November 8, 2020

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  • ElementOrange


    It’s going to take a few moments for this to sink in.

    Trying to imagine what happens to the existing plumes when new N-S plumes erupt. . . .

    Again, Wow.

    Cutting edge!

  • Michael Durfee

    If this photo were altered (and I’m not saying that it is) with the fission tracks blurred slightly and layered into a satellite image hued to an orange color; I could definitely see myself mistaking it for a galaxy. I’ve seen it so many times: a jet coming out of this galaxy–a jet coming out of that galaxy. That is on the inside of a crystal. Let it looks like a galaxy jet. Scale invariance is a pretty handy way to find correlation isn’t it? Look at the fission tracks on that upper run. I guess the world we’re living in now is one where everything is called into question because it is now possible; instead of putting the answers inside the schools to put the questions inside. Are we deflating or inflating? Is it endothermic or exothermic? Is it cosmogenic or exogenic? Specifying a perspective is a pretty important way to gain new insights. But it’s all about causation. THIS causes THAT is the name of the game. We must maintain our course rather than get caught up with these matters as science and discipline will remain triumphant in unlocking the mysteries of the natural world over hyper specializing and an overreliance on problem identification rather than understanding it’s properties. No wonder why common sense turns out to be not so common nowadays.

  • Dixie

    Yes to everything you said about the increased polarization to point of not being able to talk about common ground, even though common ground is there if we look, listen to each other. Fat chance with the Davos crowd’s reset being implemented step by step while our election crisis is in full swing. Hope you have checked out Corbett’s latest on the Global Reset promoted by that creepy guy, Claus Schwarb.

  • neilwilkes

    Really looking forward to the book now – got my pre-order in yesterday.

  • VisitingProf

    A nod to ElementOrange and another to Michael Dufree. The words, “This is what you ‘re here for.” stated by Ben will likely be the part that takes at leasr a week to fully ‘sink in.’ Being an older and long since retired accountant, those words strike the chord – how very insightful. This observer is here in major part to reconcile decades of learning disparate lessons. One of the most valuable ‘reconciliations’ is well under way. And then there appears the thought, ask at a minimum one question. At least one other fairly common sort of crystal spontaneously develops cracks within, and they often appear as planes of fracture inside the crystal. That crystal is Quartz. A dear friend has told me that these cracks occur as a quartz crystal ‘ages.’ Reportedly quartz is mostly composed of Silicon and Oxygen molecules in the form of SiO2. What I have been told or read is that over many centuries heat and pressure caused the crystals to form from sand. As best as I recall, Quartz which is clear like glass is basically “pure” SiO2. Sometimes a tiny amount of different atoms or molecules gives quartz a tint of color. Anyone reading this who can offer further insight, clarification or correction would be much appreciated. In particular, could the casuation of the cracks seen in quartz crystals be at all related to the phenomenon of the “Muscovite Crystals?”

  • Allenvaughan

    Now, this makes a whole-lot more sense to me, with a big jerk of the entire planet’s rotation, as opposed to just the crust being displaced from the low velocity zone. Not that the latter isn’t a player in the increased volcanism. That much mass, from the core up to the crust, and also being more conductive—yeah, I get that. The earth is one big gyroscope. Stopping a gyroscope, making it go backwards and then forward again is just ridiculous. But, a good, long jerk COULD make the sun APPEAR to look as if going backwards, or appear to look like it is standing still in the sky, and likewise make the stars APPEAR to “fall from the sky.” It all depends on the viewer’s position relative to the nominal axis of rotation versus the direction of the jerk. We are, after all, talking about a spheroid that’s got a 24000-mile circumference, traveling approximately 1000 miles per hour, east-to-west. A “jerk”, say, north-to-south, at an increasing rate from 2 miles per hour to 200 miles per hour, over a period of, say, 4 hours (enough time for a micronova duration with enough energy in the middle of, let’s say, an eight hour duration to do sufficient “yanking” on those subterranean zones to tilt the entire earth, and then release its hold and allowing the planet to rectify its spin, that may create the effect of seeing the “stars falling from the sky” in an early morning dawn observation. In a high latitude location, and depending on the time of year, seeing the sun “stand still” or even “go backwards” is entirely possible. The angle of the sun in some latitudes, relative to the observation on the planet SHOULD even tell us the time of year the last micronova occurred! Not that this would matter, other than providing the right circumstances for the observation to have occurred, giving further credibility to this hypothesis. Something to think about, eh?

