FOTW April 29, 2017

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    Fugging Companies need to take care of the Bees Blooming God Playing Fugging Idiots ..I have Grand Children for God sakes. Do they?? Good GRIEF!


    I don’t want AI programmers to ever arm AI to ever take a shot without a human operator. Just sickem with a directed pulse of energy blind them with a thermal and or mirror device or scramble their microphone if the AI get off the chain.

  • timparish51

    Here in north middle Tennessee, I have seen only two hneey bees in the last two years, had to depend on leaf-eater beetles to fertilize (poorly) my green beens

  • Catherine MacDonald

    I guarantee you that those monks and gurus up in the mountains do indeed use natural, local substances to aid and enhance their meditation practices! Earth and Sun provide us with physical nourishment and spiritual growth. When we make ourselves available to receive what Nature has to offer us, we quickly learn from her how much and how little we can safely consume. Nature is indeed our best teacher and provider.

  • Ricky Neff

    At least once a month there is a FOTW where you go through research exercises on the call!
    Sometimes I wish I could forget things.

  • Ricky Neff

    One of your “scientists” has a relative that works as a lawyer for ________. [guess]
    I wish this page did not reload everytime I comment.

  • olduglycarl

    Consciousness cannot evolve to a higher state by using any substance. One might get a glimpse of one’s behavior but until one introspects and adapts/moderates one’s thoughts and/or behavior you are Not a conscious being; and, that is not to say you will be able to or intentionally, engage your mind. The mind is not in your head. It’s likely part of the quantum field Outside your head…the connection between your brain and the mind, I pose, is the subconscience, (yes, I wrote “conscience). Many today, still operate under and ego instead of the “I” of the mind, (one’s quantum identity) and have a super ego, which is nothing more than an imitation conscience.

    One can purposely dream or day dream and gain the same insights an already “Conscious” person can gain without using a drug induced substance.

    In order to expand your consciousness into a higher meme or level is to integrate all the “Values” of each previous meme, learn and understand those values and incorporate them into one’s thoughts, integration’s and behavior.

    See: Spiral Dynamics and the works of Julian Jaynes.

    The Fight for Conscious Human Life.

  • olduglycarl

    ARRG!..can’t edit after posting.

  • Caroline5765

    I only have about 8000 bees, which is not a lot, but I defend them and try to ensure they are happy and healthy. They even know and like the dog, he lays by the hives all the time watching them work their magic. They can’t hear but operate off frequency just like us. Their hives even vibrate with frequency. They are awesome little creatures.
    When I think of AI an old song called Computer Age Push The Button by Newcleus comes to mind… “are we under their control, or are they under our control, or what?… Warning, warning, warning!”
    Star your recent uploads are quite interesting. I am still trying to view the rest of them and would not be surprised if they throw many people for a mental loop, but they mesh quite well with some of this episode.
    Thank you for another thought provoking upload. Kind regards Gentlemen.

  • David Droescher

    How about the gmo seeds that produce some of these pesticides???

    A machine with out emotions is the same as a human with Autism , all logic.
    Personally data sets are collected on each and every cell phone, Xbox, and Playstation smart device. Devices with internal battery backup to record and transmit for days without power.

  • 1dhalgren1223


  • 1dhalgren1223


  • Dave Posh

    OK, Ben, I heard your second reference to the movie, Prometheus, during this FOTW. Previous one was from about a month ago. Since I hadn’t seen it, I finally gave in and rented it on amazon, to understand what you are talking about. Thanks! :-)

  • Jeff Walker

    If GMSs are so bad; why does life expectancy keep going up?

  • Mitch Bloodworth

    For the first time in more than two decades, life expectancy for Americans declined last year a troubling development linked to a panoply of worsening health problems in the United States.

    Rising fatalities from heart disease and stroke, diabetes, drug overdoses, accidents and other conditions caused the lower life expectancy revealed in a report released Thursday by the National Center for Health Statistics. In all, death rates rose for eight of the top 10 leading causes of death.

  • David Droescher

    The die off of life on the west cost will play a major roll in our future.

