FOTW February 5, 2022

Showing 23 comments
  • sativarg

    Hello Mr. Davidson and community,
    I love truckers standing for Human sovereignty!
    Now for animals in the wrong place… One animal persists in all the wrong places with all the wrong sort of nests. One beast persists in thumbing their collective noses at Nature while spending treasure and time ever repairing badly built bedding.
    What creature in Earth is less like an Earthling than all the rest?
    Many of this types fellow Earthlings are moving and changing their habits as these ones watch in bemusement… saying why are you in the wrong place.
    If Humanity could hear the chorus of all other Earthlings they might hear an exclamation: “it is you who are for ever out of place you bad monkeys!”
    good morning my fellow monkeys
    all my love
    chuck 🔥💖🔥

  • sativarg

    continued and how is change unfolding in Sol…
    Change in our Universe is the interaction between fullness and emptiness. In our sort of Universe all density seeks equilibrium or rather moves towards this. Energy that, in the stable states we call matter, absorbs free emptiness as it moves from density towards equilibrium.
    … In Sol there is behavior that suggest that change is unfolding at rates dependent on the availability of free emptiness. We observe magnetism in Sol and magnetic structures that are also the behavior of free emptiness. In Sol is high density of energy that results in zones of depleted emptiness. Also the magnetic features shaped like or being a torus shows that emptiness flows according to the latent organization of Sols matter… emptiness is being absorbed much faster at Sols equator than at his or her poles. One symptom of the differential absorption is differential rate of change and thus rate of rotation… Time, the rate of local change, is thus also differential in Sol and near him or her… in my estimation.

    As the mas in Sol is expressed into free energy, that energy’s full expression is not reached until sufficient emptiness is available in Sol’s corona. A sort of tipping point is reached as Protons and electrons; packets of fullness and emptiness respectively achieve sufficient exposure to free emptiness to achieve their full potentials… also my theory and opinion, in Sol’s corona. Thus the observed anomalous heat observed as anomalous by Humans who do not understand how emptiness behaves yet.

    Active regions, like their counterparts in Earth promote precipitation in much the same way as in Earth or so it seems. In Earth such regions of precipitation result in separation and or accumulation of potentials that result in enough instability and potential difference that, triggered by cosmic rays, produce lightening; lightening that can eject far out from Earth into and beyond her magnetosphere… so I am not surprised that coronal precipitation results in similar massive discharges… Is this significant? Is there a comparison here?
    Note: Sol will, to me, forever be my brother in Creation, my home… part of me… and male… but who am I to judge and so I allow for such pronouns that do not offend; him or her, he or she…
    posting due to size…

  • sativarg

    continued at 18:01 of 52:04and It was not an election Humanity it was a provocation!
    Please see the CABPsy? Please taste the covert applied behavioral psychology that was a so called election. How many elections these past decades have been clean? I would expect if the truth be known… none of the last twelve or so presidential elections could be called fare?
    The difference between those elections and this last is that the last was never about electing a president or even appointing one…rather it was all about the provoking of righteous anger and ever more potential for volatility,that culminated in the January Six discharge that in no way served to defuse all the thermate deployed to the infrastructure of these United States; thermate set to facilitate a control demolition of our society if not our domestication. All the elements of a control demolition are in place to take down the twin towers, left and right, of our illusion of a democracy. What form of democratic government is invulnerable to the weaknesses of a domesticated Humanity? In democracy one need only fool half of the people most of the time to overcome truth and reason?
    I doubt the Kingdom of any good god is a democracy?
    ours, our state is not ever civilization in Earth. United Our states are ever domestication, immature and closely maintained as such… in my opinion. and this not only for America but the whole of Humanity now…
    … back to listening…
    Time frame: 20:58 or so and…
    OK Mr. Davidson, can you see the insanity all around you? When people are entertained strategically with entrainment programming such a state of cognitive shutdown can be induced so that people line up to be injected with poisons by criminals known to perpetrate mass murder repeatedly… see? Now should we allow those insane people to vote?
    See how one can confuse and disable the minds of half of a democracy thus controlling the whole? Now taste the led in the water and air… the fluoride and the mercury, smell the volatile plastic solvents and your own domestication sir. Now should you focus on the details of the system or look up and see the manipulation? Where is your energy best spent?
    … back to listening…over two thousand characters again? posting with all hopefulness…

