February 19, 2021

In this new video from Yelverton’s Lab, we see soap bubbles under the influence of electricity. In the sequences, you can see how the bubble color and patterns get tremendously excited when the current turns on. You can see the increase in wind speed, the formation of storms (like the great red spot on Jupiter) and the split polar vortex. Billy amazes us again! Now consider that one of the effects of a weaker magnetic field is more electric input to the atmosphere.

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  • Tpgibbons1234@gmail.com


  • Janice Wiehe

    Fascinating. 👍🏻

  • Norton

    Great experiment Billy. As Arte Johnson would say “Very Interesting”

  • mdubs

    Wow 😯 🤩

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    Beyond awesome brilliance! What a mind in that one Billy— or should it be, what Mind Billy’s aligned with. Yes, Sir.

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload. Interesting to say the least.

  • Calvin

    Appears the anode acts as a polar input driver. The circulation patterns, high & low pressure dominance & mixing have relevance not only to weather but materials deposition beneath. As I consider substrate sorting of materials above the mantle. Ferrous, non ferrous rock, pea stone, minerals, organics. clay & sand deposits relative to bodies of water & terrain in earth’s substrate. Growing up around gravel pits & sample boring for saleable quantities of aggregate materials in Michigan benefits my theoretical understanding of glacial action & the related runoff sort & segregation. I suppose it’s relevant to the earth’s core, magmatic action, tectonics & volcanism as well. Very useful experiment Mr. Yelverton~

    • Deriv

      Very useful comment Mr. Calvin!

  • Bad Lam

    Thank you for your work and showing us the science, everything keeps connecting.

  • retro

    I wonder if the now cyclical power vortex split is another sign that the Earth’s magnetosphere is weakening.

  • kilohoku

    Most excellent illustration showing electric and magnetic interaction on the bubble, brilliant thanks for the great work.

  • sgj

    I especially liked the chickens in the background. Makes it real life.

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