February 21, 2022

Showing 12 comments
  • Linefeed

    I assume that in the days while we wait for potential impactors we’ll be able to analyze what the odds are of one hitting Earth and approximate sizes based on the satellite imagery?

  • Frauleen


  • drledford93

    Doubt it, a they will most likely have been cooked by the initial particle bombardment.

  • PedroC.

    So, we’ll only have a year’s notice?

  • sean leech

    Thanks Ben , a great explanatory video. It could be another pillar in the temple of nova science. At some stage could you place it in the playlist for all . Even to send video to Robert Schoch and Douglas Vogt could be a lovely gesture and help to their work.

  • Roos Kohn

    I have this thought: Beatlegues is at 700 light years distance. So what we saw in 2020 happen when the star dimmed happens 698 years ago.
    Now we travel around the milky-way at 229 miles a second what means it could take another 100.000 years before we reach that we saw beatlgues dim and get brighter.
    So if a Micro Nova event on our sun is triggered at that location it will take a while. Yet if the wave from our galaxy has a different speed the time may vary.
    So my question is how do we measure the speed of that wave onto my equation.

    I just crunched some numbers pulled from Google so please correct any thought errors.

  • bumpkin

    from the chart, it appears we will only have maybe a few days tops to ‘analyze’ impactors, Linefeed. But also from the chart, it appear we will need to take deep shelter for around a year, to protect our pates. And because of the exudate from the sun, from the ‘glass beads’ to chunks of space debris and pieces of sun, possibly, (I mean, after all, its a NOVA!– KaBoom!) -Maybe even slivers off the moon from a ping-pong ricochet? -it sounds like something one would wish to completely avoid… Now, having said that, I absolutely DREAD living underground for a year. (shudder) spiders, snakes, bats, bugs, and various and sundry stinks of all kinds… I might sure DO it, but I will NOT have to like it.

  • bumpkin

    OK. I am confused. agin. If the F-Corona is getting BrIghter, as the dust builds up, but the visible light is getting dimmer, how can we SEE the F-Corona getting brighter? Is the F-Corona ( …do I even have this right?) is basically the bright spikes in the images that are emanating, or coming off, the sun, are we gauging the visible light between those brighter rays in order to note that the visible light is getting dimmer?

  • Frieza2000

    The light is reflecting off of the dust on the sides of the sun. That’s light that would normally not be reaching us; it’d go outward radially in a straight line, but instead it’s reflecting off of it and some of it is hitting us. So, the F-Corona (area around the edges) looks very slightly brighter. But there’s also increasing dust directly between us and the sun, which is absorbing and reflecting light that would normally be reaching us, so it’s getting dimmer overall.

  • neilwilkes

    At what point in the sequence does the crustal slip & Tsunamis occur, please?

  • John Mallary

    Those appear to be triggered by Earth’s magnetic poles converging.
    By the time that happens, we’ll already be in the gaslight and buggy stage from smaller outbursts leading up to the big one.
    Question is, will the crystal shift precede or follow a massive solar outburst?
    As the polar migration started over 160 years ago, the two phenomenon are not necessarily mutually inclusive as to timing. It appears they are two separate events, yet both triggered by the changing environment our solar system is moving through.
    It’s possible that energy from such an outburst on the sun would trigger the culmination of our magnetic poles convergence and what follows. Likely a new pole appearing on the opposite side of the Earth.
    We simply haven’t the data to estimate the relationship and timeline for these two catastrophies.
    But it’s pretty clear that any remaining electronics in the world will fail almost instantly upon the flash occurring, as the heliospheric current sheet would be seriously juiced up.
    So we’d loose all ability to monitor progression or communicate or get any information. Any ham radio broadcasts during that time would be overwhelmed by the ionosphere’s response… assuming there was electricity available to the individual ham operator.
    My guess is that the two would likely coincide.
    And a Micro-Nova would spark the pole convergence and crustal shift, if it hasn’t already occurred if our magnetic poles converge beforehand. I think the difference between a polar migration and polar flip is whether or not a truly massive solar outburst occurs. But either is possible.

  • John Mallary

    I really dislike autocorrect…😉

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