September 13, 2020

Suggestions in the comment section below, please :)

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  • Dirt

    A couple of days ago, you mentioned ocean floor features being the result of what I call “The Slosh.” I don’t recall that being in the catastrophe series, but your comment left me curious to know more about ocean features.

  • DBeane

    Ben-I’m very interested in the depletion of the Earth’s magnetic field. This is truly a direct indicator of the Catastrophe unfolding. I have found it most difficult to obtain any real data about the current level outside of your excellent information regarding this topic. I realize this might only fill one chapter of the book at best, however I believe it is a critical player in this Catastrophe.

    No matter what you end up including in your book, which is an excellent idea, this Catastrophe WILL happen. In our life time. The more we can know, the more we can be prepared.

    Thank you Ben for everything you do for the rest of us out here searching for honesty and integrity in the scientific information war. Because, let’s face it, there are adverse agents out there who wish to hide the truth from us “disposable humans” they intentionally mislead and continue to outright lie about scientific facts and try desperately to hide the truth that doesn’t fit what “THEY” want us to know. Like Mr. Universe says in the movie Serenity “You can’t stop the signal Mal”!!! Well, Truth (like Light and Love) always finds a way, ALWAYS!!! Keep giving us the Truth Ben. We can handle it.

  • dragorios

    Because of SO, I now notice things like sun dogs. I’m sure they were there before, but I never noticed. I’d like to know more about the signs.
    Signs, that the average person can see and what it indicates. Personally, I think we will have the grid go down, and then when we are literally not looking / listening to the SO morning update – all hell will break loose. Because the world is getting so crazy, it feels like it’s going to happen in the not to distant future. (Saw a joke this morning that sums it up. If 2020 was a math problem. If you’re going down a river at 2 mph and your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to re-shingle your roof?)

  • Lonestar420

    Is anyone else curious about the origins of the information that led them to the poles in, world in peril, How in the 40’s and 50’s were they so cognizant to think to drill ice cores and then be able to construct accurate digs to recover lets just “Advanced ruins” I don’t know maybe this has been covered, I’ve never had a chance to read world in peril cant find it for under $800, but I know the adam and eve versions say nothing to this count. Thanks for any help with curiosity

  • Brad A. Whiteford

    I don’t think anyone can do it better than you Ben ! Great idea !

  • overthedam

    Douglas Vogt has insightful ideas about this.

  • overthedam

    Agree about Ben! I do have a curiosity to know more regarding a comment by Dr. August Dunning about the Pentagon and political elites starting to dig to “save their own asses.” Today, this might be called Continuity of Government. But I have been set upon by the notion that, if most of the rest of us are gone, then there will be no one to govern! So, what about a Continuity of The Rest of Us? Continuity of the People? Continuity of Humanity? Ben has broached this briefly, but it seems at the core of our objectives here. Other knowledge is enormously germane, but survival of as many as possible is still the bottom line. Ben running independently for President on that platform would suite me just fine!

  • Michael Durfee

    What book would Michael Steinbacher want to be in there?

  • Joe.¤.

    Ben, I think there needs to be a psychology aspect to this, and would you know it there already is.

    Psychohistory, Lloyd deMause, Columbia U., died this year at age 88.

    With all the reading you do, perhaps try reading Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” series. He also attended Columbia.

    Faced with this information, one has to wonder, even if one were in on the story, so to speak (appropriately so), do we really have a grip on the role we are playing?



  • John Mallary

    I’d like to see confirmation of the layers of homogeneous sediment supporting multiple 12,000 year events.
    The book World in Peril doesn’t provide a detailed description of the findings, and I cannot find core studies that demonstrate confirmation of the layers.

  • rickdvga

    Another vote for a Michael Steinbacher nod
    the event is dynamic – and just because you are on the other side of the planet when it happens, don’t expect everything to remain “static” locally.

    also Mario Buildreps may have something to add. I think his timing is off, but still possible that even 350k years ago people were building solar alignment buildings, and under any timeline, changing building alignments as the earth occasionally re-forms around them. Odd that his crustal rotations are always along the same meridian…

  • Don K. Grimm

    I would like to se Visuals on how you believe the MN will hit the earth. Blast radius. Explaining how the first blast and the incoming second event effect the observer.

    What would the world look like during the main “pole shift” event. Is there a main event or is it more a loong horrible wheather and Thor kind of situation?


  • Don K. Grimm

    Was Noah an Observer? And his Ark a bunker in the Caucasus mountains 12000 years ago?

  • Don K. Grimm

    Maybe related to Richard E. Byrd ?

  • Joe.¤.

    Asimov also wrote a book called “The Naked Sun” in which social distancing was the norm and no one had physical contact with a anyone else. On the rare occasions when contact was required, it was considered repulsive. Physicians had to train themselves to be able to handle being around others. Sex was an issue to.

  • Spylegion

    There are some sites where you read/download it

    Enjoy the Journey!

