FOTW June 23, 2018

Showing 17 comments
  • Dave Posh

    Interesting… I wonder how much of the chat session was affected by Uranus in Taurus?
    The talk about anarchy, dictatorship, etc., reminded me of a good description of monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, republic and anarchy in the ten-minute video .

  • Chris

    I just want to say thanks for a great FOTW last week. Specifically the end bit on psychedelics and connectedness!

    When it comes to social structure. The best ideas I have heard, come from Russell Brand. Yes him! I’m a bit lazy to dig out a video (it’ll be on more recent podcasts). I’ll try explain it, but Russell will have a more comprehensive explanation.

    Basically the idea is to break society down into smaller communities. Each community will have their own laws and rules. These laws are based on the needs of the individuals within the community. This means every person within the community has a greater say/vote in how they are governed. A community will consist of everything a community needs to function, police / health care / schools. In this model, power is taken away from the few and spread out to as many individuals within the community as possible. Each individual within the community will have some allocated responsibilities. There can be an overall government, but its function and powers will be limited.

    I also highly recommend this video, which takes a deep dive into socialsm.

    Finally, I was wondering if it would be worth doing a deep into the concept of synchronicity?

  • Chris

    Ben, I think its fine if you dictate while you are typing (it makes typing easier, and the audience get a coherent flowing conversation out of it) A heated response from time to time is expected, and is necessary. I’m sure the audience will be forgiving. The chat session is great but you cannot fact check in real time. Its just part of the process

    Also. I recommend this absolute classic Joe Rogan Video with Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer. Regarding the genesis of astrology. Graham Hancock suggests the Sphinx is 12 000 years old (due to evidence of water erosion) and that it points to the constellation Leo.


    Chris AKA PlasmaUniverse

  • 3xtr8

    Read some books written by Daniel Quinn. Ishmael is a classic, so a good place to start. Also, don’t miss Beyond Civilization.

    There *is* a term that describes the “bad guys”. It’s called psychopathy. Oh look, here’s a recent paper titled “Psychopathy by U.S. State’

  • CrystalD

    Why is the video not available

  • CrystalD

    Never mind I got it playing, sorry

  • John Mallary

    I would have enjoyed the chat session today. A bit early for me, I’d have to set my alarm… Something I haven’t done in over ten years…
    The question of anarchy, or self rule, will only work collectively.
    That was the intent of our constitution. It’s the failure of we the people forsaking our sovereign civic involvement and adherence to its principles which, caused us going off the rails after about 50 years.
    Still, it’s the closest thing to anarchy that affords the safety of numbers and ability to defend ourselves collectively.
    I think Xavier is not a righting extremists for his constitutional fundamentalist proclivity.
    He’s simply far more rational than the folks who would label him extreme.
    He’s not. He’s what we all are contracted to be.
    Sadly, few recognize this today.
    Fact is, we cannot live and let live, when some want us out of the way.
    The world, if history repeats, is on the road to war. Perhaps after that we’ll have enough space created for those who remain, to be peaceful, tolerant and self reliant. But I believe humans are a warring race, destined to forevdo covet what others have.

    Forgive the typos… My glasses got run over… Waaaah

  • Caroline5765

    Thank you for the upload, interesting considerations.

  • Chris

    If you want to gain a good understanding of psychedelics, or how to use them safely. I recommend this book. Its on too

  • Chris

    The setup of our social structure, needs to align with what psychedelics have to teach us.

    Here’s another Joe Rogan podcast from a couple days ago with Denis McKenna.

  • KittyMac

    This has been S0 UNFAIR and frustrating!!

    1. The CHAT Room moves way too fast (for me & many others), and is WAY too brief.

    2. Ben actually has TWO chat sessions going on simultaneously: one is for all of us, and the other one is exclusively for “them”, the FOTW gang. So I initiate a conversation in the open Chat Room on a particular subject, and all of a sudden you’ve SHUT ME OUT of the conversation and continue on w/the subject matter without me and my input! Leaving only this Comment section for my continued participation in the debate or ‘discussion’! And WHO comes back hours or days later to read the Comment section?!! Very few, if any, would be my guess.

    3. “Frustrating” is putting it mildly what I’ve felt w/this Chat Room/FOTW session!