    In the videos by Brien Foerster regarding the demise of Puma Punku, the site was buried in a wave of dense mud from Lake Titicaca, several feet thick. Brien states a theory that the lake, the shores of which are now being 7 miles away TO THE NORTH by northwest, left from a shoreline at the steps of what is called the Temple, a heaved all of that mud over the ancient complex. The theory goes on that the source of the calamity was a huge tsunami, caused by the eruption of a volcano on the other side of the lake, over 100 miles away. I dispute that, as there has been NO testing of the soil from Puma Punku to the current shores of Lake Titicaca. No mapping of the size and breadth of the mud field, as to how far away it went, passing by Puma Punku, and just how wide this mud field is. BUT, being as in either case, if the current shores existed prior to the last cataclysm, or as Brien suspects that tge shores of Lake Titicaca actually stretched to Puma Punku—I THINK WE CAN LEARN OF THE DIRECTION OF THE LAST JERK!! I hope Ben and anyone else is reading this far. But I think this is a huge clue to the last cataclysm, its direction, INCLUDING its intensity, maybe even its duration, before the impactors arrived to wipe out the rest of the megafsuna that were part of the planet’s atmosphere that did not get ducked into outer space and thus freeze-drying those mammoths and mastodons in and around the arctic circle. Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?

  • Bucki107

    The structure just south of Hawaii has a strong resemblance to the Sphinx…

  • Bucki107

    Below Tahiti and Samoa… Looks like the Sphinx. Can u see it?

  • laurie

    @VisitingProf – Muscovite crystals, as you probably know:

    Muscovite, also known as Muscovy Glass, is an aluminum potassium mineral and the most common member of the Mica family. It crystallizes in the form of
    small hexagonal or tabular “crisps”, as well as elongated sheets and solid masses. Muscovite is mainly found in a grey to silverish-brown color, but can also be
    seen as white, green, yellow, red, colorless, and most recently blue. The blue variety was found in 2004 by a group of miners in Yilgarn, Western Australia. It’s
    the only time this color of Mica has ever been found and is frequently referred to as “Australian Lapis”…

    Both quartz and muscovite can be clear, or at least opaque (with tinting due to other molecules within them), which allows us to see traces of “movement” of molecules within those crystals. My understanding is the process of cracking in quartz due to aging is very different in nature than those presented above, in the study on muscovite crystals.

    Ben’s video brings our attention to microscopic “tracks” in the muscovite thought to be a result of increased energy finding it’s way into the molecules of the crystal, which aren’t able to be discharged into the area surrounding the crystal, so they “explode” in place, leaving those tracks. The problem arises because the area outside of the crystal is of even higher energy (or the same levels) than found within it. (Recall energy likes to move downhill, or from high levels to lower ones). Given this circumstance, the molecules within the crystal then burst, leaving tracks with patterns similar to patterns seen from the plasma discharges of novae in distant stars/galaxies.

    This phenomena is thought to be relatively more acute, rather than a process of accumulation (or storage) of energy, such as the aging you spoke of in silicon crystals. High levels of energy found within a crystal, whatever the cause(s), more often than not, is able to be discharged easily into the relatively less energetic fields surrounding that crystal. Except when it’s not, which is a relatively rare circumstance….as in the bombardment of our planet with plasma from the sun during a “micro-nova” event.

    Hope that clarifies your question.

  • laurie

    @Bucki107 Which structures are you referring to?

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