September 23, 2020

Showing 23 comments
  • Donn

    It’s about destabilization, confusion contributes to that. Knowledge is , for most, is easy to offer and find… Wisdom, on the other hand, is harder to distribute.

  • bry0sb

    real ID, 5g, census, covid, an election straight out of the twilight zone – guaranteed to bring out the silent majority. hmm looks like a head count to me

  • Joe.¤.

    metaphysical, supranatural is more real than any reality… perfect length to describe theater of the gods

  • Joe.¤.

    perhaps a tad little forced? :)

  • VisitingProf

    Joined in the comments this AM to echo all three commenters above – this ‘observer’ concurs, most especially with ‘Donn” and ‘bry0sb’ above. And, while Joe.u could very well be correect, I do not know one way or the other. The trouble is that ‘leading elites’ have utilised, very deliberately, those sorts of concepts to keep the ‘teeming masses’ – now literally Billions of humans, “Under Control.” Further, complicating troubles with those concepts (beliefs) arise due to the notion that they canot be proven – either way, as in true or false. Our recorded histories demonstrate that millions upon millions, probably billions in total, have sacrificed “everything” they had, or could sacrifice – even their lives – just to validate their ‘high holy’ leaderships. Please keep in mind, however, that the history books are ‘written by the victorious.’ Also, even those who profess to be ‘Scientists’ are saddled with the reality that science itself is a ‘moving target.’ So, the most realistic things to do are prepare, attempt to inform the people one cares about most to listen and do likewise. Surely most of you reading this do realize that, borrowing from an old saying ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink’ reflectss an age old truth which can also be applied to people -no matter how much you care about them. Whatever and however you choose to do, please think things through very thoroughly. All the same make sure to not allow yourself to get stuck in the ‘paralysis of analysis.’
    “Kanagawa – Oki” by Hokusai Katsushima (1760 – 1849) a well known painting is a rather famous and is one of a set of 36 paintings which show various views of Mt. Fuji. Check into that painting. Most of you have probably seen the image before. Also, almost certainly, humans have indeed been through similar events as those which Ben is describing. Humans will probably survive the upcoming ‘go around.’ Smile, believe in your selves.

  • Joe.¤.

    AUTHORity belongs to the author. Is your author the “leading elites”?

    row, row, row your boat…

  • Joe.¤.

    here is some more theater for you… i don’t know if anyone remembers this speech?

  • RooksDefense

    For awhile now, I have wondered how long it would take for some of the revelations you have discovered and related to us to drive you into some form of depression. Much the same is evident in a couple of my close friends. However, for the them the problem is a result of long-term and sever restrictions/lock down. They are totally unable to comprehend that in my area college football, NASCAR races and Trump protests (aka rallies) are attended by tens of thousands.

    In your case, you are looking for someone/something to blame for things neither you, nor anyone else can change (example: climate change is not human driven nor will tampering with climate be successful). Call that fatalistic if you wish, but it’s simply a recognition of reality (We aren’t going to mind-over-matter our way out of this).

    My advice is to be the best man you can be for your family and follow your heart in ever more discovery (your citizen scientist very much want both of those). Near-term the situation is not nearly as dire as you are projecting (obviously, IMHO). Long-term, there will be strife just as there has been in most everyone’s past (brilliant, huh?). Fight the best fight you can fight and call it a life well spent.

    Enough of that, make mine scotch. Cheers!

  • RooksDefense

    P.S. If the above is unrelatable, maybe this will help: Knock it off with the sad-sack shit already, ain’t none of us getin’ out of this alive anyway.

  • Joe.¤.

    Hah! I’m going to mind-over-matter my way into it.

    I think this guy is telling Ben he needs a vacation and to come out of the tunnel for a few days.

  • Gmo

    Good stuff sir. Thanks for sharing

  • Simeon Nartoomid

    I resonate with much of what you’re saying here Ben. My experience of attempting to deal with people in the global warming alarmism camp, people who I once had a lot in common with, has been virtually futile. There is extreme polarization taking place right now on all sides (there are more than two). Veyr few on any of those sides can be reasoned with, they don’t want an intelligent discussion, they want highly charged emotional blaming and unloading on others.

    My approach is to now study, research, gather information from many levels, and to prepare in consciousness and spiritually. I also firmly believe that the energy that’s going to hit this planet from galactic center, the sun and possibly from the core of the planet itself, may well trigger a shift in consciousness for those who are energetically prepared. I’m speaking of the type of shift that causes the body and spirit to leave this plane of reality, called ascension in many circles but it’s just a shift in orbital energy levels at the atomic level. There are whole races of people in history that vanished without a trace. I’ve been thinking of trying to see how those types of mass disappearances match up to such major catastrophe cycles where very large amounts of energy slammed the planet. I think it’s entirely possible a properly prepared human aura my be able to act as a transducer that can convert this type of energy into something highly beneficial that can lead to this type of dimensional shift in the matter state of the body and everything else associated with it. Kind of far out I know, but that’s mostly where I’m prepping, although i’m not entirely ignoring the practical side for things like major grid disruptions etc until this major event occurs.

