December 2, 2021

Showing 6 comments
  • Caroline5765

    You pick your favorite number like I pick my favorite color. And what is my favorite color? Clear, through it you can see all colors. But clear is not a color people say to me. To which I reply, it is a word used to denote a color, you just used it, so why can’t you see it? :) Interesting number Ben.

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    Caroline5765: I like your intuitive favorite color!

  • Terese Nehrbauer

    Thanks Ben. I enjoy the pattern linking of your favorite number. A puzzle-treat to use as a reference point.

  • neilwilkes

    That’s all seriously interesting – I had no idea that all this applies to 28!

  • retro

    Interesting. I’ve always been 7 aligned. Born in 77, on the 25th day of a month [2+5=7] and bam, I have 777 in my birth. I have yet to determine if this is good, bad or whatever you make of it.

    No matter the cause or the result, 7 stands out. I see 7, 17, 71, 77 & 777 in just about all aspects of my life. Whether its the lot number of my own “0bserver Ranch” or the license plate in front of me, when I’m in a hurry, telling me to cool my jets, I’m in the best spot.

    7 is pretty important too and probably just as many correlations.

  • Jose Silveira

    I’ve always liked 28, just never knew why :-)

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