FOTW April 18, 2020
– Anti-matter Uh-Oh:
– Galactic Center Brightening Still:
– Ozone Record:
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X is right
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 King James Version (KJV)
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. LUKE 21
And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains,and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! Revelation 6
In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. Revelation 9
What do you suggest for a relocation strategy from the Boston area (perhaps to the Southwest, but if not, best areas in New England? Or elsewhere)? My wife is (after some effort) more open to considering this and our kids are still young, but moving across country w/o a job lined up (a d the economy in taters) and where we have no friends or community… it’s daunting to say the least. It seems this needs to be done with, or w/I a community that is all on board and pulling in the same direction…and knows how to protect one another. Please respond with some ideas, as I don’t know who else I could ask about this.
I keep telling people it’s a new awakening..and they think I’m nuts =)
It’s not clear to me that the government reaction to COVID-19 has been overdone. Thankfully, the experiment cannot be redone, but who is to say what the number of deaths would have been without the mitigation rules in place? Was it overkill? Maybe, but it doesn’t matter because underreaction would have made everyone equally angry.
Early on, the data was wrong and confusing and good data is just now coming in. The models are always not quite as good as the data put into them. Epidemiologists are going to spend years trying to learn what worked and didn’t work and how to manage the next novel virus. In spite of that, the next pandemic will be different and the plans will be obsolete before they are even written.
People who’s lives are destroyed or gone, is one interpretation of a ‘zombie apocalypse’. How much are these people going to scream and holler like NY gov Cuomo did .. they will want socialism, they will want everyone else to take care of them. It is going to be a huge shit show.
As for the Antimatter thing, I recommend getting a copy of Dr LaViolette’s book SubQuantum Kinetics (SQK) and read it from cover to cover. Most libraries have it. You can skip 95% of the math and still get it. It is a graduate level book, but worth every hour you spend working it out. I took a week to read it, then I went back into it again, to clear up some bits I didn’t get on the first go round’. This antimatter disparity is just one more thing backing up SQK. Also SQK debunks black holes and the big bang. The part that debunks black holes isn’t spelled out in the book as such, and that part is that subatomic particles are not infinitesimal points, but rather objects with diffuse boundaries. Their mass and gravitational fields are not concentrated at an infinitesimal point, which means that an object with an escape velocity more than the speed of light is not possible. This means that an object with a million+ solar masses, such as a galactic core, can and will have outbursts.
SQK also accounts for all that extra heat from larger planets, and even predicted the pioneer anomaly, years before NASA discovered it. Dr LaViolette has compiled a growing list of evidence to support SQK and his galactic super-wave theories on his website.
“I’ve even experienced more difficulty talking on the phone.”
About 2 months ago the city of Butte Montana had the data link on one of the two towers serving my residence fail. Although I had four bars of cell phone signal and no data signal, it took an hour and a half to get a call through to Verizon tech support. It was through the call that I learned of the tower malfunction.
The conclusion I reached due to the nature and Manor of the malfunction I experienced was that Verizon is stealing from its customers they are charging $20 per line phone access charge yet denying access to the phone aspect of their device, instead they are providing a VoIP service. This would explain the difficulties you’ve had with the phone due to the fact the towers are equipped based on a percentage of usage not the total usage buy the coverage area they are currently experiencing due to the work at home environment and all of the children doing their school work through a tether on their phone.
On a similar note my aunt is a DOD contractor required to work at home due to lifelong severe asthma. They were one of the first customers in their neighborhood to install home-based fiber-optic when the community was built 20 years ago. When she goes to login to do her work it is as though the server on the other end has run out of spots you have to draw the lottery that the moment you enter was the moment after somebody session timed out. There are some days where there are 30 + attempts with no success. In conclusion you are 100% correct the infrastructure is based on a percentage of usage yes there’s a hundred thousand or more DOD contractors operating on three shifts a day this does not mean they need that kind of infrastructure 24 hours a day so the infrastructure would be spread 50% capacity if a if a respectable business model is used in the design of the system.
Let me spell it out for you. This was nothing more than the common cold. It was an experimental train the Chinese were messing around with and it got loose.
