Fly on the Wall: January 3, 2015

On the line:
Ben (S0), Billy (Mr2), Xaviar Thunders, Trevor (Star0bserver), Tony Rango

Two Videos:

First, the usual crew discusses the weather, the latest video postings to the Premium Content, and a few recent items of interest.

I also spoke with Dr. U-yen briefly about the current happenings in the solar system and how we can further the earthspots research. Please forgive the bit of noise at the beginning – he is with his wife in Thailand and the kitchen is quite close to his work area.

Transcript courtesy of Janice Meris-Oliver

[Ben] Good Morning Folks,
I’m on with Billy, Trevor, and Xaviar
And, before we get started, it has come to my attention, something I should have thought of before, that those who are hearing impaired may have trouble with ‘Fly on the Wall’, and so, ‘If there is anyone listening who thinks they might be able to take some fairly good notes – trust me, it’s nearly impossible to do while you are actually talking to one another on Skype; plus it would make too much noise to type those up if any of us did it; but if anyone listening would like to give it shot at taking some notes, some important points from the FOTW, it would be greatly appreciated. We will go ahead and post those. You can do it anonymously or you can get credit for your good note taking skills. Go ahead, and if anybody is willing to do that you can send them to: (The support e-mail)
Or DirecttoSO button there on the left
Shoot it over to me, I would really think it would be helpful. Even if just to have that in general, but for those who are having a little bit of trouble hearing some of the things, I know that they will greatly appreciate it and it will really enhance the experience for them.
I know I’m asking a lot of you guys there, But, don’t think that if you do it once your obligated to do it every week or anything like that. Just something if anyone is down to do it so to speak.
So, I want to start talking about the weather because we have ALL SEASONS going on in the United States right now.
I’ll start. I’m in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our event is at Whole Foods today in a couple of hours. And then we’re thankfully heading South and West a bit and should be getting warmer. Which is lovely because there is about an 1’-1/2″ of snow on the ground here in Albuquerque, NM right now and it’s cold. It’s very, very cold.
Now, Billy, you kind of got the opposite worry, maybe not tonight, but possibly tomorrow. They’ve got, I think there will be tornados warnings that blow tonight maybe in Louisiana, or Mississippi.
[Billy] Yah, we have some isolated thunderstorms for tonight. For tomorrow to – 90% tomorrow. The temperatures quite mild, 60 degrees out now.
[Ben] Nice. Nice. I’d kill for 60.
[Billy] And a high 75 today – it’s been a rather mild week, actually.
[Ben] Trevor, did you catch the morning news yet this morning?
[Trevor] Yah.
[Ben] Awesome. Did you see yet what your low temperatures going to be tomorrow?
[Trevor] Yah, I just checked the temperatures here is 32 degrees. It’s going to be a pretty nice drop.
[Ben] You’re going to be dying for 32 degrees when that gets there. I was curious, to see. I was curious, I was going to ask you to give me your current temperature, wondering if the cold had gotten there yet. I was thinking it was going to take another 24/hours or so.
[Trevor] It’s close, we right on a line here; that it could go North or South. Like last night all the ice stayed North. We’re at a Marine Valley here from a Great Glacial carve out, so we’re kind of protected a little bit. It’s a recessed dip in the ground. So, a lot of the storms tend to go to the North or South. But that cold temperature, there’s nothing stopping it from coming through.
[Ben] Yah …
[Trevor] We’ve been real lucky with tornados here and stuff. One’s never went downtown, they always head off – it’s kind of like a bowl shaped area, they always head off the rim.
[Ben] Right, right. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like in your part of the world.
[Trevor] You know, in Rochester,N.Y., Ben, they’re seeing maybe 50 degrees tomorrow, Tuesday we should be low teens. You think about that.
[Ben] Well, you know, I’ve spent the last four days here in Albuquerque actually just enjoying the city. I’m actually four or five miles from Walter Whites house; which is the character from ‘Breaking Bad’ – the actual house they used.
You know the views in Albuquerque are just wonderful. Sunrise, sunset, the mountains are just incredible. But, the overnight lows, every day we have been here have been in the teens, which is a big concern when you are in a RV and you’ve got exposed pipes; not to mention I don’t want my pregnant wife and puppies to freeze. And so, I’d prefer not to freeze myself as well. And, so, if it’s getting down into the teens at night, here in the desert, in the Southern part of the United States, I can’t even imagine what’s going to happen when this Vortex hits you guys. Be wonderful if it missed, or was somewhat weakened, but it looks like it’s trekking Eastward – unfortunately.
[Billy] Our ten day shows at 23 degrees overnight Wednesday, January 7th; and then 24 degrees overnight for January 8th, Thursday. So I guess that’s when it comes through after this rain. So with that 23 degrees is nothing compared to the teens you’re in; Lord have mercy.
[Ben] Yah, not fun.
[Trevor] That’s really unusual for Arizona man. You move down there to get away from cold to.
[Billy] That would be horrible
[Ben] Yah, interesting. Well, um, you know Europe is experiencing a bit of a climate extreme swing as well. You know, for as long as I can remember, those lows were just sticking around in the Atlantic and as soon as one moved off it made sure that there was one moving right behind it to take its place. So it was keeping a good part of Europe a lot warmer than normal the last few months. However, that kind of shifted pretty quick here over the last few days. We’ve had major snow events in Bulgaria. Major snow events in Germany and there are a couple of other places as well. I know just looking at that wind flow coming off of the Atlantic, if any of that is dropping heavy as snow, boy is there going to be some high totals there. I believe that David Hyde who lives at what I can honestly call a touristy kind of place over in Austria, he says that the folks are starting to arrive there for ski season. So they are pretty much in the thick of things there.
I’m going to go ahead and pop Tony Rango on here as well, cause he just got on line.
Wait for him to join us there.
Tony had a little confusion this morning; or maybe Skype had the confusion. Skype apparently sent him a message that I turned 34 today. Which is baffling because I am 30 and my birthday is in October. But, uhm, he sent me a nice little ‘Happy Birthday’ and there was some confusion.