  • sativarg

    continued at 36:07 and the toilet paper thing was a proof of concept and tongue in cheek trick on Humanity in my opinion.
    Some popular priming; some pandemic preprogramming was deployed in the start of the third stage of 9/11 that succeeded in causing a run on toilet paper… now imagine if the same sort of thing were to work for banks? LOL oh yes the great depression?
    … back to listening…
    37:05 …
    Have you ever sat in your home at night listening to an idling diesel? Now imagine thousands of them? LOL, Do you know that one of the most powerful tricks to unravel a targeted individual involves an idling tractor? One needs only place a listening device in the appropriate room of the target. Sit in the truck and set the idle to the specific place on the engine rpm Gage that results in resonance with the targets location. All manner of magics can then be triggered in the target as his or her imagination becomes the tool of the perpetrators of behavioral manipulation and or covert harassment. Now imagine if all the truckers in the convoy decide to synchronize RPM to a frequency known to cause nausea or the other symptoms of ULF sound? A Powerful weapon indeed?
    … back to listening…
    42:10 swords and guns and bullets oh my…
    I have a stick. It is a fine stick, hard and flexible both. I could perhaps use a shotgun to effect? My being blind… maybe a dog or three? But if it comes to that I am not at all prepared in myself alone. I should be like a squirrel with cashes all around with several for the raiders and sufficient to give the impression that I have surrendered all my wealth. Others for that eventuality located far and wide but were I can go unnoticed?
    … back to listening…
    47:10 of 52:04 and it’s just too scary therefore it does not exist…
    I call this phenomena plausible deniability syndrome… it is similar to the security blanket syndrome? We are made by our makers to weave a comfy cloak around ourselves and into our very minds. This cloak of plausible deniability serves to protect us in our domesticated states even as the corral keeps out the wolves That same corral cloak also serves to keep us in our domestication, serves also to limit our paths as do all the sheep and cattle runs, towards all manner of useful, to our masters, places like the dipping pool, the examination lab and eventually to the sheering station or even the slaughter house… see?
    … back to listening…
    Some thing has the presentation stuck and when I skip ahead with the slider it will play a bit? Now it has gone to the unstarted state. With no time slider and a play button?
    So, in conclusion thank you all for this stimulation of my imagination… thank you for all the information and participation
    chuck 🔥💖🔥

  • Dirt

    I would love to see a galactic filament Deeper Look!

  • Michael

    The Homeless have just as hard a time getting ID as non-citizens. harder in some cases. I agree ID would be a good idea but getting an ID should not be contingent on having an address or a bill. In fact, you cant even get a Library card without an address, which is intentional; the truly poor would change the system entirely. I would caution that all of you are speaking from a position of “privilege”, the kind of privilege I speak of is the privilege of having an Identity. Most of the truly poor do not have that privilege. I know you all earned where you are today, but I would argue that an exponential increase in this epidemic of identity is on our doorstep, and the disenfranchisement of the common man is inevitable unless we raise up the fellow man that has fallen beneath us as a form of charity, that will pay dividends in the future. After all if the game was rigged from the get-go then a redo is in order.

    I think we are way beyond ID laws, we are beyond laws, period, at this point. When Go Fund ME steals the people’s money….OMFG! I didn’t even donate and I want to go to war for that!

    Government Loyalist! lol! Civil war… brother against brother…Sons and daughters against mothers and fathers and what will truly be accomplished? It’s insanity. I mean WE know what’s on deck, war does nothing but weaken us further before the cresendo.

    Anywho….great show guys.

