May 26, 2019

Showing 6 comments
  • Fred Jones

    Thank you again for your work Ben, Sitting here in Ohio i figure ill be somewhat ok except for the tons of people looking for their precieved most important thing, internet and a little thing called food. Id rather be about 3200 ft above sea level , but not above 10K, i think our air might thin a little , are there any thoughts or can you point me to the deeper look or Fly on the wall that talks about how the air will be affected as the wobble/and movement occurs…

  • GalacticP23

    This subject makes me think I should pull my investments out of Crypto Currencies and invest in “Prepper” supplies. Anyone else in the same boat? What good are Crypto’s if the grid goes down ya know?
    Also glad I live in Colorado lol.
    Thank you for your work Ben.

  • Fred Jones

    Hey GalacticP23, i understand what your saying, for me , i’m still not sure how this would all play out, Personally I worry about to much stuff, if i am “prepping” that would to me imply staying put in one spot, and i don’t feel right with this kind of scenario being in one location, i need to have my nomadicfred mind set in place and able to adapt to the changes in front of me. traveling during night hours seems like the ideal and then hunkering down during the day, course that puts a whole new spin to what we eat and do each day… how fast the process takes before we have some safety and consistency is a coin toss as well, i read numbers between a couple of years to several hundred years… oh well , good luck

  • Sun24Spot

    How do you determine which side of the earth is more likely to be the “flash side”? I am a bit fuzzy on this. I would be happy to be directed to a fly on the wall where this was discussed. Thank you.

  • rickdvga

    Re: Flash side

    Ben has said not likely to be the same place each cycle, and Diehold is working on this also.

    So go to where it occurred last time, and hope it does not change its cycle and strike twice …

  • rickdvga

    Mario Buildreps has the north pole shifting slightly to the Siberian side (North on 47.1) each cycle change, but not much distance each event …
    He has tracked this over several 100,000 years, by the alignments of celestial observatories all over the world.
    AKA – if an observatory has to have x in its alignments, and it does not now, where was North then … repeat 900x …
    Check out Mario Buildreps : Earth Crust Displacements and Ice Ages., just 3 minutes of your time …

    Note this slow movement is closer to what the magnetic rock signatures show, and no need for an exact oscillation.

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