February 24, 20212021-02-242021-02-24http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.pngSuspicious0bservers - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmologyhttp://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.png200px200px
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Terese Nehrbauer
Your explanation here advances my piecing together a conceptualization of those ripples you’re so excited about. All oscillations are ripples, right? So in a spherical model containing multiple spirals and interference patterns (of planets in a galaxy, e.g.), what I don’t understand is the surprise to see ripples “so close” to “center”. Or is the excitement about having human technology documenting it?
Your explanation here advances my piecing together a conceptualization of those ripples you’re so excited about. All oscillations are ripples, right? So in a spherical model containing multiple spirals and interference patterns (of planets in a galaxy, e.g.), what I don’t understand is the surprise to see ripples “so close” to “center”. Or is the excitement about having human technology documenting it?