FOTW August 14, 2021
– Intergalactic Field Aligns Galaxies: 05011.pdf
– Gravity vs Fields:
– LLSVP on Mercury? https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.
– Polar Summer Mesospheric Echoes: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary. 2021GL094918
– NASA Takes a Beating:
– Geomagnetic Biology:
– Expert’s Final Warning: pENijjYcwBw
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I have fowarded the final warning link to other people. Moving it on, person to person!
October use to be havoc hurricane time for the south East…
Thank you for the upload Gentlemen. No shortages of topics it seems. Things are changing quickly on both man made and mother nature fronts now.
Critical Thinking: WTF are we doing living on a planet near a star??? That is freaking Dangerous! An advanced society would build an artificial planet and move far away from the sun/star. No wonder we do not see intelligence… the live in the dark regions of the universe where it is safe. :-) Can you say death star? Pretty sure Elon will embark on that project next…
No need to worry about Haiti… the Clinton Foundation will be there. :-|
Let Us Not Forget… we are not that smart. We have been taught bullshit. Unlearning is hard.
Hello all. If y’all would like to hear from another former big pharma employee, a woman that has the knowledge, is\was in a unique position to put the pieces together, and is also saying the jabs are about depopulation, check out this video.
bs”d About irrelevance of stating ‘the atmosphere is not ferrous’… the atmosphere is, anyhow, not what it used to be, due to Solar Radiation Management using Aluminum, Strontium, Manganese, , and, even, now, Barium nanoparticles which then fall to earth and become part of the lower air we breathe and the water and soil that become part of our bodies.
For more info on what elements are magnetic, in an article at, we find:
What Elements Are Magnetic?
By Staff WriterLast Updated March 26, 2020
Iron, nickel, cobalt and gadolinium are naturally ferromagnetic elements. Common usage of the term “magnetic” refers to this form of magnetism. Other elements are capable of forming magnetic compounds, but are not magnetic in their pure states.
Powerful rare earth magnets are referred to by the names of their component rare earth elements, but these elements are not ferromagnetic on their own. Neodymium magnets are the best-known type of rare earth magnets and composed of an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron. Samarium magnets consist of an alloy of samarium and cobalt. These are useful at high temperatures where neodymium magnets would lose their ferromagnetism.
Other elements that are naturally nonmagnetic can undergo laboratory-induced ferromagnetism. When lithium gas is supercooled to near absolute zero, it exhibits ferromagnetism. This is the only recorded instance of a magnetic gas. While they are solids, not gases, compounds formed from actinide series elements exhibit similar magnetic properties when cooled.
The most powerful naturally occurring magnet is a compound, not a pure element: magnetite, or iron oxide. Naturally magnetized pieces of magnetite are called lodestones and have been used for their magnetic properties since ancient times. Large deposits of magnetite are magnetic enough to interfere with compasses.
We are, ourselves, by now, magnetic in ways that have nothing to do with innate, natural magnetism, because of the pollution of all factors in our environment. One of the minerals listed above as magnetic is boron. We must have boron for nutrition. It can be found in apples and other fruits. A female like me who was ‘spayed’ needs an additional supply of boron, thence the relevance of boron supplements. It’s necessary to not have that operation turn into a quickly fatal likelihood of heart attacks. So, really the fact that iron is not floating around in our atmosphere (if, indeed it is not… it’s been found in abundance I heard at S0’s, in the cosmic dust floating through outer space…) doesn’t mean the electromagnetic fluctuations at this time when the magnetosphere is weakening will be without effect, as we already know from other S0’s talks previously given, and above I just gave a couple tiny reasons why, in specific, and anyone who reads this note by me can go searching for many more specific reasons explaining how we can actually feel the magnetism decrease, and how the earth-and-atmosphere can feel it too and responds by anomalous weather and increased seismic activity. Maybe if NASA were to receive such specific challenges to that blanket, erroneous statement, they would at least slightly modify their story about ‘magnetosphere decrease does not affect climate’ towards accuracy, and eventually open their minds enough to share with the public what we and they already know… the climate is changing in ways that are bigger than human capacity to stop, and to blame it on people and thus impose taxes, and deny availability of necessary heating fuels when cold suddenly strikes areas which are not accustomed to it, is just plain cruel.
As in what happened in Texas last winter. What a crying shame.
Respectfully submitted.
Doing the research and so forth, it looks like building a colony INSIDE an asteroid of 10 to 100 miles in diameter is ideal. The idea of MILES of shielding from everything sounds good to me. Its easy to build large open spaces insides something with less than 0.25% the gravity of Earth. Even rotating colonies INSIDE a large hollowed out asteroid would be pretty easy to do. There are many 100+ mile wide asteroids out there. Each one could have many large hollows inside for rotating habitats.
As for location, the Trojans out in the Lagrange points of Jupiter’s orbit should be far enough from the sun to be very safe. Those are 60 degrees ahead of and behind Jupiter in its orbit, so nowhere near Jupiter’s large magnetic or gravitational fields.
bs”d The fact that Yeadon, once a Pfizer exec, is now risking everything to come out with pro-human-life information, is very good for Pfizer. It shows that Pfizer was once a pro-human-life pharmaceutical company. It shows that Pfizer as a company has been brainwashed. Pfizer is not the source of the evil, just a captured business that’s been turned on its head.
It seems likely that CV-19 jab-compliance canvassers will eventually arrive to my door. If that is the case, I do expect to tell them to shoot me instead of removing me. No problem. I was told at age 4 not to expect more than a 60-year life span and I am already 2.5 years past my time. But I will invite them in for tea, if they’d like to walk past my corpse… because, hospitality can transform hearts and minds.