  • Ernest Bush

    You guys need a healthy dose of Dr. (PHD) Steve Turley on YouTube. It will cheer you up some. There you will find stories of those who are doing something about the coming vote and others building parallel economic structures. Republicans are signing up in record numbers as poll watchers, 2 to 1 against Democrats in some places. Parents in some places have run for school board elections and won. Teachers are not unionized in half the country and are being fired for getting stupid on social media, even in California.
    Don’t forget that CNN has lost 90 percent of its viewership in the last year, and would probably disappear if Fox and others would quit mentioning them. Joe Rogan has a bigger audience than all the so-called mainstream media newscasts lumped together because people are just fed up with the BS. Ordinary citizens are no longer asleep. The incompetence of socialism is on full display as we start more and more to look 3rd worldish and in Yuma County, AZ, we have seen a Democrat senator we conservatives see as a formerly ditz party girl take a stand that has saved us from federalized elections. No courts needed. A Democrat majority can’t get on with destroying the economy and a coming election will wipe out a large majority of Democrats in the House.
    Pardon the rambling, but it’s like that to make a point. Half of Arizona, the best parts, never masked up ar shut down during the pandemic. I did many mini vacations starting in May, 2020, in Arizona with no masks and no lockdowns. Having the fast food chains shut down caused me to eat in lots of other small restaurants and broke my fast-food addiction. I pass them by now and don’t care if they go broke.
    My church. already on YouTube, closed down live services in April and May 2020 and continued online and met in our small groups. In June we opened back up the main campus in defiance of a county mandate. No problems there since the sheriff said he wasn’t going to enforce it and the Yuma Police directed callers to the sheriff’s office regarding the mandate.
    My wife and I came down with Omicron 12 days ago, verified, and are starting to get over it. We both got the double jab in March, 2021, because of comorbidities and being in our late 70’s. Worthless, huh. This will allow us to work as volunteers in this year election while being bulletproof. We and our fellow church friends were well stocked up on food and even toilet paper before the so-called pandemic hit. We increased out supplies during the pandemic and were able to share on occassion.
    My point in all of this is that in 100,000 communities across the fruited plain small cities and towns are thriving despite turmoil and despair in Democrat areas. I get excited over news from those places, shouting at the screen, “You voted for these socialists stupid, now live with it.”
    We stay out of San Diego, formerly a great place with beautiful beaches, fireworks on the harbor during weekends, marvelous restaurants, and even outdoor symphonies. It’s only a 3 hour drive to the beaches from Yuma. You have to climb over mountains on the way where you can exit to drive into Mt. Laguna at 6,500 feet to chill (literally), camp, and hike in Ponderosa pines and Redwoods. The population there will have to get over socialism before I can stand to be there again.
    My city, Yuma, is overrun by illegals from all over the globe. They are ordinarily dressed young men, mostly. They are in the stores and on the sidewalks, getting ready to invade your spaces. At a border high school 30 miles from here two 17 year olds, male and female, were arrested with 3700 fentanyl tablets between them.
    Two people were arrested last year from San Luis, the bordertown here, and charged with ballot harvesting, a felony. One was a former mayor and the other
    some official. They will be going to trial shortly, believe it or not. In October the former mayor was indicted on 3 other charges by a grand jury, including conspiracy after a 2016 law was upheld by the Supreme Court. The matter will now proceed to trial. There will be other indictments and charges.

  • Ernest Bush

    Fully half of the homeless living in and passing through Yuma County, AZ, are homeless and free of possessions by choice and have a drivers license or state ID. They camp along the Colorado River this time of year.
    Most of the rest of them are suffering from mental problems, but can’t be arrested and hauled off for treatment. They must voluntarily go for treatment or represent a safety hazard to themselves or the community, thanks to a ruling from the Supreme Court over a suit from the ACLU years ago. We have local programs in Yuma for residents who find themselves homeless. There are organizations to help them find work while being sheltered. There are 7 organizations that will help sign up illegals for government aid.
    The poor in Arizona are signed up for AHCSSS (medicaid) as well as all children through age 17. The poor live in good quality public housing.or not so good HUD approved houses with subsidized rent. They have access to organizations to help them get valid id’s and find work. Our city has counsellors right at most of the many public housing units. Many young people fall through the cracks because of drug addiction. Some people just wont be helped by their own actions.
    I would argue that most of those who can’t get a state ID should not be allowed to vote because they are not informed about what they are voting for. Their votes would only be a chaos factor in the system.

