FOTW July 3, 2021
– Magnetic M82: article/10.3847/1538-4357/ abf934/meta
– Squeezing the Field: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary. 2021JA029278
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I was wondering about the Mars thing… Could it be the bloom of magma from volcanoes?? Probably stupid question
sorry, I meant plume lol
How much planning has gone into our situation of today, the Huge Media Campaign of the 60’s to move from country farms to cities; the cookie cutter house, white picket fence, 2 kids, one dog, keeping up with The Jones next door, make more money, pay more taxes, Concrete, Boxed, Rat Race, both parents working, kids in day care 24×7, cut off from nature, brainwashed by tv shoes, commercials media, violent video games, tv shows.
My stupid phone not working X Class Solar Flare.
I vote for the sun to take out the media, move to farms simpler way of life, eat to live, not live to eat, great reset back to relying on nature and basic living.
This generation spoiled never seen famine, plague, war. Disrespectful Brats… I stayed home sacrificed a lot raised my kids, the 3 under 25 are Disrespectful spoiled brats. Moved from house to house when disciplined. Tried to tell me how I was going to live my life. I had no life, I was a slave to them. Unbelievable. Well I found my life whether they like it or not. Yes they look for handouts, don’t want to work, don’t know how to do anything either. Well let them learn how to chop wood, hunt for food, grow food. We need a huge change back to nature where we respect the land, water, parents, GOD SPIRIT. EARTH
Bad apples are always a problem. I can’t say if a few are rotting or half but let it be clear life is not clear and transparrant, but is it rotten?
I believe the large powers know what’s coming and the games that are played is to prepare.
Here is the link for the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Extremism.
Quote: “Preventing domestic terrorism and reducing the factors that fuel it demand a multifaceted response across the Federal Government and beyond. That includes working with our critical partners in state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and in civil society, the private sector, academia, and local communities, as well as with our allies and foreign partners.”
Of course Facebook is one of their critical private sector partners. I’m concerned that people are going to start “disappearing” as a result of this.
Also from the official text: “Another key component of the threat comes from anti–government or anti–authority violent extremists. This significant component of today’s threat includes self–proclaimed “militias” and militia violent extremists who take steps to violently resist government authority or
facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. Government based on perceived overreach; anarchist violent extremists, who violently oppose all forms of capitalism, corporate globalization, and governing institutions, which they perceive as harmful to society; sovereign citizen violent extremists, who believe they are immune from government authority and laws; or any other individual or group who engages in violence – or incites imminent violence – in opposition to
legislative, regulatory, or other actions taken by the government. Other domestic terrorists may be motivated to violence by single–issue ideologies related to abortion–, animal rights–, environmental–, or involuntary celibate–violent extremism, as well as other grievances – or a combination of ideological influences. In some cases, individuals may develop their own idiosyncratic justifications for violence that defy ready categorization.”
I’m sure you’ll notice that this paragraph states very clearly that those who disapprove of corporate globalization and governing institutions are also potential targets of this new national strategy so that means those of us who are against The Great Reset and Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030. It also leaves the door open to target anyone for pretty much any belief in the future.
The soup is never eaten as hot as it’s served.
Ben Davidson is respected by leaders and his view is in line with this behavior of mass controle into motion. It’s all good. Bad guy’s are just a nightmare. Everybody fulfills a purpose with all we do.
We are in so many consciousnesses, from our body’s between from the small stuff what we are made out of to big heavenly objects that made the small stuff.
Here is the thing.
Humans can tune into humans and do those human things even when we know it hurts our planet.
What tomorrow brings is the unknown.
It’s good to be human. And that goes for all humans.
