Katherine Davidson – Chief Executive Officer. Katherine managed The Mobile Observatory Project, a job which included being a navigator, accountant, mechanic, and logistics expert. She took over management and coordination of Observing the Frontier, the popular new conference on the leading edge of the collision of heliophysics and planetary sciences. She is now also the lead on the Observer Ranch project.
Katherine also manages ObservatoryProject.com (after teaching herself Weebly in 1 day), and she also shoulders an incredible responsibility at home as she helps manage the household and take care of four children (Kira, Noah, Adam and one grown Ben).

Ben Davidson (S0) – Ben does the “good morning folks” S0 news segments on YouTube, and creates the premium content. More about Ben can be found here.

Billy Yelverton (Mr2) – Billy runs our electric/plasma lab, doing all the experiments and posting the videos. He also participates in Deeper Look and Fly on the Wall episodes of the Premium Content. Billy’s work on electric geology has been praised by thousands of people across the world, and helped make large strides in the new electric universe theories. His work with cosmic rays, electric discharges, and magnetohydrodynamics is fascinating.
Billy lives in Leesburg, GA with his wife Sherri, children Tanna and Grey, and quite a few wonderful animals.

Adrian D’Amico – Adrian runs the SuspectSky channel, and have been an integral part of the website operation. If anything goes wrong, he’s the guy who fixes it, he is a regular on our weekly Fly on the Wall podcast, and at our conferences. Adrian lives in Pittsburgh and grew up with Ben, they have been into similar topics for over 25 years.

Xaviar Thunders – Xaviar Thunders is a pen name for our resident artist who enjoys his anonymity – when you see an animation in our content that is not attributed, it is made by Xaviar for use in our educational efforts. A graduate from SUNY Oswego, Xaviar studied Meterology and Broadcast Law. While in college, he was trained by Apple Computers to convert the school’s newspaper to a fully digital format. Thus started his love affair with graphic arts. Since then, he has brought digital artistry to everything from video game character design to scientific illustrations. Xaviar has also worked with the Thunderbolts Project. He lives in Rochester, NY with his family.

Todd Cleckner – Support Administrator/Research. Todd has come in to help handle the volume of support emails we get on a daily basis. He is also helping out with certain research efforts. During his inquisitions into the theories on vibrations, harmonics, wave forms, electricity, and matter, Todd saw a lack of interdisciplinary research and overwhelming amounts of information and data. His current project is developing a cognitive computing research tool for the citizen scientist communities. The use of IBM’s Watson cognitive computing system has revolutionized the usefulness of the entire corpus of humanity for exploration and cultivation. Todd has a history in natural agriculture, permaculture, soil restoration, and custom construction. If you are interested in helping Todd develop his cognitive research tool you can contact him at tc@9rese.com.

Justin Gwyn (Nemes1s) – Justin produces all of our music in the Morning news, premium content, and anywhere else you hear music accompanying our work. Justin lives in New Jersey.
Typhoon Kira – Head of Security
Other Contributors:
Tony Rango – Tony is a 3rd party we are always happy to invite – he is a regular on Fly on the Wall episodes and brings a lot of diligent observation/research to the table.
[Former Contributor] Dr. Kongpop U-Yen – Kongpop wrote the first SPF-earthquake paper with me, and contributed to a number of episodes of Fly on the Wall, as well as delivering 4 presentations between our two Observing the Frontier Conferences. Kongpop has a PhD in Electrical Engineering, and has worked at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center- his full research list can be found here.