if they dont lie down.
Our country is as large in land mass as the USA, however we have the population of maybe one of your states….there is simply no challenge to the corporate/government strangle hold on media its the key to their strategy.
Elon Musk is probably the man who grabs the pendulum off the wall and puts it back into its place, with electric power from 0 point.
Everyone has suspicion at this point. You know who is awake by their expression of their suspicions. Those who don’t, are going to lie to themselves all the way to the wall of water.
They sure are. This gives them the reason to build all these “refuge” camps they are building all over the country. I can guarantee that they don’t tear them down when the poppies are no longer in them. Plus the new courthouse and stuff they are building at the spa. This stuff I think is for us.