FOTW April 10, 2021

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  • plectruM_

    “I’ve seen the future, babe; it is murder…” –Leonard Cohen, The Future

  • cjan137

    Look guys, we know there are approximately 3000 of these elites and billions of us. What’s wrong with this picture?

  • Calvin

    Professor McCanney ironically made a parallel argument on his Thursday podcast this week Ben. However his pivot was centered on water rather than finance as the globalist control function over the masses, the very river between us. I may not agree with his cosmology 100%, but James certainly has spoken some gems in the 22 years I’ve been tuning in…


    Ben your comment around 34 to 36 minutes is exactly how me and my generation grew up… constantly fraught with a communism take over .. atom bomb drills, war news with piles of bodies… the day after tomorrow atom bomb scenarios … krustchev beating his shoe on the podium…. EVERYTHING I feared is here and in place… I am scared poopless and I will resist the v a. X I ask where are the voices of the 60’s and the war ….

  • VisitingProf

    “How many fingers, Winston?”

    Folks, please think, ponder and consider (as in with the stars.) Recent generations of Americans (USA) go from “The Greatest” to the ‘forgotten,’ the “Boomers,” Gen X, next Gen Y (why?) and then to ‘Millenials.” Take a good long look at the work and findings of Joel V. Wallach, DVM. Get a copy and read his book titled “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie.” Farmlands and thus most foods have steadily become de-mineralized. Just as Ben said, the people are literally and figuratively nowhere near strong enough. While talking about these matters (mostly relating to health and well-being) over the past 30 years with all sorts of people, a few general observations have emerged. Perhaps nine out of ten (or 18 out of 20) cannot see, hear, or feel how any of this amounts to anything they want to pay much more than ‘lip service’ toward. {(I am reminded of the elderly attorney I knew who made remarks about ‘the human animal organism’ perhaps thirteen or fourteen years ago.)} That group (the 90 percent) simply does not ‘get’ it, plus they really do not want to hear about it. Indeed, several people told me exactly that – “I don’t want to hear about it.” Among the remaing ten per cent perhaps half are just beginning to take a hard look at these issues – mostly because of concerns for offspring. Thus we are left with maybe one out of every twenty people or only five per cent, truly listening, genuinely paying attention to, and thinking critically about these matters. And, all of the above pertains to human health and well being! One would think this would be a much higher proportion. And I can say that this group is steadily growing. There are unintended consequences to ‘lockdowns and work shutdowns.’ These thoughts are not ‘absolutes’ nor are they based upon sophisticated surveys and samples, yet these are simply some of my own observations and comments.

    Then, during the past eight or so years Ben Davidson and his work has come to my attention while I was not even looking for any such sort of information! Perhaps one and a half to two years ago Ben brought forth the explanation of ‘The Parker Instability Spiral” and that helped to further reconcile yet another ‘mystery.’ These topics interest me tremendously, as I presume they also are of interest (truly) to the majority of listeners/viewers here. Many people are now beginning to get a glimpse of Agenda 21 in operation and the numbers of people who are ‘waking up’ rises daily, if not hourly. (And, this has nothing to do with the ‘wokers.’ It looks like they are being played by a bunch of highly sophisticated Jokers – think Batman!) And so, my point in commenting here is that most people I have talked with simply do not think it matters to them that we are most likely now within ‘The Galactic Current Sheet.” Billions of people know and understand nothing about this subject. Further, eyes quickly glaze over if one mentions these topics. We are in a somewhat select and very, very small group of people. Even so, it is important for, and I would like to say also incumbent upon us to spread this information to those who have ‘eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to feel.’ Above information is offered ‘For the Greater Good.’ Thank you for reading, – ‘a visiting professional.’

  • Joningham Farms

    The Weather channel meteotsunami thing is kind of non-sense. I’ll give them it may be the first time they’ve been able to fully document and observe one, but by no means a first of its kind on the Great Lakes. The Chicago wave of 1954, Grand Haven MI 1929, Buffalo NY 1844, there are plenty of them that cost multiple lives and are worth reading about. Fully documenting the 2018 event is important in that they are working to develop a predictive model and warning system for them on the Great Lakes. Big ones don’t happen often but they are a very real threat to lives and property. NOAA estimates 126 per year occur on the GL. Whats dangerous even with a small slow 3-4 ft wave is the water rise is imperceptible if you’re in it, but once it recedes you suddenly find yourself washed a half mile out into the lake, drownings from seiche and meteotsunami are often initially misreported as riptide drownings due to this (Sawyer, MI 2003).

