FOTW September 4, 2021

– Magnetic Fields of Cosmic Jets:

– Sun, MagField, Quakes:

Showing 21 comments

    Loved the abstract… posted it on FB they didn’t hide it with the climate notification… I know not a big woopie… but …

  • Johnathan Jones

    Judges are appointed for life at the higher levels, this is supposed to force them to live in the beds they make. Many religious books speak of how it is for a society when judges go bad,…or good. Mason said he could be anyone one society wanted him to be, the truth is he can only be who he is. Our world has a spiraling exponential population condition that is becoming far more than just acute. This driver with supersede all groups of power on Earth as they struggle for protection, resources and control. Truly it is going to be interesting times. But consider this, fake news has been around even before man could write things done. While books and legends from around the World, all speak of great events, one has to guess that fact news has distorted information to benefit some parties and influence others.

    For example, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is a one eyed fake messiah that is the liar that will deceive the world, as per the Koran. The Antichrist of the Bible is said to speak like a dragon etc…. Serious fake new stacked against this individual in my estimation. Besides in a world so full of lies, half truths and biassed agendas , lies would hardly stand out. The truth though would stand out and burn like fire and those that don’t want to hear it will instantly call you a liar. So who can really speak like a fire breathing dragon? Maybe Puff?

    Anyway, I have studied this person ever since I caught a bullet head wound as a kid that put out one of my eyes, really amazing I survived. I study that subject like you study the Sun. Why do you study the Sun so much? Anyway I’m thinking about buying a 72 foot boat with a expedition hull that has a 8000 mile range. I would like to pull the engine and put in solar panel, batteries, a electric motor and a back up diesel generator. I also will need a pilots/captains endorsement on my drivers license. I know a 666 endorsement is good for driving and fixing planets, but does it cover smaller boats? Anyone look at their drivers license and notice unusual endorsements? I don’t know much about smaller boats excecpt “Red, Right . Return” . Anyway, if all this from God/ our greatest grandparents, I expect the story is even better than what we all on Earth have been reading, but I’m also sure this is not going to be easy and a super high roller coaster ride…..SOS? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;0) wink!

  • Dirt

    Thinking about the inflow found in the jet, it reminds me of eddy formation in a river. Water parts to flow around a rock but then some of it flows upstream to fill the void behind the rock. Is there a plasma inflow to fill a void?


    About the hippies… no no no what you are seeing are the wanna he’s… the money babies.. I live in an area that’s is similar… like the old guys with the old cars that they’ve refurbished.. these are the guys who wanted to do that when they were younger and couldn’t belong to that movement in the 50’s n 60’s… not knocking those people… but the old fart hippies live in Millon dollar homes… and pretend.
    Real hippies either assimilated to society because they saw it was over or are artists authors and generally quite and loners… with the been there done that thoughts… it was not an easy life… friends music made it fun here and there but not easy.

  • Kevin Benham

    The Peoples Republic of Boulder was an early adopter with the socialist agenda and control factor involved. Previously in the 60’s and 70’s, Boulder the was regional capitol for Hippies and then it swung the other the other way (forever) in the 80’s…… soup for you! Thank goodness you are not trying build the ranch in Boulder county. It would never happen with the 5 different various approvals needed. Now the Colorado state government has likely swung that direction and probably won’t revert any time soon. I’ve lived in the Denver area on/off since ’65 and spent quite a bit of time working (and partying) in Boulder county over the years. I now live in AZ and it’s sad to see how califorincated both states have become…..

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload Gentlemen.
    I live too far to be involved with the site but will send some support soon.
    My grandparents fled the Hitlers so give me devolution or give me death.
    Stay vigilant and stay as prepared as you can. Kind regards for now.

  • sativarg

    Dear Observer of Life the Universe and everything, Dear Miracle,
    Three attributes of matter are fullness, equilibrium and emptiness
    These, we call proton, neutron and electron respectively.
    each stable unit of fullness is surrounded by a unit of equilibrium and these together attract a unit of emptiness.

