March 25, 20202020-03-252020-03-25 - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology
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Dave Posh
Would love to hear Dr. Robitaille’s thoughts on this…
Still processing – but my mind processed the opening image as a sprite / gigantic jet. And I cannot stop thinking of the corollary.
Terese Nehrbauer
Consciousness is a potential not explicitly cited in the solar micro nova process. At minute 4:00 the Safire image could also be understood as an archetype– of what’s known to many as the heart field. Human potential, via this core heart field mechanism, is quantum, unlimited potential. How we, as ‘One Life’ control the power, collectively, is intimately related to the coming outcome, as well as its unfolding processes. Information is a game-changer for us now.
IMO, possibilities are numerous and we’ll experience what ever wave collapses, at its collapse. I highly respect patterns, and respect also what Heraclitus tells us, “You can never step into the same river twice.” Excitement builds…
I wondered the other day if we were about to stare directly into the welder’s arc.
Would love to hear Dr. Robitaille’s thoughts on this…
Still processing – but my mind processed the opening image as a sprite / gigantic jet. And I cannot stop thinking of the corollary.
Consciousness is a potential not explicitly cited in the solar micro nova process. At minute 4:00 the Safire image could also be understood as an archetype– of what’s known to many as the heart field. Human potential, via this core heart field mechanism, is quantum, unlimited potential. How we, as ‘One Life’ control the power, collectively, is intimately related to the coming outcome, as well as its unfolding processes. Information is a game-changer for us now.
IMO, possibilities are numerous and we’ll experience what ever wave collapses, at its collapse. I highly respect patterns, and respect also what Heraclitus tells us, “You can never step into the same river twice.” Excitement builds…
I wondered the other day if we were about to stare directly into the welder’s arc.
Thank you for the upload Ben.
Wow! Nice ‘splainin’, thank you!
Really good presentation here. I’d love to see this one go public.
Eye opening! Definitely condensed matter. Thank you.
He shows how its probably condensed matter inside the sun.