FOTW October 21, 2017
On the line: Ben, Billy, Trevor, Xaviar, Tony
Fall Foliage
Volcano Study
Economic Video
Document with Populism Chart
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On the line: Ben, Billy, Trevor, Xaviar, Tony
Fall Foliage
Volcano Study
Economic Video
Document with Populism Chart
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Trevor is awesome
Thanks Ben, Billy, Tony, Trevor, and Xavier. Autumn colors passing to brown in Northern Maine.
EFQ should be challenged this time (ref: 13:00 mark)- due to the arrival of Comet Machholz next weekend. :)
(23:00) ~ (opinion) Dry faults from ‘lubrication’ depletion leads to locking up of faults, but when they break, i would imagine the shaking would be much greater in dry lines verses fault lines saturated with water or oil. :)
RE: Economic Video
Did everybody read the fine print in the disclaimer at the beginning of the video?
Salutations from N. California,
Thank You for the opportunity for input and exchange. Very pertinent subject matter, considering disaster prediction. I’ll try and keep my comments short.
Concerning economic structure… Very simplisticly:
Q. What is money?
A. A representation of time.
Q. What is economy?
A. A means by which money is distributed.
Q. What does money do?
A. Initially provides basic needs. After needs are met, the general idea is to retain as much as possible. The retention can be in the form of goods and services, or it can be converted into investments, with the intent of returning value. At this point money can be considered as power, since it is manifest solely to secure containment and expand.
I don’t think there are widespread conspiracies, something more like patterns set in motion that hedge an outcome.
It’s been said that the best investment one can make is in themselves. Without a doubt, there are elements of the financial elite that have been doing this for generations. In the event of disaster, these elite will have hedged against a collapse, and if nothing else retained some return on the original investment of money/time. The elite don’t as much care about the cost of an item, only that they are able to afford it… And so will encourage the band to play on.
The N. Korean volcano caldera collapsing was a blind-side, didn’t see that one coming. I highly doubt China would allow this, and the Korean people revere this mountain. I usually use a Mexico analogy, but Mexico doesn’t have nuclear capabilities. One thing is certain, there will be no war-play at China’s doorstep without reprocusions. It’s my opinion that China doesn’t mind having a buffer, as long as it has some control. If a warhead is launched, and intercepted upon launch, China would suffer, without full-scale nuclear war, this will not occur.
At 5k Ft., we don’t have many deciduous trees or shrubs, my lilacs went yellow last week, and are about half gone now.
Thank you all again,
Farewell from the High Sierras
Feel free to contact me, even if it’s to say “STHU”, LOL,
Ben can you please switch to mp3 format instead? This is using a lot of data to keep up with.
So let me ask a solid question to everyone. How would we even know if the earths orbit around the sun were to slow. Especially if the galaxy slowing down so star positions don’t change much and all the other planets are slowing down so we can’t metric with those neither.
Did I bring me to my next point why the heck did they add ophicious to the zodiac. Forgive me for not using a period when I Asked a question in the previous comment
Yup, Ben keeps him around for gems just like that…;)
To come up with thoughts like that requires knowledge, understanding, and a bit of insanity so sometimes… the lines between profoundly innovative, and over the top, blur just a bit…
If I had a nickel for every time he blurted out something mind bending?…?
I’d have a whole lot of nickels.
Ill tell you right now we had a cold front in September Here in Mesa, AZ.. That i have never felt before.
Cosmic Rays heat and Thin the magma.
Power goes out on a United States wide scale within a couple days hands full with civil unrest as bad as it gets. It would not matter whether it was false flag or not, your worry would be what is next door or coming to your door.
One correction they truly see for the debt of the economy is a HUGE reduction in population whereby debt dissolves and/or wealth migrates to balance. So put together a long term power outage, blame someone else, let it go far enough for massive deaths, meanwhile maintain silent perimeter control of country security, when the time is right, bring it back online, (S)weep the dead, vaporize debt, redistribute wealth and move on.
While that sounds crazy, rewind to these mini events that occur and see where they can be just the type of experimental tests run for reaction, response and recovery gauging to broader, bigger things…. and as Ben would say- in your face!
Or… just wait for the Eddy Minimum to take a good hold and then collapse it on a partial world wide scale for the same effect that benefits all financially burdened countries. Does that sound like Global Agenda? Anyway…
Thank you for the upload.
Yes Dave sure did….always read the fine print first. :)