    My insights on this Chat Room’s topic of conversation:
    When you see humanity (mankind) as individual entities each striving for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that’s just as insane as seeing each cell of our bodies as individual entities striving to be the body itself instead of being a participating part of the body. We need to see Mankind as one body made up of over seven billion cells (so far), and not as over seven billion cells trying to be some-body.
    Just as the cells of our individual bodies were designed to function according to the Natural Law (not the laws of man), so, too, are we as individuals, who compose the body of mankind, designed to function according to the Natural Law, aka the Law of One. “As above, so below”. From the least to the greatest, the Law of One rules, no matter how anyone of the ‘cells’ of the body of Mankind perceives things.
    Anarchy does not mean living without Law. It means living without a ruler. Once we mature into adulthood, we don’t need another human being, nor a group of human beings ruling over us.
    IMHO, it’s because we’ve been programmed to perceive others as separate entities, rather than as cells of the same body of the living organism called Mankind or Humanity, that the world and the people in this world have been so screw up and at odds w/each other. And that’s the way our ‘controllers’ have wanted it and thus programmed us to be….DIVIDED, in order that they may control us. We’ve even been programmed to believe that we NEED them AND their ever-enslaving laws!
    Highly intelligent and cunning our rulers have been; but our Light outshines them and overpowers them, and they know that! That’s why they’ve been doing all in their power to suppress it and keep knowledge hidden from us. Why do you think that the light bulb is the symbol for a mental idea or thought? It’s because Knowledge is Light! The love of knowledge is Gnosticism, and that’s the ideology which the master Jeshua was into.
    So, I guess, to be more thorough, I should label my personal character as a Gnostic Anarchist. ;)

  • windar

    I agree with most of what you’ve said. But life IS unfair. Also, after all, cells have some self interest and individuals have free will. So the analogy only works so far.

  • KittyMac

    Life itself isn’t unfair. It’s humans obeying man’s law rather than Natural Law that causes unfairness. I do realize that what I have stated in my initial response (above) seems like a Utopian concept, but we’re actually moving/evolving in that direction.

  • Counselorgimber

    Here is a link to a peer reviewed Encyclopedia of Philosophy that leads anybody interested in reading more about the social contract.

    Many points made in the chat can be found in here. I felt this may be a useful to for all of us out of respect for all involved in the chat session and those that listen to the FOTW later.

  • EthanClay

    Is there some way to download these podcasts? I’m often out of cell phone range.

  • S0

    I disagree about our evolution, and believe we are going the other way. People like us have always existed, and we always fall into the same traps. We are too quick to fall in love with idealism and neglect the harsh reality of life.

    I agree about the chat page. This thing is very difficult to handle. I’ll have it as a discussion point next week and ask for comments on that video – perhaps a change is in order.

  • KittyMac

    S0….For someone who has been such an avid student and researcher of cyclical patterns, it surprises me that you’ve held such a dire outcome for mankind. If we are indeed moving into the next two-thousand-year cycle (the Aquarian Age/the Golden Age), then wouldn’t that portend a better experience for mankind than the other 11 or 12 two-thousand-year cycles have been? Just because there have been cyclical mass extinctions in the past, doesn’t mean that EVERY cycle includes a mass extinction.
    It’s a vibrational thing….Each cycle carries with it its own vibratory pattern; and every cycle sees us (our solar system) in a different part of the galactic journey thru Space. Coming out of the ‘cloud’ we’ve been traveling thru and into clear, Cosmic space is an experience we can indeed welcome with open arms and happy hearts; because, contrary to popular belief, Cosmic rays aren’t necessarily a bad thing for us, nor for Mother Earth. Sure, it CAN be detrimental if we’re not in sync with Natural Law, but more & more people are awakening to the futile enslavement of man’s laws, and are becoming more inclined and in tune with the Natural Law. Cosmic rays might be intense, but we are truly intense beings ourselves; and mankind, as a whole organism, will not only survive, but thrive in this coming new cycle!

    We’re not actually ‘neglecting the harsh realities of life’, but rather observing them without judgement or dramatic emotionalism, and adapting as best we can and as need be. That’s not idealism at all. That’s wisdom, imho! Reacting to what we see occurring around the world and in space with judgement and dramatic emotionalism just adds to the ‘chaos’, fear, and confusion. We have the power to transmute what we observe into a creative and uplifting outcome and experience. We choose, in each and every moment of each and every day, whether to react to what we observe or to be responsive to what we observe. Do we choose to be response-able human beings or to be reactive zombies?!
    The saying is S0 true….WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for! And WE are the ones who provide healing and health to the body of mankind, or contribute to its extinction. It’s OUR choice, not some external force which determines mankind’s destiny. True Intelligence reveals that to us.

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