FOTW August 7, 2021

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  • Lonestar420

    I thought you were joking, but you said it twice so who in the world would be a member of this channel listen to the things you and your friends have to say, and take an experimental gene therapy is it dissonance that bad?

  • Norton

    Sturgis 2021 will test Fauci’s statement.

  • Charles

    Solar activity altering body temps by .1 percent?!


    Well, you heard it here first folks: Tomorrow morning the victims with every psychosomatic illness in the book will now be adding freezing/burning up to their list of headaches or whatever from solar activity, or all of the above! LOL


    FWIW lots of people’s body temps NATURALLY vary by body/metabolism type, and even on a daily basis from circadian rhythms, and even when they’ve been sitting in the cool AC all day then go outside. I would venture that almost everyone is this way.

  • American Nurse

    my husband was forced to vaccinate to keep his job at UPS this past weekend. We found the J&J, which is the safest. He hasn’t to this point because of me. I can’t take the vaccine. My medical conditions are contraindicated. No one cares. I remain unvaccinated, but now I’m more at risk because my husband could have covid but have no symptoms. This world has gone bat shit crazy!!!

  • CommonCents

    Most people would never have masked-up or taken the job if they understood both our governance structure and the actual science. ‘We the people’ are the sovereigns, but we’ve let the criminals take over. If you don’t know the difference between a constitutional republic, a republic, and a democracy, check out the free courses from Patriot Academy or Epoch Times.

    Ben, I believe it’s the unjabbed who have to reach out to the “vaxxed” to save the day. They were fearful and got tricked by the extreme lies, frauds, and secrecy. Imagine saying “To keep my job, I had to get … castrated (or sterilized).” Sorry to say, but it’s on us to throw off the criminals and help heal our fellow citizens.

  • LyonTheeves

    Proud to say my county in NE Georgia only 21% jabbed. Forcing the rest of us to take the jab will likely trigger reciprocal jab projectiles.

  • Houseboat Grandma

    Here in Baton Rouge Louisiana our hospitals are full of covid, ICUs so full, more units are now ICUs at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, up to 3 now. You can’t fake the people I know who are dying, have died from covid, who have died from heart attacks after the jab with No prior cardiac history. Patented owned bioweapon of mass destruction, experimental gene therapy forced in people to keep their jobs. Hospitals forcing doctors nurses everyone to take jab thats Not approved by FDA. If you die from it will your life insurance pay.??? Rough seas ahead hold on. I love yall. Check out Dr David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich on Bischute

  • Houseboat Grandma
  • Charles

    Very true, the criminals running things (and there are maybe 2,000 of them worldwide) have used “news” AKA propaganda outlets to manipulates us a hundred ways into sitting back and LETTING them do this to us!


    It is really a stupid and insane state of affairs!

  • Charles

    Never have I been so riveted watching what such a boring person had to say.

  • Claudia roman

    Double WOW, thanks for the link Grandma

  • Houseboat Grandma

    So Now Reiner Fuellmuch says there’s No Pandemic No Virus its all World Domination Control Plan to make $ and Control Population Then why so many in Hospitals in ICU, ????

  • sativarg

    Good Sunday morning conspiracy observers and other Earthlings,
    I come here dragged and bedraggled by my pedantic side to say that the feedback system of Earth does what it does for the good of Life in Earth and our own behavior of wasting the stored solar energy for comfort and such is the real problem for Humanity when Sol and Earth do what they do. I hear at time frame 4 Minutes 30 Seconds of 7 Minutes 2 Seconds of the Sunday S0 news what has me Harping here… The Atlantic behavior we are calling a shutdown is not bad. Rather abusing oil and coal that we could have used to survive intact is what is and was bad in this cycle of Humanity in Earth. Rather than using up stored solar energy to fly everywhere and drive every where… rather than using tons and tons of coal to run computers and entertainment systems… Rather than being seduced into wars and such that needs huge energy to perpetrate on ourselves and Earth we could have, should have been paying attention to wise ones who said do not do that. Some Human Beings were not fooled and yet we are manipulated by religions and institutions like capitalism and communism to do war? We are trusting in science founded in and locked into a perspective inadequate to make good decisions. We worship that science even when it repeatedly kills us and our children?

    Nature is not misbehaving Humanity… we are’. Not due to our nature but in spite of it. We are used and abused to do works in Earth for one or more cultures that use Humans as Humans use bees. These ones use planets like Earth as platforms to gather and refine resources from stars like our Sol.

    We are not blameless but we are not responsible either. We are not and have not been in charge here in Earth during this latest cycle of Humanity in Earth.