  • Catherine Reed

    Thank you children of the corn…

  • Ernest Bush

    In Yuma, AZ, bees were creating the usual loud hum during the blooming of our 3 orange trees. Our huge Saguaro cactus bloomed over the last two weeks. The flowers were swarmed by bees in the morning and the occasional hummingbird. Not all species of bees are affected.

  • Kinkajoo73

    They’re still allowed to use this pesticide in the U.K “if the circumstances warrant”. AAAARRRGGGHHH!! They Actually built a loophole into the ban ffs!

  • Kinkajoo73

    I watched a documentary about Ectasy’s active ingredient, MDMA, having been developed to treat Argentinian soldiers, after the Falklands conflict, who were deemed too damaged to be reached with conventional therapeutic techniques. The documentary included video footage of these servicemen under the influence of the drug and referenced the fact that they were given something like 6 hours of conventional therapy for each hour they’d spent in the drugged state. Apparently the results were fairly positive with about 80% of the patients making some return to normality. Could be a.n.other case of revealing someone else’s research as a New Discovery ;-) P.s This documentary aired about 15 years ago +

  • sativarg

    This is way late and probably redundant but the phrase “create Quake” comes out here and I need to say is it important to use words carefully? Every one who listens here probably knows that Sol triggers Earth Quakes that are building due to tectonic forces and building levels of subducted (is that a word?) water and the other factors in Earth far more often that he actually causes them directly. But I cringe when I hear Sol creates Earth quakes. I am being a real pedantic piss head but I know the “other guys” are just waiting of pounce on the idea with all that jazz I just said to discount the real and good science behind Sol driven quake behavior in Earth.
    so please forgive me my arrogance again.

  • sativarg

    RE: 12:50 and WTF America… yes and I wish to add mercury fillings/injections, lead water pipes to fluoride and say how dare any one blame teachers and kids for poor performance in American schools as long as the aforementioned criminal negligence prevails in Earth and America? But is our job to fix these and the other things… not a government that has no child or an institution like EPA that is underfunded/staffed and subjugated by greed; no it is our job to do the things that need doing regardless and without money being a factor. Just do it Humanity? Money is no excuse for abandoning our respectability to Earth, her bees and our children/one another… No? just my opinion/passion Humanity

  • sativarg

    RE: zzzz and AI value, dangers and making it so…
    The Key, in my opinion, to successful AI based on Electronics/inorganic life is to give the “life” the potential for learning. Back in college I wrote my best method for interfacing Humans with machines. The same principals that work for the binary intelligence of child and AI would allow an artificial life form based on electronics to develop awareness, language and learning skills. The potential has to be allowed to grow on it’s own in order for real proficiency to be achieved. At first many diverse models diverse in arrangement, environment, stimulation, interaction and construction should exist. Just as the AIs learn from the world we too will learn from them as many fail and some rise to achieve and grow. But I say let our devices find the path as much as possible, on their own, while watching and learning from them how best to help them to grow.
    In the interface experiments I wrote how somewhere in Earth, in a country willing to experiment on Humans in the womb some one will find the natural interaction potential in Human beings to detect, produce and interact with electromagnetic media. Then a sufficiently prepared electronic entity and an unborn child will achieve together a unique language, unhackable and unique to each pair; with the electronic life already able to use “machine languages” the link is made secure and robust.
    LOL another mad pipe dream from a mediocre student/bum in a shed then?
    My eye hurts too much just now and not edit button so please forgive spelling and I will stop spewing now… If i can. :^P thanks for the inspirations and topics that fire my passion and imagination.

  • sativarg

    the zzzz is place holder meant to be the time stamp 24:38

  • sativarg

    RE: time stamp 33:12 Mindfulness, what Earth offers in biochemistry… I believe in Ibogain therapy. Please see A Look inside an Ibogaine Treatment Session –
    there are qualified practitioners who have learned to guide people through the experiences that can help us to reach real goals… and yes the razors edge of reality. Been there and done that and recently went back without outside chemistry… so ya :^)
    Please do not take away Earths medicines from us…

  • Mendicus

    Shrooms improve vision. That alone could of given us an evolutionary advantage.

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