April 12, 20212021-04-122021-04-12http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.pngSuspicious0bservers - Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmologyhttp://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/SzeroSquare.png200px200px
Terese Nehrbauer
Thanks for today’s reminder— each reminder strengthens links between and among them. This DL pairs well with today’s Daily News information & paper on the 2004 Tsunami natural disaster and stunning evidence of what you’re diligently reminding us.
Thanks for today’s reminder— each reminder strengthens links between and among them. This DL pairs well with today’s Daily News information & paper on the 2004 Tsunami natural disaster and stunning evidence of what you’re diligently reminding us.