    Earth is not natural and has been engineered to serve as a platform and garden for the ripening that is nearing an ending as another part of the cycle approaches. Every time this happens in Earth the lies that are our domestication become harder and harder to ignore. The epoch or false story collapses. With the collapse comes the revelation of our true situation. But Earth will lay down layers of ice in preparation for Sol’s outburst as she has done before. Life is so preserved as the feedback loop does what it is designed to do… this and other things happen in Earth to preserve Humanity and Life here… see? So I am sorry we have been seduced into wasting the fuels that could have made our journey much nicer but I do not blame Earth.
    thanks for reading and blessings

  • brispence

    On the world cooling because of the AMOC shutdown or the Beaufort gyre quickly. What is Quickly, what time frame??? Anyone have an idea?

  • rothauserc

    The vaccinated are catching the COVID-19 D variant, some requiring hospitalization and others became super spreaders. COVID-19 is the perfect tool for the drunk on power Washington D.C. elites. Soros said COVID-19 is the gift that keeps giving.

    Ben, you really should give up smoking. I have seen lung cancer end a person’s life in 3 months.

  • Suwinskifam

    39:00 – I’ve been saying for weeks now to the people who want mandatory “vaccines,” there are places in the world right now that are run that way. Places that do not give their citizens a choice when it comes to matters of their own health. America, however, is not one such place. So you are welcome to go to those places and advocate for public policy. But America should deport anyone who pushes the needle in that direction. Gunpoint medicine is the most un-American thing I can think of. Right there next to arms confiscation.

  • Woody

    What a great way to get rid of people who refuse to do what the government tells. It’s not the first time a vaccine created a variant that blossomed in the vaccinated host only to go on and kill ALL the unvaccinated…

  • Woody

    When SHTF, we will ALL be in autophagy! lol

  • Woody

    OK. I will pay for ALL of Todd’s F-Bombs. (Drops Mic)

  • Woody

    It is NOT a vaccine. Perhaps an immune booster… kinda like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. :-)
    Israel has proven the jab only lasts for 6 months.

  • Woody

    If we document those who obeyed the gov… and kill all of those who refused to get the shot… that is a good start when the SHFT. We can only have those who comply. No dissenters. :-)

  • Cosmicgoddess

    Mike Lindell is presenting forensic election evidence Aug. 10,11,12, here
    Special info announced at 7pm Central time Tuesday evening

  • Lois Rasmussen

    The New South Wales outbreak of Delta has killed 35 people in the last month after over six months of no deaths in Australia except for an overseas returnee from India during that time. It should be noted that both the Federal and State New South Wales Governments are extreme right wing and well known for corruption. It should be noted that immunization is still voluntary although the health authorities are encouraging people, just like the usual seasonal flu shots. Please note Australian military do not go around armed, mostly they are helping in hospitals, and “at home checks” and contact tracing. Looking at the numbers in ICU in the current outbreaks in Australia, thirty or more people will pass away from Delta. We know it is the Delta as each case is checked for the Covid-10 variety. If you want a conspiracy see:

  • sativarg

    Wow and Thanks Mr. Davidson.
    RE: Exotic four-quark particle spotted at Large Hadron Collider —

    I am enjoying the stimulation of patterns of behavior being labeled particles this noon time. I have largely ignored the subatomic histrionics till now. Sure I had to regurgitate all that to pass college indoctrination back when but I did not like the taste of the standard model then nor do I now. But now from here where I find myself the whole drama is much more interesting.

    Why are there more baryons than anti-baryons ? More hadron than anti-hadron?
    Because neither is a thing… they are behaviors of energy and emptiness interacting. They are symptoms of change and in this Universe; our dispersal state of being, energy is absorbing emptiness as it moves from density towards equilibrium… Too simple? Truth is most often simple?

    I am browsing all the labels for change and the vast catalog of them is staggering. No wonder so many Human Beings are struggling with making all that mess work. What an odd religion is particle physics? LOL
    Nice one Mr. Davidson
    P.S. are Chimps behaving naturally now in Earth? monkey see monkey do?

  • Militia Anygrrl

    Hey Ben,
    If you have time, you must watch this 30 min vid about viruses. Very informative.

  • Rlbball5

    “They” invert everything. “They” say 70% are vaxxed than the truth is 30% are vaxxed. True Pundit/Thonas Paine Podcast/ also back up the numbers being lower than 30% Thanks gentlemen for all of the great work.

  • Ametrine Moonshadow

    I agree about the vaccines and always have. About any drug, I’ve been an Herbalist for over 26 years. I do not want the jab, but my employer is mandating it for us and get this: we work from home! I need this job and I had applied for a Religious Exemption. I had to withdraw it today. Not only am I getting daily pressure via emails and messages on Zoom to get it done. My husband, who runs a hospital, started applying pressure this week. It led to a days long fight. I’ve had to cave, one person can’t stand alone against this. I’m so afraid of what’s going to happen to me tomorrow when I get that first shot….

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