    Thus we observe the atom or we observe the behaviors of stable units of change as atoms.
    Each atom is a unit of change in a state of stability or the stable state of a unit of change… see?
    When we observe the different Elements we are observing different stable states of change or stable behaviors of the intercourse between light and darkness or emptiness and fullness.

    Gravity is not a force.
    Gravity and the other so called forces are the symptoms of change… the symptoms and behaviors of light in intercourse with dark or rather emptiness interacting with fullness.
    In order to understand Life, the various Universes and everything we must learn to observe emptiness and fullness and equilibrium… see? Each of these play a role or roles in the dance with Death. Each has unique and individual behaviors.

    As fullness moves from density towards equilibrium fullness absorbs emptiness. Where emptiness meets with fullness there exists a zone of depletion. This is a zone where exists equilibrium that is also like a bow wake of a ship… ripples of variations in density surround the surface of the concentrated energy as it accelerates outwards.
    When matter made of atoms of change are organized so that emptiness is absorbed directionally the observed behavior is relative motion or relative acceleration… this we Humans in Earth call magnetism.
    When we observe the iron filings organize near a magnetic bar we are observing the effects that the filings have on emptiness and the emptiness is having on the iron… see? We also observe the bow waves?
    So, what we call fields are also observations of behaviors.
    The observation of omnidirectional accelerating expansion is what we call gravity.
    … Being in our Universe, during this cycle of our Universe, is like being part of an explosion.
    See? Hear?
    thank you for reading and imagining with me.

  • sativarg

    Hi community,
    13:07 of 1:08:03 and Sol’s emissions cosmic rays and clouds in Earth…
    So, Sol’s greater mass ejections during solar maxima fill Sol’s heliosphere with more matter that blocks more cosmic rays? The less cosmic rays entering Earth the less clouds are formed? Also more ejecta means more accumulated matter and energy in Earth’s magnetic shield blocking more cosmic rays? Is this so?
    … back to listening…
    RE: flow directions in cosmic jets and structure…
    Could certain structure be behaviors of energy as it interacts with emptiness? Are there stable states of interaction that result in coaxial like structures when conditions are right? We observe the inversion zones in plasma structures that remind me of sheaths that surround neurons. Could such forms be stable states; reoccurring behaviors of matter and energy in Nature on various levels or fractal layers?
    … back to listening…
    RE: Sol’s behaviors and rubber band behavior…
    The eleven year cycle reminds me of the way a toy airplane rubber band starts to form those knot like lumps as you reach a certain number of windings. As Sol spins it seems as though at certain tipping points his twisting magnetics seem to snap to another knot? Can any one else sense this sort of thing?
    … back to listening…
    18:56 and the grand cycles of Sol…
    When one gets to enough twists with the rubber band example the band forms even bigger knots?
    … back to listening
    24:29 and reversal in Sol’s magnetic magnitude delta precedes some large Earth quakes? A causal relationship exists between releases of stuck plates and reversals of changes in the magnitude of Sol’s magnetic fields? Hmmm… makes sense to me.
    … back to listening…
    OH, I go chills at 27:01 of 1:08:03 and seeing the radiation belts being pressed right down here to River City. That is not a pleasant vision at all. Please tell me it ain’t so.
    … back to listening while cringing…
    RE: alternatives to the Centers for Weather Control…
    Windy: Wind map & weather forecast — is an alternative for the centers for controlling us and U.S. with weather… now we need one for the CDC who are Centers for Disease control of Humanity?
    2200 plus chars so posting…

  • sativarg

    OMG OTF and then… 46:41 sees individual and subjective censorship?
    WTF? or Orwell’s revenge?
    Is I.T. or it getting a bit personal? It’s nothing personal it’s just business? Ligatures litigated into weaponized webs of mass mandates?
    back to cringing again…
    Is I.T. moving from Information Technology to Information Tyranny?
    back to listening…
    58:19 and civilization… really?
    No I don’t think so. Ours is not a civilization what we are is a domestication. I am sorry to be so blunt but it is what it is.
    Civilization must include some fundamentals and perhaps the greatest foundational fundamental is truth? We are drowning in lies and those are strangling any sort of Justice in Earth. We have had the illusion of rights, Justice and freedoms for a very long time but civilization… no I do not think so.
    … back to listening…
    Why are Suspicious0bservers like hippies?
    LOL No really, I am hear because I don’t trust or like The Man, man. I mean I don’t trust religions or main stream media and fake dollar driven science… How am I not a hippy then? I’m not liking this kill the hippies talk at all. Really?
    … back to whingeing and cringing…
    OK then in closing… Go hug a Judge?
    or hug a hippy?
    Please have your favorite sort of week community…