  • Frauleen

    Well said.

  • Joe.¤.

    Do you have any practices or basic tips that could be beneficial for all who wish to be more fully present and able to give to others in a spiritual sense?

  • Simeon Nartoomid

    Joe.u… what I strive for is to take 100% responsibility for everything I feel inside myself, not holding anything or anyone else accountable for it. I can/will hold others accountable for what they say or do (if necessary), but not how I feel about it. Anything less than this projects energy out onto something external to the self and gives control over it to whatever it’s projected onto. To the degree we can accomplish this we gain an increasing amount of control over our own energy fields.

    I also endeavor to accept the existence of everything as having some purpose for it’s existence whether I understand what that purpose is or not. The way I see it, if it didn’t have a purpose it simply wouldn’t exist. A good place to start is with the self and all it’s imperfections, but this practice is powerful when applied to anything even at the onset of working with it.

    Both of those fairly practices (done ad infinitum) help me to be more aware without so much polarized emotional charge around any of what I’m aware of. From that place I feel I’m better able to know what may be correct for me at any given time and how I can best contribute to humanity with whatever I have to offer, if anything.

    I see these two basic things as being critical to the prepping I was speaking of. They help stabilize your energy fields and when the big energy hits we will need very stable energy in our field if our aura is going to be able to transduce potentially harmful incoming cosmic energies into something beneficial that can increase our body’s atomic spin rates whereby a translation of it into a less dense form of matter can possibly occur.

  • Joe.¤.

    Thanks, this is very interesting to think about. When you speak about the self and imperfections, it reminds me of “Descent into the Depths of the Earth” by Judith Von Halle.

    It seems this this may be a very personal path for everyone but with Michaelmas just around the corner, and talking about stability, this may be a good time to share the Rudolf Steiner lecture on “The Mission of Michael, the Revelation of the Secrets of Man’s Being” available on the RS archive here:

    Blessings to all.

  • Simeon Nartoomid

    Studied and worked with some of Steiner’s work back in the 90’s before moving on. Lot’s of insights to be had there. There are indeed a lot of different perspectives such as Halle’s on the deeper dive into self and the underlying energetic fabric of our planet and it’s collective consciousness.

    I agree it is a very personal journey for each of us, although there are common principles and dynamics that are present in each of our journies, and that is what I have for decades been drilling down into. What I related is my way of speaking to these principles, and they can certainly be described in other ways as well of course.

    If I were to state them in a simpler way, I guess it would be this:

    1. Be responsible for what we experience… “there is no out there.”

    2. Honor everything’s right to exist even if we don’t resonate with it, or harder yet, even if we detest it.

    My experiments with self and clients and family/friends over the years have proven to me that these two things form the foundation for developing anything else worthwhile, and without them being firmly established everything else we try to develop in ourselves will always lead us back to working on these two things.

  • Joe.¤.

    Perfectly stated. I would perhaps want to understand if it is considered that there is no “out there” because we are part of the outer world and it is perhaps false to divide things up as we sometimes do? Or if the “out there” may alternatively be thought of as a mirror. Maybe I just don’t like the way it sounds :)

    In any case, thank you for so perfectly boiling down this point.


  • Simeon Nartoomid

    “Out there” in my use of it means that 1. everything we see out there is also within us… i.e. we are interconnected and an integral part of it all, and 2. there is nothing outside of ourselves that is causing our inner emotional reactions it is all our own doing. In other words, we can hold people accountable for their words and actions if necessary, but not how we feel about their words and actions. If we hold others accountable for how feel about these things too, then we effectively have to change others to feel any different inside of ourselves. I believe in an intelligent universe, and I truly do not believe an inyelligent universe would create such a dysfunctional circumstance that would ultimately mean we are all screwed regards changing our inner experience of life unless others comply with what we wish for them to do.

  • Joe.¤.

    Have you ever checked for where a feeling ends and an impulse otherwise begins? I would like to explore this a bit. My email address is schizz at if you have the desire to chat a bit more

  • Joe.¤.

    Also, I would like to share this in hopes that it may be somewhat interesting to other observers.

  • Joe.¤.

    “I have deliberately drawn attention often, even in public lectures, to the fact that the consciousness of the human being is connected with the forces of disintegration. On two occasions I have said in public lectures in Basel that within our nervous system we are dying. These forces, these forces of dying away, will become more and more powerful. The bond will be established between these forces dying within man, which are related to the electric, magnetic forces, and the outer mechanical forces.”

  • Simeon Nartoomid

    What we call death is but a transition in a larger cycle. I resonate with the concept of forces dying within us, however, simultaneously there’s also a potential for new forces to be birthed. It’s this latter potential that I was speaking of in my original comment here which you replied to. Many people sense and believe in this shift into a new state of reality on a subtler plane of experience, but it is this part about how it is indeed related to the electromagnetic forces and shifts that are coming that will be triggered by galactic center and the sun that most of these people are not considering. This is why I am prepping along these lines for the most part.

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