Look at the media and left wing talking heads (collectively known as MSDNC). When this first started coming out and they were still preoccupied with the fake impeachment, they dismissed it with a correct assessment as ‘nothing to worry about’. Then at one point they ALL instantly changed their story. The main push by MSDNC, was all in lockstep, like good little Nazis. They all began peddling the fear-porn. They got people whipped up into a frenzy and shut down the world. They played their hand when Pelousy tried to stuff the relief bill with all kinds of socialist bullshit that had absolutely no business being there.
It looks like they were betting on this to be the last straw to break the world over into communism. Now they are all trying to CYA with conflicting stories in a massive blame-storm of confusion. Looks like most of them are pointing at China, anything to divert attention from their changing stories and lies!
If you don’t get it, a 1984 interview with a KGB agent who defected in 1970 will open your eyes. He wanted to warn us because if the USA falls he would have nowhere to defect to, looks like we ignored him. I hope we can still get out of this with a free society…. otherwise we’ll be eating out of garbage trucks in 5 years, like Venezuela, or starving to death by the tens of millions as when Mao took power in China.
Is the Love that gave us life trying to confuse us with silly dementions?
I became “Cognizant of Reality” at a very early age, I suspect I may have been born that way. I live in Arizona and am considered essencial services since I work in IT. I go everyplace from in-home and small business’s to science research labs, world renowned medical facilities and even major weapons manufactures where armed escort is not optional and they will shoot if you if you deviate from the yellow line.
When the Pandemic thing stared around here, people bought out nearly every gun shop in town with lines rivaling those at Costco. Still, for the most part they remain nice and kind, after all an armed society is a polite society. They are also staying home because they are scared. Scared people only do three things, fight, cower or run. We already see what most are doing, cowering at home. That leads to boredom. Bored people either go to sleep or go find something exciting to do and that is what’s coming next.
Between the economy, the election, and the biblical predictions, it’s going to be ugly. Then there is the corollary between 2nd Timothy 3:1-7, 13 and our current time in history. Of course, we can’t forget Matthew 24. Earthquakes, pesilances and food shortages in one place after another, and that’s just the beginnings of the pangs of destress. Just wait until we cross the galactic current sheet. It’s going to be one hell of a ride.
2nd Timothy 3:1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power;b and from these turn away. 6 From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
13 But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.j
Riotors and protestors are going to cause an explosion in case numbers and their respecpted areas.
If this is what they desire they will simply increase testing in the area increasing the statistics of confirmed cases as an explosion, however it’s merely increased testing it is responsible for increased numbers
look at the respective volcanic activity reaching the stratosphere corresponding to the recent ozone hole records & consider the chemistry interacting with cosmic rays above the polar vortex~
The landscape today in America is like fingernails scratching the chalk board. Human beings are predictable and yet unpredictable many of us can walk away, ignore the babble in the background, see past the lies and deception taking place, but the vast majority literally feed off the mainstream and hinge on every word spewing out of msnbc, nbc, abc etc. If you take a few minutes and watch what these people are consuming it scares the hell out of me. These people are going to be the zombies who come out and go to the extreme, they will be the ones chasing you down the street on foot while you are driving to work screaming examples: you didn’t get the vaccine or call the police they left the house without being tested whatever the new norm is. These people are incapable of thinking for themselves they remind of the insects flying into the electric bug zapper hanging outside in the yard one follows the other. JMO.
I tuned into the S0s for the science.
What was the minutia over fecal matter? Keep your heads up guys be ready . Thanks Ben and gentlemen!
In all the events of the universe knowing as you what is coming in the future, at a political level knowing the war between factions in our country even before Trump took office, 7 days before in fact, Fauci gave a speech in which he said point blank that”Trump”, not the country, but”Trump” will have a viral outbreak on his watch. I am no longer in D/R camps, but this plus other events lets me know that this is a plandemic and that if Russiagate, impeachment, etc does not take Trump down, then the second wave of this planned event will be tried just before election as an attempt at Democrats regaining power. I am not a fan of Trump or any other politician on the horizon, but see the war between forces at one level in our country. It is unfortunate that the President is surrounded by untrustworthy actors. All of this is beside the point in a way considering what our planet has in its future. I have been woke intuitively and cognitively to that long before joining this site. Wish you all well in your work informing us all.
Thank you for the upload gentlemen.
Dixie if you listen to Paul Cottrell and George Webb discussions you will further connect all the dots with the virus, players and possible future issues we face. This pandemic is just the light being turned on for of a long cascade of events past, present, and to come, but I have a feeling mother nature will be trumping them all. We both know the best past, present and future answer- Keep your immunity system strong, stay as self reliant as possible and eyes to the skies. or OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL on YouTube may help to start the “RED PILL” process. Very broad over view of many political/msm/bad guy activities.
