Update #2: 5:25pm Eastern Time

Earthquake Watch Score: B+
We had the first large quake in weeks – a 6.6 in Vanuatu. We remain at a relatively high watch score. The coronal hole is departing the earth facing position but because it is transequatorial and unrestricted by coronal fields, it is still of significant importance. The planetary conjunctions are coming and the coronal hole stream has arrived. Watch for sharp drops in the electron flux or the solar wind speed after the coronal hole stream has peaked

A: Highest Seismicity Warning
B: High Seismicity Warning
C: Elevated Seismicity Risk
D: Moderate Seismicity Potential
E: Low Seismicity Potential

Solar Notes: The departing delta spot that popped the M6 had some more fun… we’re watching closely… incomers need some more time for proper diagnosis…
limb spots Jan 1 2013

Update #1: 12:10pm Eastern Time