FOTW August 21, 2021

Showing 24 comments
  • jackyl11

    I think you are missing the concept of increased density. As density increases with depth, gravity increases also. If density does not increase, then your concept has some merit.

  • Donn

    ¿Center of the Earth… Null Point? With constructive and destructive lines of interference?? Only offering a moment of muse.

  • pepgmsc

    No one will be the first. Being the first is thrust upon you, and nobody wants it. But, when you are put in that situation, you do what you have to do. The followers revere you. Nathan Hale said, ‘I have but one life to give for my country’; the rope was around his neck when he said it. He didn’t have a choice at that point, might as well go out strong.

  • Gelphi

    The stories about Australia that reach the alt media is often inaccurate. The hype about camps for example, is a 100 person camp to accommodate arriving O’seas travelers rather than “Hotel Quarantine” which has proved a disaster.
    The degree of Sheeple compliance is very high but there are also a lot of non reacting informed.

  • Lois Rasmussen

    Golly! You folks are getting your news of Australia from some sources that are telling you lies. Australian Military doing “are you at home checks” are not armed! The protester was violent to the horses ridden by the police read: The Government will not immunize anyone without permission of that person…informed consent and never what you said by force. BUT some companies like Qantas has said “no vax no work”. Government is not happy with Qantas. Please go to the Australian ABC or Crikey online newspaper for your news as any newspaper published is suspect on integrity as it run by that USA mogul who is known for lack of integrity, he has a monopoly here almost. Australians are generally unhappy with our current right wing government and are looking forward to the election within the next year. e.g. Current Prime minister went on a holiday to Hawaii during the massive fires we had summer of 2019-20, when even a former prime minister was fighting the fires with their local Volunteer brigade. Billy please fact check your sources from Australia as I feel they are leading you astray…Keep well and happy all.

  • sativarg

    Hello fellows and fem,
    Fast and furious comes Truth and Lies apposing.
    Decades ago I saw pictures of pages of old and beautiful art; art depicting very old sciences. One such comes to the front of my mind now that I have seen the nature of Nature and matter. What Human Beings call particles are not. We are witnessing with ever sharper detail the behaviors of units of change. Like I have said Each atom has within three parts of behaviors from Mature and the intercourse of emptiness and fullness… or you can say light and dark. One is neutral and is a unit of equilibrium; the same is the destination of all things and energies and emptiness in this our Universe. Another is a unit of fullness or light who we call the proton. A third is a unit of emptiness or dark we call the electron. Using energies and by controlling the units we can induce behaviors of other units who are also behaviors of change. These have specific shapes like unto personalities even as the elements have such. What I saw in the pentagrams in those old reproductions of scientific diagrams are these behaviors organized into a functional chart not unlike our modern charts of elements and subatomic particles. The discipline that inspired the ancient art are very similar to ours but from a different and perhaps more useful perspective. All that seems magic is not… it is science and ritual is as procedure and protocol dimly remembered and cloaked in plausible deniability that keeps hidden techniques and technologies that are still used in certain circles in Earth.

    Now I hope you forgive my arrogance and beliefs as I respect your beliefs in kind… thank you.
    … now to listen perchance to be inspired some more.
    thank you