  • Chalmer

    When a hot war begins in Ukraine and threatens to spread do not rule out declarations/mandates of limited travel everywhere. Within countries and between them.
    The willingness of our “masters” to do anything to achieve their goals must NOT be underestimated.
    Their goal being the end of the nation state and the capitalist system and its replacement, short term, with a Marxist model the ultimate end being a utopia.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    I agree with you. War is coming in many ways and directions.
    People have no idea whats coming. End to Supplies, Food, Groceries, Stores. They can’t stay open with no supplies. War on home front.
    Freedom Convoy is beginning to end of supply chain. Weakened, Ukraine Invasion, possibly intentionally releasing another bioweapon.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    I agree with you. War is coming in many ways and directions.
    People have no idea whats coming. End to Supplies, Food, Groceries, Stores. They can’t stay open with no supplies. War on home front.
    Freedom Convoy is beginning to end of supply chain. Weakened, Ukraine Invasion, possibly intentionally releasing another bioweapon.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload Gentlemen.
    As for grocery store shortages, whether they say it is because of the convoy, covid mandates, weather etc, I am sure some 16000 truckers not hauling will have some effect. Empty shelves are empty shelves regardless of how they got that way. Spotty shelves… more of those to come.
    The convoy opened a new account outside of the GoF’ yourself group and in one day have acquired over 1M$. They will basically collapse their platform with that stupid move. The lawyers representing the group are on their butts as well.
    The convoy grows as farmers and cowboy horseback riders are joining in, tow companies have refused the calls to tow, and the pressure cooker gets hotter for Mr TruNothing; who called them a “small fringe minority” What a fool believes.
    Anyway, thanks again and keep on prepping Xavair, just kidding man.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    War is coming in many ways and directions.
    People have no idea whats coming. End to Supplies, Food, Groceries, Stores. They can’t stay open with no supplies. War on home front.
    Freedom Convoy is beginning to end of food supply chain. Weakened, Ukraine Invasion, war on home front, possibly intentionally releasing another bioweapon. We screwed. Period.

    Xavier Really?
    Why discuss the traumatic events of world with 80 yr old? Shes scared cant look and then you label her? You young ones make me mad. Leave her alone let her live, her last few remaining days, on this earth in peace. How dare you?
    Clearly your not on her side. What, The Other side that lives in fear, wears masks, protects self, buys into propaganda, My Side.
    She’s lived through hard times before and is probably more prepared than you and can probsbly eat for more than one month, and feed a family.
    You young ones piss me off, don’t come knocking and I don’t want to hear you cry when shit hits the fan and you’re not prepared.
    I told you all years ago.
    How could you not feel the shift in energy fight or flight?
    You chose to not think about it because you didn’t want to create it. You looked away. You young ones piss me off.
    People like her you say,
    Cognitive dissonance, Mass Psychosis, Psychotic, an 80 yr old.
    Please Leave the elderly alone.
    How dare you.

    If all this f*** in shit don’t scare the f*** out you then your crazy and to not be prepared, Omg.
    Let me see how I can label you.
    F****d I’d say.
    Not on my side.
    I want to hear from Billy, whats 70/30. Explain please.
    Go apologize help her to live out her life in Peace and Happiness.

  • Frieza2000

    @Houseboat Grandma, abandoning someone to their willful self-delusion, regardless of age, is not charitable. Love without truth is not love.

  • Rlbball5

    Anybody else here follow the Thomas Paine Podcast? ? Good stuff

  • Roos Kohn

    People should ask threat bank to deposit their money from gof*ckme. The company will need to pay 15 buck to the bank as a penalty.
    It’s refundable till 14th of February

  • Roos Kohn

    Sorry for the typos
    Deposit =re-diposit
    And I’m decent so gof*ckme =gofundme

  • Roos Kohn

    Would be great when all the amazing deliverers at Amazon join in.

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d re ‘fix 2020’ I am searching ever since Nov 3 ’20 for some lightning-bolt of an event that I can orchestrate on my mis’able lonesome that will illuminate the situation for all 7.8 billion people on this planet, just like a lightning bolt illuminates absolutely everything… it is percolating in my mind 24/7 and I am determined to come up with something, hopefully before I have to walk the plank… if it can happen here, it can happen everywhere… everything needs to know and we need relief and justice for the J6 accusees and detainees… my kishkes are screaming for justice; I just have to leave less important topics behind, to focus and get it done, before it is too late… I am seeking to create some illuminative event that will be seen around the world… meanwhile, so many innocents have died due to treachery and deception, since that date

