January 27, 20222022-01-272022-01-27http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.pngSuspicious0bservers - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmologyhttp://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.png200px200px
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Roos Kohn
Exiting times ahead. Let’s observe how covid mandates show correlations. We already know the suns activity and mental en cardio health form a match. Does the government use this to work their plans?
My gut instinct tells me I need a solar set on wheels enough to run one thing at a time. I guess I need to email Billy on this one. Our sun is so powerful and can/will be so surprising to a degree for many. Thank you for the upload Ben.
The government is made up of decision makers who also are affected by the sun and geomagnetic filed loss. Mass psychosis formation affects those at the top first.
sean leech
Thanks Ben, this vides will help focus my attention on being prepared..
bs”d especially for the sake of your children, I hope and pray they’ll do okay, I would highly recommend something more substantial for breakfast than Chex. One time my husband, may he live and be well, took me to a nutritionist in Manhattan who has served as a nutritional consultant in hospital ER’s and achieve miracles in health improvement via nutritional analysis and recommendations. He said, ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper’, for health reasons. When I had the resources. I like to eat salmon for breakfast. It primes a person for a productive day, and allows the brain to develop. for future competency.
Exiting times ahead. Let’s observe how covid mandates show correlations. We already know the suns activity and mental en cardio health form a match. Does the government use this to work their plans?
My gut instinct tells me I need a solar set on wheels enough to run one thing at a time. I guess I need to email Billy on this one. Our sun is so powerful and can/will be so surprising to a degree for many. Thank you for the upload Ben.
The government is made up of decision makers who also are affected by the sun and geomagnetic filed loss. Mass psychosis formation affects those at the top first.
Thanks Ben, this vides will help focus my attention on being prepared..
bs”d especially for the sake of your children, I hope and pray they’ll do okay, I would highly recommend something more substantial for breakfast than Chex. One time my husband, may he live and be well, took me to a nutritionist in Manhattan who has served as a nutritional consultant in hospital ER’s and achieve miracles in health improvement via nutritional analysis and recommendations. He said, ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper’, for health reasons. When I had the resources. I like to eat salmon for breakfast. It primes a person for a productive day, and allows the brain to develop. for future competency.