  • sativarg

    continued… LOL I almost got lost back into that great book again, I started to listen and did not want to stop.
    Edgar Rice Burroughs is a fine wordsmith…
    … back to listening…
    More trivia from DuckDuckGo’s searching… “”The deepest penetration of the Earth’s surface is the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia at 40,230 feet. Originally a Soviet project and a source of pride for the USSR, the aim was simply to drill as deep as possible into the Earth’s crust. The borehole is 9 inches in diameter. The project began in 1965 and terminated in 1995 when unexpectedly porous rock and high temperatures at this depth (356oF) made drilling unfeasible. “”
    How Deep Have Humans Drilled into the Earth’s Crust? —
    … back to listening…
    Now according to my model or vision of what Humans are calling gravity…
    Gravity is a symptom of the intercourse of emptiness and fullness. As dense energy moves towards equilibrium emptiness is absorbed into fullness and matter is accelerating outwards from centers of density. Here in Earth on the surface where air meets ground the acceleration is about 9.8 meters per second per second… The reason I reason on density in Earth’s core is the lack of emptiness down there. Where emptiness has not gotten there is less or no expansion… see? Less expansion = greater density…
    … back to listening…
    37:50 of 58:51 and the emperor has no clothes…
    No really, he really is but naked! It is what it is! and how sad is that?
    when all your tools are shovels you keep digging… Journey to the center of delusion?
    NASA? never a straight answer?
    … back to listening…
    42:26 why?
    Once again I taste the use of applied behavioral psychology and manipulation to drive frustration towards despair and apathy with yet another denial of obvious Truth. How many fingers and How many lights do you see Captain. You can not hurt what can not feel but they can drive you towards frustration by repeatedly lying in your face?
    … back to listening…
    Now if you want to hear some other examples of the four fingers… N.I.S.T… “fires took down the twin towers and even building seven…”
    N.I.H. “Ivermectin is dangerous and so is hydroxychloroquine…”
    CDC… “there is no evidence…” LOL right! smoking… mercury… MMR = Make more retards? not Mumps measles and such
    So why am I not surprised at anything NASA says these days?
    … back to listening…
    some of those kids already died in that fiasco… and they have cars and trucks? Truckers can stop traffic really well and where did they make those dystopian post apocalyptic road warrior movies? Mad Max franchise? Build some bad ass trucks and cross bows?
    back to listening…
    One thing about the elite that tastes of a god complex is how they just may believe that killing us is merciful. Some literally participated in cremation of care cerimonies for decades in Bohemian Grove, California… Cremation of how many victims of Hospital homicide?
    … back to listening…
    Hi Catherine, I think this is the first time I have heard your voice. You sound very lovely and kind.
    … back to listening…
    Next week the FDA may be accepting one of the shots as ready for prime time? Two are sounding not so great but one, probably Fauci’s pet, will be getting the Gold Standard stamp of craptitude… because they can’t tell a turd from a gold brick even when both hit them in the face.
    … back to listening…
    Well good morning here and thank you for all the fish… or inspirations

  • Charles

    The level of misinformation here has historically been off the charts. I’m letting my subscription to this site expire as the last few years has been less than useless. In fact I would compare it to CNN, just in a different direction.

  • ElementOrange

    So gravity is greater as we go down into the earth? Not sure that’s how the math works!

  • sativarg

    most of what I wrote RE this presentation is… in “”Your comment is awaiting moderation.””
    Limbo AKA Oblivion AKA censored…

  • sativarg

    Hello Humanity and other Earthlings… observing conspiracy in Earth.
    Hello also to the manipulators of Humanity and Earth… conspiring ones.
    I was listening last episode here when Mr. Davidson sought the top of the NASA section of our unreality onion. I say the NASA section because the illusion and domestication we are in is like many huge pyramids with there points in the core… in some ways and a huge onion in others. If you can see the core of the onion resembling the meat of the truth then the layers would be divided into several pyramids with their pinnacles sharing the core of the onion. One of those is the science pyramid in my model. There is a religion one and a financial one etc. The problem… the pinnacle is not in our sand box and it is not visible to Mr. Davidson. The head of NASA’s science department is in the box with the rest of us and so she likely believes the false narrative and the epoch or story that is even now collapsing. She is just as blind as any non observer of the conspiracies.
    … to get to the tippy top?
    We can address the manipulators as Dear Manipulators or Dear petty little gods who never create but only ever manipulate?
    LOL, I do.
    But let the drama continue… perhaps Mr. Davidson will be able to scrape off some of the scales from some of the eyes of the tools.
    thanks for reading and blessings
    Thank you, Mr. Davidson for your illustrious illuminations…