Great show, nice to hear some heated but still friendly arguing 👍😀
How is there no difference between Sweden and Norway? Sweden did not close down and Norway did. There are 5 times more dead in sweden than in Norway per cap.. Am i missing something? Kr /R
Ben all as if I can add to the last fly on the ”fuck off”’ you are on the wrong tangent, life is only as fucked up as you make, it or not, you got to have those ”Positive waves Morrialte” is what is needed. Than YOU ! ps Listen to your Self.
Where can I find Adrians show?
Check out Lies, Damned LIes and Coronavirus Statistics by James Corbett Report
Suspect Sky
With all the problems you all have with Skype…. May I suggest you seriously consider using Discord in the future. You can have voice meetings like on Skype but it actually works along with tons of other features and it’s all free.
You really should stick to science…you’re ignorance is showing!
We are in a cyclical time of social change which is guided by the shadow on which this country was founded, “all men are created equal,” in 1776. That wasn’t true if you were a black man and 84 years later this unraveled with the Civil War in 1860. Yet even that did not free everyone, just ask a woman! That shadow unraveled 84 years later during WWII in 1944 when women entered the work force and planted the seeds of the feminist movement. Each of these changes were sparked by a crisis that created a socio/political/economic shift that could not be imagined by those living in the existing one.
The next shift is in 2027 and we are in the crisis which spurs the change. Notice the pattern of external war (Revolutionary), internal war (Civil), external war (WWII), are we experiencing the next civil war? And what is unraveling? How about the concept that all humans are valued equally? Money still controls the game…those with privileges self serve to preserve their privilege, those who think of them self before others!
I love this quote by Thomas Jefferson…
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs”
We are sure finding out what essential work is in the world. Look at the leadership in this country, filled with self serving, ego inflating rhetoric. We are already seeing governors rebel and taking local control, building consortiums…Northeast (Cuomo) and West Coast (Newsom). Is this the prelude to succession? It’s not hard to imagine scenarios in which it could happen.
This is the time when we have an opportunity to navigate this crisis with more consciousness…by including everyone and cooperating to build a more equitable system. Are we seeing the end of central government in this country? What will money look like going forward? How will we place value on the kinds and type of work we do?
Yes you can hunker down in your bunker, or espouse your latest conspiracy theory but you’re really operating from a place of impotence. How about you get educated and put your time and energy into being part of the solution!
What I believe is different is our ability to navigate.
Hey Sunny, my advice is get the job first. You should probably move yourself out first, get the job, and then relocate the family. That’s how such situations used to be handled before society got so emotionalized and sissified. The man left for a few months (whatever it took) to get everything prepared, and then brought the family along. You’re not in any rush. The catastrophe isn’t happening tomorrow or this year. If it is, most of us are screwed anyway, so why worry? I haven’t even begun preparations yet and I will be making my last stand in the mountains of west Texas. My advice is to take your time, do things in the correct order (job first, move second, family third), and, good luck to you.
A small part of me thinks the US released the virus inside China. Think about the rising threat of China we’ve all seen in the last 30 years, they are militarizing, becoming more and more authoritarian, and everyone is dependent on their goods, this virus hurts everyone but it by far hurts China more, gets the world angry at them, gets people pulling out manufacturing from them. Obviously I have no evidence of this and it’s just as likely that China was incompetent with their lab, but it’s at least plausible this was a deep CIA operation.
Get a cuppa, be somewhere quiet, relax, and with good intentions in your heart, and the best welfare of your family in mind , ask the universe for direction . Then let it go . At some point there will be information for you, you will recognise it. Trust yourself, but from a female point of view family is really important when your kids are small, so is a community you trust, destabilising your family now for a future catastrophe that might not arrive for decades doesn’t make sense. But once you sincerely ask the question, keep your eyes open, the best options will become clear, remember you have the freeWILL, you choose.