So let’s put on our Dr. Evil caps. Why depopulate through a pandemic vaccine when you could do it much quieter with less resistance through the flu shot or something already trusted by the population?
The numbers are funky and don’t make sense, yes. The whole thing has a lot of stink and it seems obvious that lots of nefarious things are going on.
Remember the bell curve… if there weren’t any people from pharma saying bad things, I would be really worried. Take the ends off the curve and analyze the middle to find reality. Or as some people say, there’s two sides to every story and the truth is always in the middle.
We still live in a free country. If you don’t want the vaccine, you are free to no get it. You don’t need a reason or some conspiracy to convince other people why you shouldn’t get it. It’s your body, your life, your choice, that’s it. Anyone that has a problem with that, it’s on them. People not getting the vaccine isn’t going to do anything to the people that have the vaccine….yada yada nothing…that’s it.
This is going to be the best decade in human history, let’s get to it.
Ben – are your actuary friends making adjustments for all of the vaccinated people that are going to die?
I guess when you guys get Delta, you’ll give us an honest update, right?
Please get old mate on the show. That would be epic!!!!
Please get old mate on the show. That would be epic!!!!
you again? lol “delta” – how much evidence and how much science do we have to show you before you will just accept this is, was, and always will be, a complete hoax
Hi Community,
Plasma structure complexity in Sols membrane tastes like life?
Scalable indeed Mr. Davidson. I see the star we live in as being like a single cell with just as complex and functional a membrane as any cell in my own body. At sol’s center we have the nucleus where the most electric and electrochemical stuff takes place. Out at the membrane plasma structures are as the structures electric we observe in our own cells… see? Here in between are all manner of detectable but invisible structures that move matter and energy just as we observe in our cells cytoplasm? We even observe plasma behaving like plasma in our own cells?
… thanks Mr. Davidson.
now to press play…
thanks for reading and seeing Life with me?
Hi Observers of Life the Universe and everything,
Question RE the galactic clusters organized behavior…
Could there be a fabric or sheet that exists in which the galaxies of certain types are embedded? Could all the galaxies organized in our local area share a common sheet or fabric? A fabric we are just learning to detect?
… Could globular clusters be stars that are not embedded in such a fabric?
back to listening…
continued at time frame 33:12 of 48:56 and a twisted mercy…
I can see the possibility of such plans as described by some who believe that the so called vaccine is being deployed to depopulate Humanity. I can imagine elite who have participated in the cremation of care in Bohemian Grove feeling justified in what they see as wise and merciful necessity. From the perspective of such a one, letting people die in coma in hospitals rather than starving or dying from the collapse of our uncivilized domestication as being merciful. I am sorry for these ones who play god without the perspective adequate to be truly wise and graceful. Sad little gods one and all?
… back to listening…
Yes Mr. Davidson… an autoimmune disorder… time frame 33:59 and scalability of disorders…
We also are suffering a social immune disorder? We are attacking one another as though we were not one with Earth and each other? We fight Earth who is us, is in us and whom we are?
… back to listening…
Question… Could the elite who are using the jab to eliminate the surplus population be aware of the probability of a solar micro-nova? Could those ones see mass murder as some sort of twisted but necessary mercy? Are the manipulators rushing things now because their original plan have been to start something later only to have suspicious observers scare them into premature and reckless actions?
… Perhaps elements of a plan to mass test a wide spectrum of injectible tech had to be abandoned and adapted into the current madness. Ever since a scientist put a remote control on a live bull and stopped the bull from charging in mid charge some have hoped to be able to do the same with Humanity as a whole. Now with tiny magnets that can be attached to key molecules designed to attach to specific tissues in our bodies they should be quite able to do the remote controlling and more. Imagine being able to ping a building with micro micro or pico waves and have the ability to locate and identify any one inside, there location and condition. Imagine having the ability to then drive any one or all of those people out of hiding with specific signals that activate magnetic antenna in those people? How scary is that? That is exactly what I experienced in meditations back in the eighties. Now it is here and is real as far as I can see. In my meditations squads or swarms of drones could and did drive me and others out of hiding with powerful fear and pain that I can never forget.
… back to listening…
Off to listen to the last link and I recommend this on the same topic…
Dr. Ryan Cole #StoptheMandate | Health Freedom Idaho —
Dr. Cole is very calm and balanced in this presentation. At first I was frustrated in his soft treatment of organized crime but towards the end of this he firms up against the criminals. Worth the time and listen in my opinion.
off to the link…
Well… I have listened to this Doctor before and I endorse his message. Seems i am not alone: “”56,671 views•Jul 31, 2021
like this video along with 1,538 other people
dislike this video along with 55 other people””
… back to listening here…
LOL how do you know if any one has had a genuine jab… go and get a magnet? No really many who get a real Jab and not the placebos are magnetic at the jab site.
… back to listening…
I poked about but did not find a social media link for Michael Yeadon, sorry… in closing…
Thanks again community for the stimulation and inspiration.
Oddly 144K GMO mosquitos were released in South Florida to fight malaria(?). Makes me suspicious that it may have something to do with the outbreak in Florida about the same time.
Your work on space weather and catastrophism is excellent. However, I’ve formed the opinion that the reason why the powers that be allow you to broadcast week after week without being de-monetarised is because your tin foil paranoia with regards to covid undermines your entire credibility. Truly, you embarrass yourselves on this topic with your inaccuracies, something you punish all others for.