  • sativarg

    Update on the Non-Newtonian fluid behavior of the materials at and near the boundary between the crust and the mantle…
    Perhaps what Einstein proposed in Hapgood’s book introduction is causal but just the polar opposite?
    I would put a link reff here but they get me censored?
    search FaceFuck and Massive Pole Shifts are Cyclic according to Declassified CIA Document
    “”This takes us to the critical question: “What is the trigger for a geophysical pole shift?”
    Hapgood, along with Albert Einstein, who wrote the preface to Hapgood’s 1958 book, believed that the accumulation of ice at the North and South poles would be the trigger for a crustal displacement (geophysical pole shift). Einstein explained the triggering mechanism as follows:
    In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth’s crust over the rest of the earth’s body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator.””
    I say, perhaps the Ices melting rather than it’s accumulation will contribute to the crustal shift… resulting in less stimulation of Non-Newtonian fluids thus come the mud floods and the sloshing of the crust to the alternative stability. As Ice melts less “stirring” of the low velocity zone results in less Non-Newtonian fluid viscosity… sort of like less pressure on a torque converter but a torque converter filled with Non-Newtonian fluid … see?
    This coupled with Sol’s outburst of plasma and magnetics effects on Earth’s rotation combining in a perfect storm of factors to release Earth’s crust?
    … Now we see less ice? now Earth’s speeding up? Hmmm…
    More on this in the censored comment that is awaiting moderation…

  • Nathan

    Not sure ABC can be called a reliable source. Constantly spew left wing agenda and one sided view IMO.

  • Charles

    The following article can be found on
    This applies to the mantle as well as plasma in stars and space. No one needs to come up with any new forces or events to explain how the crust unlocks from the mantle, it happens when the magnetic field weakens far enough.


    Electricity in Space
    Hannes Alfvén
    First published in 1948 in the book The New Astronomy , Chapter 2, Section III, page 74 -79


    Hannes Alfvén is an original contributor to the potent new discipline of magnetohydrodynamic, to which he brings a background of work in such varied and related fields as cosmic rays, fundamental electronics, aurorae, earth magnetism, sunspots, and the design of electron tubes. He was born in 1908 at Norrköting, Sweden, and educated at the University of Uppsala. Since 1940, he has been professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. [He died in 1995. Biography]
    Nearly everything we know about the celestial universe has come from applying principles we have learned in terrestrial physics: Newton’s laws of motion, our studies of the spectrum of light, our explorations of the nucleus of the atom and other major discoveries in our physics laboratories have contributed to our enlightenment about the stars-their motions, their chemical composition, their temperatures and their source of energy.
    Yet there is one great branch of physics which up to now has told us little or nothing about astronomy. That branch, is electricity. It is rather astonishing that this phenomenon, which has been so exhaustively studied on the earth, has been of so little help in the celestial sphere. Electricity has illuminated our cities but has shed no light on stellar phenomena; it has linked the earth with a dense net, of communications but has given no information about the universe around us.
    Certainly we have seen plenty of evidence of electrical phenomena out in space. Within the last few decades we have discovered several important electrical effects in the heavens: strong stellar magnetic fields such as could only be caused by large electric currents, radio waves emanating from the sun and from many star systems, and the energetic cosmic rays, which are electrically charged particles accelerated to tremendous speeds.
    These phenomena, however, are still very mysterious. We have no idea how electric currents may be generated and transmitted in the stars or in space. Although we know a great deal about electricity, almost everything we know is based on its behavior in wires. We generate electricity by moving copper wires in a magnetic field, and we can transport, broadcast and use electrical energy only by means of wires. Any electrical engineer, asked what he could do without using metal wires at all, would certainly say nothing.
    But there are no wires in the stars. They consist entirely of hot gases. While physicists have given much study to the behavior of electric currents in gases, we know of no means by which gases can generate electricity. Hence the electrical phenomena in stars present us with a completely new problem.
    We cannot bring the stars into our laboratories. But we can investigate electrical behavior in a medium roughly comparable to the gaseous body of a star and under comparable conditions. We know that there are magnetic fields in stars. We also know that very hot incandescent gases, such as makeup a star, are good electrical conductors. In the interior of a star the gases are under such great pressure that they may be much denser than ordinary liquids. Since we cannot work with gases under such pressure in a laboratory, the closest we can come is to use a liquid. .Of the common liquids, mercury is the only one which is a good conductor of electricity.
    We have recently conducted some simple experiments with mercury in a magnetic field and observed several very curious and striking results.
    Everyone is acquainted with the “mercurial” behavior of mercury. If you tap the side of a vessel containing a pool of mercury, the surface quakes and ripples as if it were alive: We found that when we placed such a pool in a strong magnetic field of 10,000 gauss, its behavior instantly changed. It did not respond to jarring of the vessel; its surface stiffened, so to-speak. The magnetic field gave a curious kind of viscosity to the mercury. This was illustrated dramatically when we dipped the two ends of a bent metal wire into the liquid and moved them through-it. Ordinarily an object dragged through mercury moves as easily as through any liquid. But when the magnetic field was applied, the wire pulled the mercury with it, producing a big surge in the pool. It was like moving a stick through honey or syrup.
    This behavior is easily explained. The wire and the surface of the mercury between its ends form an electricity-conducting circuit. When the wire is moved across the magnetic field, it creates an electric current. Since an electric current always produces a magnetic field, the new current creates a second magnetic field. This interacts with the one we have already applied to the pool of mercury, just as, two magnets attract or repel each other. The force between the two magnetic fields opposes the motion which is producing the current. As a result the wire sticks to the mercury as if it were a very viscous liquid.
    Let us now consider another experiment that disclosed a more remarkable and illuminating phenomenon. We fill a small tank with mercury. The tank has a movable bottom which can be rotated back and forth like the agitator in a washing machine. In the absence of a magnetic field, the slow oscillation of this agitator, stirring the mercury at the bottom of the tank, will not disturb the surface of the mercury at the top of, the tank; the mercury molecules slide past one another so that the motion dies out before it proceeds very far up the tank. A mirror floating on the surface, with a beam of light shined on it to show any slight movement, stays perfectly still. When a strong vertical magnetic field is applied to the tank, however, the motion at the bottom is quickly communicated to the top.
    What we have created here is a new kind of wave, which was predicted theoretically about ten years ago but was actually produced for the first time in this experiment. The wave is the result of a coupling between magnetic and hydrodynamic forces. When, the mercury at the bottom moves in the magnetic field, it generates electric currents. These currents, with there attendant magnetic fields, produce mechanical motion in the mercury immediately above, which in turn creates new currents that act on the next layer. Thus the movement is communicated up through the whole body of the liquid. This rising wave of motion is called a magnetohydrodynamic wave. It has three characteristics: it produces (1) mechanical motion, (2) a magnetic field, and ( 3 ) an electric field.