The universe tells me Trump is much more aware of what is going on behind the scenes, both politically and spiritually, than any know. It is no coincidence that the spiders web of msm and deep state has not been able to take him down. I have an intuition that another disease worse than covid 19 is in our future. I’ve been prepping for a while and this thing has not hit me that hard yet, but learning to social distance and understanding the networks we need in place may be a good thing, I’ve been sure that Trump is on our side right from the beginning, which was weird for me as I always found him unworthy of too much attention as a celebrity, never watched or read much about him and the few snippets I saw in adverts gave me a negative view of him. But once 2015 rolled round I out of nowhere became obsessed with his campaign, and spent most days on the internet promoting info that showed the truth about the political realities in USA, I didn’t really understand what was going on at the time, but feel divine guidance was in play, and what was required at the time was click, like and share. . We are still going to see hardtimes but a believe the worst was avoided when the Clinton bid for presidency failed, suspicious observers are also important part of the positive outcome for humanity. But I no longer feel the absolute emergency and fear that possessed me for the years leading up to the Trump election. Prepped and waiting with a little anticipation to see how it unfolds over the coming months and years, got some bourbon stasched for that finall day, and am hoping to last long enough to see it, stay calm, enjoy your life, cheers.
You sound like a dick with a humanities degree that feels the need to justify his educational choices, if not, just a fool who appears to have misunderstood what Ben was trying to say, equality for women has been achieved only recently, for women who choose not to have children, those that do are now discriminated against by the fact that to have children and be able to provide for them you have to be a mother, full time job, and work, which means most women are still more stressed and working harder longer hours than ever. Not equal. Suspicious observers are part of the solution by making it known that the science and the status quo are wrong we can be confident to put more trust in ourselves, our experience, our intuition. People working for their own and the communities best interests , with the truth in science, not propaganda,is how we make the world best for all of us. Admitting that you don’t have all the answers just yet is also important.
thanks guys,
“The guns aren’t loaded..” -Snowpeircer
I was first red pulled to the NWO and the ruling elite in 1993 when I was 13. People are sheep, the awakening is always slow to what you want, but I can say that as I e watched things unfold for 25 years, it’s an exponential awakening. Things are heating up. I never would have thought to ever hear a podcast like this 20 years ago. Great discussion, I have a lot more to research from you guys. Who is the upper management? The bankers or reptilian?
Be prepared, stay alert.
Keep your powder dry!
Local Providers do not have the bandwidth for consumers… so things will be slow. Telecom (Cell Phones) are being taxed. I work for Centurylink… and I take care of the Commonwealth of Pa! :-)
They never had bad data. They knew this all along, as I did, based on simple math. I have been posting these facts on FB and here on the podcast almost weekly. It was just an overblown cock off to accomplish a goal. You see the drop in other respiratory deaths? Its because they are being blamed on COVID19… improperly.
You are not looking at anything real. We are near record low volcanic aerosol cooling.
Half nonsense.
You are clueless about where the fuck you are and what we’ve done. This sounds like liberally hippy soy boy bullshit… and I dont stand for that shit one bit.
Thanks for the reply Ahoban. I’ve discussed that you’ve suggested (at least superficially) with my wife, but then the Covid-19 Economic Catastrophe of 2020 hit us. God knows how long before jobs will be anywhere near what they were just six weeks ago. Curiously, how did you choose West TX for spot?
Iappreciate your comments and consideration, Snooky. I try to make some prayeful/meditative time at the end of each day (but usually have to ward off sleep while do so). Another point that’s a bit heavy on my mind is that my kids are learning “skills” for a world that, catastrophe or not, will look very different from today. I’d rather do this sooner than later so that have a more hybridized skill set and lean more heavily on self-sufficiency skills (which are valued very little litter in Major E. Coast cities…at least up to last moth they were) when the times comes that they’ll need them. Also, the idea of a community supportive of this lifestyle, which frankly, if predicated on the freedom (and guts) to think freely and challenge intellectual dogma; this I’ve not seen anywhere in the Boston area, where Harvard/MIT high priests rule.
Sorry about my sundry typos. I was writing w/o my readers…yikes.
Dear Mr. Davidson and community,
Wow and Hear Hear!!
and Millions Are Being Murdered | The Killer Cure…
Thank You Mr. Davidson!
also I would like to say that the last Presidential Presentation contained One Real Bright spot in the form of a study on how Sun Light greatly reduces the stability of Covid particles… How UV can end virus much more quickely.