  • Roos Kohn

    Surprisingly we all grab power to go for what we believe. It’s at a loss of other matters but for the good cause. Now if we all do that we always will have our matters meddled with. Simply, we pull and push and we get pulled and pushed.

    There’s not that much difference between a right wing science nerd and en transsexual vaccinated hippy like me.
    We both need not prove to anybody anything about the beliefs we hold.

    Einstein once said that our biggest question is, is the universe of good will. When we expect no good,
    It may be we help build whatever we oppose.

    Loved this fotw

  • sativarg

    Hi community,
    It’s Sunday here in River City… or there abouts.
    I am hearing fine observations and messy models here…
    Signs of a new geomagnetic jerk between 2019 and 2020 from Swarm and observatory data | Earth, Planets and Space | Full Text —
    “”…In fact, recent studies (Kloss and Finlay Reference 2019; Aubert and Finlay Reference 2019) have indicated that the alternating equatorial bursts of flow acceleration, reflected in the radial geomagnetic field at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), are a marker for the occurrence of jerks. This phenomenon corresponds to the dynamics of the equatorial… “”
    LOL Jerks in deed… Jerk
    “”Jerk | Definition of Jerk by Merriam-Webster
    Search domain merriam-webster.com
    Jerk definition is – an annoyingly stupid or foolish person. How to use jerk in a sentence.””
    How jerk like is science holding on to paradigm based in an inadequate perspective even as our perspective grows… Models with so many rationalizations going back so long that no one is able to remember why they thought it was right to begin with? While observations are good the models are not. Too many rationalizations and assumptions become false facts and mental plaques? Jerks from flows that are fictions? Jerks seeing jerks make Core Mantle Boundary a thing having never been there? Wouldn’t it be fine if some day we find a machine in Earth generating Earth’s shield? A construct that is part of a system preserving Life in Earth… All the models we imagine could not make that sh’t up. LOL
    … … …
    Sh… Just be quiet and patient and listen observe and learn?
    thanks for all the fine fishy again

  • Johnathan Jones

    The summer of love probably turned into the summer they became parents and next year they were to busy with the real world to go protest and then they became their parents on steroids. Flash forward to last summer……

  • Johnathan Jones

    I would hope to say overcrowding makes people that way, but it seems sharing is easy if it does not intrude on my space,… man! Dig it? Groovy! Boulder sucks and ruins the view of the Rockies there, it used to be something special. Ever visit the school of higher knowledge out there about 35- 40 years ago?

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d seems my comment disappeared… did Akismet decide it was Spam? I’m just trying to use my words to communicate… :(

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d There was an hour-long Hopi video that used to be on YT that stated that there will be a third war, that the black people will rise up to fight against the white people, and other non-white people will help them. This is how current events make sense to me. Their message is, all people can be okay, if they simplify their lives, live close to the earth, value their tablets (the Divine teachings given to each group) and are ready to be transformed. If they are not wililng to be transformed, they will not survive the changes of that time. We have in our Kabbalistic heritage an idea that at the year 6000, all of us in my people will be resurrected and our bodies and souls will be reunited and we will no longer have to strive for perfection. We will be kept and stored up by the Deity in a new form. That sounds similar to being transformed. If you will have a ranch and live simply and keep asking sincere questions about right and wrong and what the heavens are really saying, you will be okay, as per this teaching. You can learn about this by searching for ‘Red Kachina – Blue Kachina Hopi Prophecy’ or ‘Blue Kachina – Red Kachina Hopi Prophecy’. Wishing you a great new year.