  • JoMaHo

    At the center of Earth I do not think we would feel any directional gravity as we would be pulled half gravity in all directions. Our Earth gravity is us vs the entire Earth center mass below our feet. As water goes into the center of the Earth it would be under less directional (down) gravity depending on depth. Fun.

  • Woody

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair

  • Woody

    PS – I like tangents. :-)

  • Woody

    Karen St Germain’s twitters account may be private, but it is all about NASA. lol

  • Ametrine Moonshadow

    I did not see this mentioned yet and it breaks my 60 year old heart to say it, but… when NASA made its biggest leaps in technology, a former nazi was at the helm. The first director of NASA was part of Operation Paper Clip. I was a child when John Glen walked on the moon. I watched in awe when men were first launched into space. It was a huge part of my childhood. When I found out the man at the helm had worked on rockets that could have killed us, a part of my childhood was forever tainted.

  • Woody
  • Woody
  • Woody

    It’s Ok. He was just born in the wrong country at the wrong time in history. He did great things at NASA.

  • PaulN

    Hmmm, I can see I’m not be the only one concerned with the inaccurate reporting on what’s happening in Australia.. Truly, it undermines your credibility and that suits the very people and ideologies your claim to oppose. It saddens me to see you guys undoing all your good work.

  • Curtis loew

    Trump had to go. Biden was ‘Selected’ to be his temporary replacement. Afghanistan is the stage show that both dismisses Biden and distracts the world.
    Pelosi will be called upon to replace Biden…she will say Harris hasn’t the experience…she has the power to nominate someone else….guess who…..Mrs Clinton will ‘reluctantly’ take on the role of POTUS and the fourth industrial revolution will be introduced to the rest of the audience…before the buses remove them to pre arranged GULAGS.

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