While this is great and true it is very important to respect UV radiation. It can and will burn you very badly in ways you can not feel. It is as potentially dangerous as fire but it does not warn you as it does harm so be careful. I can see a stampede nearing a cliff if people abuse UV and if Business sells unsafe UV equipment to unsuspecting people. Please be very careful to understand UV light and the dangers it can pose.
Slavery was on it’s way out years before the civil war, globally, a few more months and it would have been abolished in the south.
Women did not start the feminist movement, which began long before WWII, and not to empower woman…
Dear community,
Yesterday i mentioned the Presidents presentation and specifically the study of how Light effects corona type virus. Today the playground mentality has too many focusing on the tiny little chink in the argument and like children poking at that one thing… LOL Some one call the playground monitor?
But I have one point I feel worth looking into. What kind of glazing is on most modern buildings. In recent Years it has become a wide spread practice to include UV filtering in window glass to protect fabrics and materials from UV that can degrade them. It is just that same UV that may well break down or even just damage virus enough so that our immune system is able to attach antibodies past the little protective horns of the virus… in other words would it be good to make sure that the right kind of Sun light is coming in and or introducing the best sort of light into nursing homes office building and homes etc?
Is it possible that being exposed to the virus after it has been damaged by Sols light and or artificial Sun light is similar to being immunized? Do the natural bacteria on our skin use UV to help them stay free from the virus that attack bacteria? Does using strong chemicals on healthy bacteria provide virus a safe place to last on our skin?
Is there a sweet spot in the light spectrum or multiple frequencies of light and or sound that is able to damage virus horns and or capsule without harming good bacteria and or Humans?
thank you for reading and blessings chuck
Would it make sense that the galactic core undergoes some type of ignition of the fermi bubbles, which initiates essentially a wave of dust to ripple out away from the center every ~12,600 years?
Yes, I watch them!
When you look at what’s happened, when we have this health crisis, and it very quickly morphs into an economic crisis and then very quickly becomes a financial crisis. What is at risk here is our metaphysics and not our social roles. The evolving nature of the condition in which our nation has been afflicted over the last 60 or so days is just one more confirmation of my conclusion that communication is really the study of transformation. Whereas information and electrical theory are theories of transportation. In every college there are theories of how you move data from point A to point B to point C with minimal distortion. Information theory is a theory of transportation and it has nothing to do with the effects which these forms have on you. Many educators think that the problem is to just to get the information through, get it past the barrier, the opposition of the young, just to move it and keep it going. What did writing do to the people who invented it and used it? How are people changed by the instruments they employ? What do the other media of our time do to the people who use it? Because it is the hidden ground of services that changes a person’s metaphysical role they play in society; not the innovation.
If the majority of what you communicate is autocratic, or I would argue a more authoritarian type of policy structure centralized on oppression and victimhood, what you end up seeing is that instead of policy being guided by critical thinking, data, and independent third party verification; you begin to see the information resembles political posturing. These past periods of intolerance and ignorance you have wrongly applied to our current situation of reason and foreplanning. How do I know the application is wrong? Because the fact that you provided no independently verified contemporaneous examples of these human rights violations. I mean down the board, whenever you look at these things the funniest part about it in a dark way, is that the emergency of inequality never ends. The only thing this political posturing has done is shifted the burden of verifiable scientific rigor to the proponent of the hypothesis, rather than providing an alternative explanation or examples. Without support from our community of peers an idea can languish for many years without its significance being recognized.
As a result of this posturing we start to see everyone becoming fearful and hopeless, and so worried about today, that we have really stopped thinking about what tomorrow will look like as a result of the decisions that we take today. Which is why we need the transparency and accountability of this scientific process to make sure that the brakes that are being pumped (policy wise) are not on the safety, health, and income of our society. And it’s interesting that you see disproportionate sums of money going to businesses rather than hospitals, public programs, et cetera. These interest free federal loans and bailouts are going to the groups and corporations that actually created or complicated the crisis originally. Like airline industries. We need to remember that this virus will subside just as it did in the past; but the decisions that we make today will last. But today we (the public) are being asked in a moment of extraordinary fear, “What do we want these systems to look like?” Because if these systems are changed in a manner which enforces the equity of businesses, individuals, and medical care; they’re going to continue making these decisions for us on an automated basis. Decisions that determine who goes to school, who gets a home, who gets a shot, who gets a loan, and who does not. As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest this slide into a less liberal and less free world. In order to properly inform our decisions about the future, when we have to react to where this is heading based upon where we have been.