FOTW July 31, 2021

Showing 12 comments
  • Rlbball5

    It’s probably the same thing as a star inside our planet and the crust is just the cooler surface of a less active star-like mass of material that is Earth.

  • Dirt

    My family and I already had the “what happens when ‘they’ get violent” discussion a couple of weeks ago. It’s disturbing to accept this as probability rather than as possibility.

  • jackyl11

    The issue of vaccinated people testing positive for delta/theta/whatever variant is probably due to the time it takes the immune system to “wake up” to fight an infection. The real key is the long term effect and the death toll. It takes 36 hrs to get the immune system up to speed so if you happen to test prior to that time I could believe the person might test positive. The important point is if they still test positive or have to be hospitalized after 4 days+ or if the immune system memory kicks in and shuts down the infection.. This effect is why the drug companies are trying to promote “booster” shots as they will jump start the immune system faster and to the masses look like a savior fix.

  • Charles

    What about the crazy number of deaths after the jab? … and those are just the ones they couldn’t pin on something else.

    Looks like the jab might be more deadly than the cold its supposed to prevent, but isn’t.

  • Charles

    Where to start…
    A star is hundreds of thousands of times more massive and voluminous as a planet. How would you propose fitting one inside?

    If you were somehow able to get a star inside a planet, not only would it be like getting 50,000 TONS of potatoes into a 5 pound bag, but the first flare would instantly destroy the entire planet.

    In short, that was the biggest load of horseshit I’ve seen in one sentence.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d given the current global oppression situation and the threat of forced injections arriving at the door, my strong instinct and thought 24/7 is autosnuff (and it runs in the family) but I think it’s a cop-out… I have so many promises to keep. Life is H-ll… but death might be worse. I have heard certain things about it, for those of us who did not keep our commitments… not exactly ‘greener pastures’….

  • Woody

    Did anyone see the testimony of the Capitol Police about January 6th?
    I wonder if any of the officers I saw allowing people in the side door/escorting them were part of that testimony?
    Who gave the order to open the doors?
    Just another sham…

  • jackyl11

    The percent deaths is still statistically low (less than 1% or so last check). Unfortunately, people die all the time from may things and 1% of 100 million is still a “large number”. (1 million). The thing that just makes me so mad is the total lack of governmental recommendations of vitamins, healthy living/eating, etc. This will get us to immunity a lot faster in my opinion than hyper specific none fully vetted vaccine flavor of the month.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    As an RN in S. LOUISIANA this V is real, man made biological warfare made designed in a VSL 3 or 4 Lab. Funded by Fauc…and pharmaceutical companies who control NARRATIVE, government Rigged Elections depolulation…..

    They are actually talking about mandatory jabs or fired in private owned hospitals here…..doctors nurses everyone. The hospitals are Overfilled with sick. Opening more ICU Units in hospital UP TO 3 NOW. unprecedented, ALREADY short staffed due to illness ….unbelievable. freaking unbelievable this contingent on FDA APPROVAL OF JAB. AHAHAH🤣🤣🤣🤣 WTF

  • PaulN

    The army is being used to distribute food hampers, assist with contact tracing and general support duties in Sydney. They carry no weapons and have no powers to detain or police. Stop with the paranoia.

  • Nathan

    The military in Sydney are manning road blocks mate. My cousin is one of these personnel and they do not agree with what they are doing.

  • Nathan

    Australia has a constitution and a very strong one to say the least. The issue is any challenge to an unconstitutional act e.g restriction of movement, needs to go through the high court of Australia which costs a fortune and takes a considerable amount of time. The government knows this and oversteps it’s mark daily at present. Eventually (hopefully) it will be shown these crims have walked over our constitution, but I don’t have much faith in that happening.

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