    There’s a related and often confused event known as a seiche, the primary difference in effect is the seiche is a longer period wave. Here on Lake Superiors south shore we see one every few years at the head of Keweenaw Bay that raises the water level about 2-3 feet over 15-20 minutes and lasting for a couple of hours, flooding the swampland and the state park there. I feel in terms of formation the literature is kind of confused as to what the difference is between the two.
    Seiche and meteotsunami are both something you should take more of a look at, in particular seismically induced seiche. In short, seismic waves induce standing waves in bodies of water sometimes thousands of miles away, displacing sometimes large amounts of water in the process. The intricacies of the resonances and harmonics of a body of water involved are rather fascinating, and potentially very important if you consider the magnitude of seismic activity we would see during a crust shift. There is a long, documented history of seismic seiches, earthquakes in India in particular seem very prone to producing them all over the world. There is also some interesting literature on prehistoric seiches, studies of surge deposits from the time of Chicxulub indicating a seiche displacing an inland lake as the culprit, a paper to take what you will from maybe. Definitely worth a look into.

    Also, water moves from high to low pressure BECAUSE of its incompressibility, take a sponge full of water that you apply pressure to, sponge compresses, water does not. That said, water certainly moves under electric influence as well, though it takes a rather dense strong current to do so; would you want your finger in the water during Billy’s experiments to move water electrically? With seiches and meteotsunamis the standing waves and harmonics are amplifying otherwise very subtle movements caused by pressure (or by seismic waves produced 2k miles away).

    Amazing just how blatant they were about the Agenda 2021 thing hey? Reinforces the idea they want people believing that they posses a near omni-potent level of understanding and control. It’s all a show to keep people docile while they usher in the level of control they desire and imply.

    Reposted without links.

  • Joningham Farms

    Some further reading:
    h ttps:// – Seismically induced surge deposits in ND at the KPg boundary.
    h ttps:// – Lake Tahoe seiche hazards in M 7+ events.
    h ttps:// – Seiche effects of Alaskan earthquake in 1964.
    h ttps:// – Seismic seiche in inland lake in Japan caused by 2011 earthquake.
    h ttps:// – A history of seismic seiches.
    h ttps:// – history article on the 1844 22ft seiche that smashed Buffalo

  • Tony C

    Agenda 21 clears the planet in advance of the cataclysm. Separating the “wheat from the chaff” is the key phrase. They are closing in on 90% of people getting the jab. That is the endgame, separating people from their soul. When those people die, the game is over—they beat the sun to the punch. We may be in a Hunger Games scenario, or we may be on our own, with royalty and the bloodlines hiding out in fortified castles. Navigating this new world will be the next challenge. We will need to create our own encampments and our own regional-infrastructure.

  • silvermitt

    Fellas, could you elaborate about the Hawaii discussion?
    You mentioned placement of the state turns, but I was having trouble following this mental imagery. Thanks!

  • Jeanne Manwiller

    You may be missing the king at edge of the board – China. It has bought every significant player in our government. To quote Enoch Powell
    from the mid 1960’s – there will be blood.

  • Norton

    Remember the musician on the movie Titanic who continues to play music with his fellows as there is complete chaos on deck, He then thanks the other musicians, walks over to the rail and jumps to certain death. Yeah

  • Michael Durfee

    It’s commonplace to blame population numbers for many things like conflicts and ecological degradation, but many overlook density. Density can be more harmful than people realise when its a small number of individuals having access. Not to mention inhabiting a place susceptible to large magnitude natural movements.

  • Mrs. Altmann


  • independent109

    India, China and South East Asia each have at least 1.3 billion each. USA is three times bigger than India but India has 4 times the population. Over-population much? When a species reaches an point that it can no longer support the population then it dies back to a size that can be support. India is a lot closer to that point than the USA. Taking “stuff” from USA to give to India and other over populated places won’t work.

  • nmarshall

    I’m with you Wildeyetuna. Those free speech voices from the 60’s turned out to be the lunatic professors teaching our grandchildren to hate white people, while cheering on FB, YouTube, and Twitter to censor more! Fear not, my friend. Grow food.

  • Vinny

    It’s called the mark of the beast .
    Revelation 13:17 |
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  • Vinny

    Pay attention to this biblical warning:

    If any man have an ear, let him hear.
    He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

    be patient
    and wait 4 Jesus

  • Fire302

    You guts are absolutely right. Thanks.

  • Fire302

    You Guys are absolutely right.

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