  • Fred Jones

    My thought on this is to see if you can tie in some possible attempts from past eras of man that have tried to tell us of their history, and then ask the question at how can we in this era of man leave something for the next to discover or use… our version of the The Ica Stones or something…Good luck Ben and thank you for all your work.

  • LyonTheeves

    Don’t know if it would be appropriate in the book you’re contemplating, but I would like more info on survival best practices. My idea of a refuge from the Sun would be a man made cave at as high an elevation as possible based on where I live. Such a cave would probably even be helpful closer to sea level. Perhaps there is a group of SO’ers working on best practices. I’m thinking about how to pull today’s info into the future. How can I ensure that copies of books we’ll need are not destroyed during the initial blast? My idea is to build multiple metal trash can faraday cages that can be buried prior to the blast. These are the things I keep mulling over.

  • RooksDefense

    What would I like to see in your new book? Express that it is of critical importance to use a multi-discipline approach (that, of course, includes plasma or electromagnetic physics). Just a brief example of what I mean: For many decades meteorologists have been of the opinion almost nothing matters except temperature differential driving pressure differential driving mass flow and so on The vast majority have no idea a global electric circuit exists, how it is driven or what it does (on a minute-by-minute bases, or in a decadal time frame), much less how to work with it. They simply are ill-equipped to deal with the bigger picture because of never acquiring the tools needed for even basic understanding of a plasma or electromagnetic environment. Most actually think they have everything needed to understand weather and have little motivation to update their skills. Ha. Sadly, there is an element of truth in “science only advances one funeral at a time”.

    Don’t even get me started on how lacking most “scientists” are in thermodynamics! All energy flow, transfer or transport (pick your own word) is essential to many fields of understanding.

  • RooksDefense

    Oh yeah, I should add a bottom line. Your book needs to establish/reinforce a linkage between what all too many people think are separate silos of endeavor (and demand they stay that way). Maybe better music to your ears is: No good geology, bioscience or astrophysics can be done without a health dose of space weather.

  • Simeon Nartoomid

    Just also left a shorter version of this on today’s daily video… sorry I hadn’t been up here for a bit… posting it here again in slightly expanded form as it’s pertinent in both places and less likely here to get lost in the noise that exists out on YouTube…

    I’d suggest a full analysis and breakdown on the potential triggers from the largest scale on down though to the smallest (ie galactic through solar to earth and/or any other stages I’m missing), their relationships, the probabilities which are likely to arise through the interactions of each of these elements as they are triggered, a best guesstimate of potential timelines existing between things like the galactic trigger and its effects on sun, then earth… or the reverse if such be the case. Also, how that galactic trigger might in fact cause something similar to a micronova in the core dynamo of our planet, either directly, or as a prepping primer that’s then further energized into it’s critical state by what happens on the sun and what the implications of such an event might be. Surely that could help free the crust from the mantle for a shell displacement etc. Lastly, how this type of energy from the galaxy, the sun and possibly the core of our planet may affect consciousness both for the good and the bad.

  • Frauleen

    I just came across a site by james Edward kamis. He’s a geologist of 40 years and has been amassing data on the submarine plate tectonics and correlating some of the more recently active areas to the recent polar melt. He, too, provides a strong argument for Earth heading toward an ice age, one that can develop much much faster than we currently think. While he’s missing the solar forcing data, from what I can tell so far, I think he adds some very important insights and data trends to what is going on down below the ocean surface which is grossly underexplored.

    I already suggested in an email to SO about this site. Reiterating here since you’re requesting suggestions. This guy, Kamis, is also struggling with NASA’s atmospheric bias regarding climate change and can’t help thinking each of you could flesh out your theories, with the other’s work and make even stronger cases.

    Beyond climate change, however, is a more sinister development. CC is just a symptom of it, and I think this needs to be emphasized.. Earthquake watch is a great resource and tool, but I can’t help thinking that Kamis’ observations and ideas will place greater importance on the Sun-Earth connection and help us track the progression and add an extra dimension to Eartquake data analysis.

  • Frauleen

    Please refer to my reply to Dirt, for suggestion

  • j conover

    micronova . The only place remaining on earth with evidence of a major event,Nova or Micronova, where WAVES of lava formed from disturbances, granite rock melted and showed heat from a sky source, a major section of a continental plate SANK and caused an inland sea to flow out and over the landscape..the Alto Plano of Peru/Bolivia. The evidence is there from various arifacts, stories from the Amazon (and still a tribal lore) of an astral or solar event, and the massive destruction of an entire area of a civilization, thousands of square miles of the western side of South America. Its the only remaining evidence that modern humans have not dug up, reused, and ‘made political history of.

  • j conover

    It seems to have hit from the North or maybe the NNE..the human figures in the canal geoglyphs show hands out in supplicteon, a kneeling pray attitude..hands out stretched to the N or NNE. Of course if the area continental plates moved or shifted to the extent the water release and land subsidence suggests..the aspect could be changed. Several hundred feet (1000 ft) of a sudden drop of one end of a continenal plate or tectonic plate will do that..

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