  • Calvin

    X, Ventusky (PC version) is far better for future cast…

  • konishiki

    Great show as usual,

  • IvankaTx

    It seems that most people who understand that our “leadership” is totally corrupt is bewildered by what actions can be taken to affect a change that benefits humanity. We have been trained for decades to accept the authority of a person as opposed to the authority of the evidence. People have become accustomed to having other people tell them what to do and when to do it. And now we see the results of allowing others to take responsibility for us.

    I hear people who want to find solutions to how to do with the current power imbalance, but few seem to have any idea how to halt or reverse it. The tyrants are well organized and well prepared to annihilate anyone or anything that opposes them. They also are most afraid of being exposed and made to suffer the consequences for their tyrannical behaviors.

    Exposure is certainly something we must keep on doing. Cockroaches scurry when the lights come on.

    Anyone have viable solutions? It’s now or never. The technology is rolling on to roll on over us.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d Re. guy on trial re. J6 released & then watched ML’s extended on-line event, it’s normal, like in mental health hospitals back when inpatients were still allowed to go out on pass: if they did anything to communicate w. group that ‘got them in trouble’ they’d lose privs to go out, until contract to keep them from such ass’ns could be established, & perhaps a way to enforce it, i.e. another person, with whom they would spend time while on pass, make sure they’d not contact, read or hear communic’ns from forbidden party. Main thing is that Trump has been targeted very heavily since before he announced his decision to run for Presidency, & that standards according to which he was thus targeted should make us all ashamed. Fact that such propaganda rules our media systems & political parties is shameful, & at this point I do not feel proud that in the process of trying to attain Jewish observance I closed my eyes to current events & unsuitable developments occurred, that no other individual would have had eyes for. As much as I love Jewish studies & people I met, it doesn’t do to have my head in the sand. My Dad o.b.m. was a WWII AAF 1st Lieutenant & my Mom o.b.m. worked for the Ofc of Censorship of mail, prob. w/in Dept. of Homeland Security or whatever it was called then, & they were always active in civic affairs, & my Dad had been a personal secretary for J. Edgar Hoover & Henry Morgenthau, while my Mom had always been politically savvy & always up on current events; I have here 2 scrapbooks of political cartoons from before WWII ’til after, & she always had something to say at table when guests came & politics were discussed, in my lifetime, & indeed was much more outspoken than my Dad, who was basically enjoying the food, company, & listening to my Mom attack the topic, & might occasionally offer 1 or 2 sage historically-based comments but mainly was interested in keeping the company congenial & attacking the meat dish, whatever type it was that night. His commentary came out in Beethoven or Mozart violin concerto performances.

    I get really angry, like, I have fantasies of some of the politicians I despise most *****omitted in case akismet does not like it***** so that they can be totally disintegrated, but these are moments of vindictive passion which pass, & then I realize the Gol-durned truth, that nobody’s brain is working correctly as the magnetosphere strength decreases. My sister, may she live & be well, has an essay about ‘tribes’ on her (old) blog, & I think each person must find his/her tribe & be content w/that. None of us can please everyone, & there will be huge injustices as our brains, hearts, vascular systems, lungs, & every other important bodily or spiritual system will be challenged during the electromagnetic changes we are & will be experiencing, & we have to cut everyone else some slack. Different strokes for different folks, but it takes all kinds. But, I got very mad that they imprisoned people who were just doing what they thought was their political duty to remind Repub. congresspeople not to forget the evidence of election-count falsification which they surely must have seen with their own eyes, on line, as I did. These people were just going on the recommendations of the President… ah, but the Dem Party never wanted to acknowledge that he was president, &, if they could, they would say he never lived, he was just a bad nightmare, when the rest of us know otherwise. We know how many wrongs he righted, & the system does not like this. They depend on those wrongs being sheltered, hidden, & perpetuated so that they can get their power, or their Adrenochrome fix, or whatever. Speaking of which, did you-all see what kind of b’day party Barack Obama had, turning 60? It shows the stenching, cruel, warped values that have come to influence our country. As per me, we aren’t suffering from influence of CCP, but, rather, from covert, pre-planned takeovers as per counsel of WAO, the World African Organization. I used to see them in Crown Heights, insignia & all… they went underground when ISIS became more prominent in 2014. My guess is, ISIS has done some of their bidding.