B”H great observation re your Skype going out… very creep … I escaped a lot of the COVID problems by spending time on line, but, that’s not going to be such a great option, time to get more creative and do my own thing, I guess… they’ll never know because nobody knows me… I think along highly idiosyncratic lines… but if they take everything, they can certainly make me into Hument … I do not know how to stop them… but woe to anyone who makes use of that Hument cement, because if I get mad… I don’t say much but have often seen the Universe speak back at those times, or, in words my rabbi would prefer, that the A-mighty hears it when I get really mad and things tend to happen…. and I don’t think I am the only one; you can’t squelch individuals in all ways; everyone has a different connection to those parts of nature and/or the universe that humans in general cannot deliberately control, and once they squelch a lot of individuals, a lot of the uncontrollable aspects in nature, on earth and in the Universe, will go haywire… meaning, each human you see is connected to forces, metaphysically, and also in outer space, and any oligarchy that tries to control too much will get a big slap on the wrist from forces and areas we cannot predict! In other words, like the song says, ‘Up, up with people’ … people, individuals, are not chopped liver. They cannot be controlled without horrendous results.
B”H corrigenda on previous comment: very CREEPY…
B”H big joke… Jen Psaki saying Republicans want to defund the police… someone must have told her to just do improv, ad lib, whatever… anyone who does not catch that is missing the most glaring sign of what drives the new Regime’s rhetoric… just lies to distract people while they go about law after law and EO after EO to rob those who are not in their club of everything they have… but, there really is bitter recompense for tyranny, history shows that, for those who are afraid to quote the Bible or even the classics… every embryonic or fetal soul that was lost in this wretched injection campaign will have his/her hour. Killers of life en masse do establish their just desserts, which will be inescapable, and I have no idea what those will be, but the magnitude of what those oligarchs have coming their way, that is not pleasant, is bigger than my puny brain can fathom. No amount of groveling or recanting will any longer suffice to spare them.
YES, BEN…Report the Leftist Extremists…put the shoe on the other foot!
… and try not to be depressed.
LOL, right on.
Trust the science they say, not “feelings”. So in the case of people who feel like they are in the wrong body, I would say have you ever thought this is part of experience of being a male or female. As far as determining if your body is male or female, the cheap test is a question. Can you have a baby? If still in doubt, the more expensive test is a chromosome test. XX homogametic means you is a female and XY hetrogametic means you is a male.
CRT should be taught in school, but it really is BRT, (Blank Race Theory). Just fill in the blank, and you can duplicate every psycho dictators and major human systemic failure known. For example, All _____ people are the historic enemies of the _____ people? Who said that? Or All ____ people are A. Devils, B. Demons, C. Rats, D. Vermin, E. Oppressors, F. Oppressed of the ______ people. This works for classes of people as well as any other distinguishing differences of peoples in which one would set one against each other. The song is always the same no matter what words you put in the tune and we must learn to “name that tune” quick in schools or learn the song the hard way in the real world, over and over again…but these two thoughts are only the opening acts of what I wish to comment on….
Human institutions so often poorly teach things at all, including religions. Like what it takes to grow a garden, some governments, religions and non-religions say lots about how we humans can do it, but what if to have a really good garden, a really big garden, it takes active participation of a force greater than what we humans can do. Bigger than all our religions, Angels, demons, Aliens, etc we think might be the “they” we say are the big, prime movers and shakers of this World. Take How well China is doing, could it do so well without trade from the US? And why is The US doing so good? Is she the golden goose girl that will fall as the great whore of Babylon in which the merchants of all shores including America’s wept and tear their clothes at her fall? Or is she the World when the power beyond us does not want to work so hard at this and everyone thinks their own brands of building back braver, big brighter and upward was the wealth be poured on this world making it what we have known so far…..
I think I’ll consider what George Washington with that brick layers apron on was trying to say about what it takes to have a giant worldwide garden. A whole lot of rain……how can that be requested, ordered and have delivered,……..probably way bigger than Amazon and Alibaba combined, I reckon…..
Ben: that is what is wrong with our society, not everyone is doing their part
In listening to your discussion about facebook wanting people to report extremist posts, I was reminded about how Scot Adams said the best way to kill a really bad idea/in place rule is to FULLY embrace it. Take it to the absolute edge of sanity so that those who made the rule or enforce them can see how BAD it really is and how it backfires on the rule make/enforcers. So Davidson’s suggestion about reporting politicians and Zuckerberg is dead on right on how to handle it. The only way to show them they’re wrong is to corner them into their own trap. After that, you won’t see that sot of gameplay in effect.