  • Mrs. Altmann

    bs”d that experience, a mother saying ‘it’s fake news’ because ‘it’s too scary’ … I had the same with my Mom, o.b.m., but I realize that this was literally due to cognitive decline (she did not have too much of that, but there may have been a little) because she was always an inquiring person … it’s a painful irony when we pursue the truth specifically because our parents taught us to, but once they age their eyes become bedaubed and they can’t see it, so with topics like injections, the election, the convoy, J6, etc., we become arch-enemies on such topics… but not all old people have given up their sharpness and dedication to rooting out the truth, even when they get to their 90’s… am trying to think of a case in point but the name of that person slips my mind… age does not have to cause this tendency towards laziness in perception just because it’s too scary, or just because ‘the government said so and they are the government, they would never lie to us’. It’s so ironic (I wanted to say, but, look Mom & Dad, you taught me to believe in this and never let down my guard, and I know it’s true – but you are not listening) … but I was always afraid to do that. I listened, from another part of the house, to my eldest sister, o.b.m., talking like that to my Mom o.b.m., in 1975-76 between the time my Mom had to shlep her home from Yale and when she finally found her situation was totally untenable and decided to allow the exhaust system of my Mom’s car to provide her an exit from this physical existence. It’s that ‘oh, but you have to believe me, I looked, I saw, I was here and this happened’, that is called ‘pressured speech’ and has been designated a symptom of the manic phase of bipolar in the diagnosis manuals. (This whole ‘bipolar’ story is just another narrative – once they have labeled someone ‘bipolar’ they start doing things to their life that will truly render them bipolar and worse, like, schizoaffective, schizophrenic, and severe PTSD. What a treacherous morass of a racket the mental health industry is.) So I shut my mouth and hope the topic does not come up, and the society gets increasingly twisted every hour. If I get labeled again with ‘tangential thinking’ or ‘pressured speech’, other people make decisions that cause a productive and ordered life that I have, time and again, to quickly degenerate into a hell. I am trying to learn how to illuminate reality while invisible and get the heck out of there before frightened individuals who only want their normal life back again and lash out against a messenger who is trying to warn them of things to come, have a chance to hurt me. Sometimes I think maybe I would have more power from some position in the Afterworld and would do better to walk the plank. But Jewish Law does not like that option. It only gives that option for situations like Masada. It looks like Masada now. Every day I want to cry and scream and decompensate from the news, lots of fantasies about jumping into active calderas or pulverizing myself and burning the remains, from the grief of what I could not stop from happening in my lifetime, but, I have to crank up the energy to have a normal day, by eating at least something anyhow, and trying to get some tasks done, and I keep trying to figure about how to bring those who are afraid of the truth out of the limited hangouts in which they fearfully cower, knowing that in time their shelter will be blown.

  • stefanos kostaras

    I’m 3 hours north of Toronto and everything is fully stocked. so no shortages here yet, even my amazon delivery’s have been on time.

  • CommonCents

    Ben, I have to push back on your statement that it’s ok to kill one to prevent the death of 10,000 “for the greater good.” Doing evil because the “ends justify the means” is not ok. It’s a slippery slope to become the judge, jury, and executioner. Who’s to say what the “greater good” is? Didn’t the bad guys during WWII think they did their evil for the greater good? They saw Dr. Joseph Mengele’s experiments as being for the greater good. I’m surprised no one tried to shoot Trump for the greater good, given the absolute certainty in the minds of many that he was another Hitler. Be careful what you wish for. The “Powers that Be” have lied and more to keep knowledge of the cyclical catastrophe out of the mainstream and away from the public. Surely they think it’s for the greater good. The poison jabs may be aimed, in part, at thinning the herd for the “greater good” by those who know what’s coming. I pray that this SO community stays true to the moral principles of truth AND love for the individual. Our constitutional republic is based on the God-given rights of the individual not on preserving the collective good at the cost/sacrifice of the individual. WHO have you been listening to???

  • Dirt

    I used to be homeless. I always had a job, I just didn’t always have a home. Homeless people can and do have access to government-issued ID’s. In most cases, all they have to do is set up a way to get mail w/ an agency that serves the homeless.

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