    I saw vid. of DNC convention in 2012, when it was time for the 2016 one to happen, & it looked like a Black-and-White school social, just w/only black culture, no white culture, & white participants were serving blacks, & adopted their behaviors & values. I thought, is this the Dem. Party, & then, I guess it’ll pass, I have to belong b/c my folks did & now I have to step up in their absence & take their place… but they never would’ve liked this. I realized by 8-1-20 that it wouldn’t pass, after months of rioting. burning gov’t buildings, & killing innocent black bystanders in name of ‘BLM’. Irony. Dem mayors & gov’rs did not even say as much as ‘now play nice, now’. They were simply silent & showed no signs of distress as CHAZ & other anarchy sites developed, and as government buildings were burned, often with employees inside, and stores were looted and burned to nothing but a few metal upright beams. At that point I decided, this may be my parents’ party, but it’s not their values as i recall them, and I have no business associating my married name (the Mr. is Repub.) or my SSN that’s connected to my parents’, w/such a party. So I became unaffiliated. Re. punishments given to J6 rally participants who’ve been held in outskirts of DC, I agree w/everything Adrian said. It is OUR building, & they’ve received cruel & unusual punishment, esp. guy who was served meals full of glass shards & had his whole digestive tract cut up. It begins to make Gulag look like Taj Mahal, what they do to J6 political prisoners. Judge should have knuckles rapped. Nightmares, yes. I can’t think of a better way to handle this. That’ll change his health standing & he’ll have to step down. Doesn’t have to be done on internet.Try mental telepathy w/your intense feelings of disappointment. But is it really his fault? We all are suffering from neurological & brain symptoms as the magnetosphere weakens. Maybe he should go home & watch ‘Flintstones’ instead of going to work.

    What’s the solution? Music & dance can help, I believe, for each person to generate his/her own magnetosphere as much as possible to prepare to survive the change. We need to learn to make our own musical instruments, & our own ways of dance, in tribes we will form w/like-minded people. We need to cherish hope, even though situation seems hopeless. We’re smaller than the superstructures in space, but, we have a variety of internal organs that can help us generate EMF that will be able to protect us from what is about to happen. I don’t know how. Everyone has to find his/her own path. Don’t burn books, as much as possible. Cherish literature & history, b/c history repeats itself so to be savvy re. current events one must be savvy re. history.

    I hope I can get hold of some $ to donate to Ranch again, before you close down donations. Slim pickens here, & my views could get me kicked off my family’s property & confined or terminated, but one must stay cheerful. Thanks to Ben & Adrian for not failing to be lawyers ‘tho’ in process of pursuing your very serious & vital science hobby! We need good lawyers. (Was that an oxymoron? Seems so but you are the exception.)

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d FYI the comment I just put up was rejected by Akismet only b/c it was too long… I did a few things to shorten it & took out the details of grisly fantasies I was dealing w/momentarily re. some political (usurping?) figures prominent in USA today. whom I do take off the hook in my comment above, b/c everyone is now dealing w/insanity b/c of the decreasing strength of the magnetosphere, so everyone can claim the McNaughton Defense… so above is the missing comment from Sep 6… i still believe we can turn the tide, despite negative momentum of current events, and there is a way to put on ‘Glad Rags’ so that the whole situation will be sweetened… but one who succeeds in doing that, generally succeeds only with a great deal of personal sacrifice. That can be historically researched. Even PollyAnna… she always put on ‘Glad Rags’ but wound up w/both legs paralyzed.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d I did not mean that comment to be racist – nothing wrong w/blacks & black culture, some of my favorite folks & good times, but, when it’s to the exception of those of us who are NOT black, does not seem fair… my Mom o.b.m. only once that I can recall told me who to respect: she said, Respect blacks. But, she never told me to be black. In fact, when I participated in a lot of school activities after busing began, I changed very much, in my personality and culture, and never again did she ever feel comfortable with me… I was never again really part of the family. Something was wrong. So, I joined my mostly black school community in a lot of friendly ways, but it locked me out of my family’s own culture forever. Am trying to get it back before I die, but am afraid it’s impossible.

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