It doesn’t appear Tony has quite getting connected yet, I’m sure he will eventually.
I’m interested to know what kind of weather he’s enduring over there in the Bay Area (Calif) on the West Coast.
As it stands, let’s go onto our first topic here.
The first three topics are going to be new videos on the website. I didn’t really announce these a whole lot, but the first episode of Deeper Look published last night. It was about the magnetic field of sun spots, the magnetic flows, plasma, temperature, things like that and how this is really connected to the Earth spot hypothesis.
Oh, and there goes Tony – unfortunately.
And, so, the first episode of Deeper Look is published and if you haven’t seen it just yet, go ahead and give this a pause and pop over to Deeper Look under the Premium button, it’s just under the top, and just watch Episode One really quickly; and then sort of come back and join us.
So, what did you guys think when you were taking a look at those animations? Billy, you know, you and I, we talked about this a little bit already. You mentioned a few things before we started today. That I bet just popped into your head and you would have wished you would have thought of them last night.
But let’s start with Trevor and Xaviar. What did you guys think while you were watching the magnetic fields and all those different flows in the Sun spots.
[Trevor] I thought it was fascinating, similar to ours, and you put it together in that context, and made it very visually appealing to understand what it is when you’re describing what it is when you say Earth spot hypothesis. I think you brought it together very well. And that made it very easy to understand what it is you are talking about or describing there. That makes sense.
[Xaviar] I was also glad that you called out the similarity with the Terrestrial Gamma flashes. It’s like taking on so many levels, gosh we’re looking at a, well we’re I guess the microcosm of that. It’s so darn similar.
[Ben] Right, and it was just last week n FOTW were we talked about that article about how Terrestrial Gamma flashes were more common than they had originally thought which is something that would have to be true if the Earth spots connection is real. Because we see so many more solar flares then we do Terrestrial Gamma flashes; and the thought processes had been, well we probably just aren’t catching enough of them. It’s weird, ask the Universe for something, it will give it to you. You know. Say his name three times and he appears. Boom.
It was literally right like that that we got the information about how prevalent these things really are. It’s interesting.
Tony, did you pop on there?
[Tony] Hi gentlemen.
[All] Good morning.
[Trevor] Hi Tony
[Tony] Hey, Gus.
[Ben] Talking about the first episode of Deeper Look. Did you get a chance to watch that yet?
[Tony] D e e p e r L o o k.
I don’t, No, I did not.
[Ben] I just published it last night. I haven’t really announced it or anything like that.
[Tony] Oh yah, I did see it, I didn’t get a chance to watch it yet.; that’s right.
[Ben] Essentially it’s some animations from back in 1999 and 2001. Really, really shows that there’s even more similarities between Sun spots and what we call Earth spots that we could have even imagined before. And, it’s really worth a look. It’s amazing, just when you think things can’t get any better they manage to. Just like with the invisible Sun spots; just when you couldn’t think there could be any more signs of the Sun pointing towards a ‘shut-down’, we get another one with the invisible Sun spot. And with the physical forms, the energetic eruptions and the connection with earth quakes and things like that, that we already have investigated in the Earth Spots hypothesis; I wouldn’t imagine there was much else that we had just yet; and lo and behold we find we have these animations; there on the Scientific Visualization Studio from Goddard, even though one is from the Naval Research Laboratory. And, it just blows your mind how similar these storms are.
And, Billy, you were mentioning the invisible Sun spot before we got started here and Billy got me thinking. If you were to go to the SDO page and go and click on the magneto gram image that we use to look at the magnetic or the polarities of the Sun spots; just look away from a Sun spot region, and look away from a strong surface plague as well as that basically is the start of the Sun spots or the maybe the end of it. You will almost never find a completely grey or magnetic less area. And that does not have a magnetic force. There’s constantly, it’s very weak so it’s always green, or it’s always in yellow – which are the weaker expressions of the positive and negative.
[Billy] Yah, so there a constant flow.
[Ben] And their all different sizes and they come and they go, and they’re scattered all over the place. You can’t help but wonder, if that is the version of you know just ambient scattered clouds on the Sun. lf the Sun spot is like the big storm on Earth, then maybe those smaller little magnetic regions are honestly like the smaller storms or even scattered clouds on Earth. And, it’s not even really without precedence to even say that. Because, we know that there are nano flares all the time. There can even be nano flares in Coronel holes. And, those are scattered all over the place. Well, I would think a Nano flare would be like a small or the really weaker spectrum of lightening on Earth. And, that’s what small storms have, and even scattered clouds on a really, really hot day and what heat lightening could have here on the planet Earth. So, this really just gets your mind going in a lot of different directions. And, the part of that Deeper Look video, where the screen tilted and you got to see the temperature flows underneath the Sun spot; I’m not talking about the triple layers, I’m talking about where you’re actually, they put you underneath the surface of the Sun and you’re looking kind of up at this blue on top of this red which is supposed to be colder plasma over top of hotter plasma. But all around that you can see smaller versions of that magnetic protrusion down into the surface, all over the place which suggests that those magnetic regions we’re talking about indeed have the same type of; I don’t know if you want to call it convective – although I did see quite a bit of convection within the Sun spot. A lot more than I would have expected. I’d like to get the Thunderbolts thoughts on that. I wonder if they’ve even seen those animations. But, whatever you want to call it, those tiny little magnetic areas that are only ever expressed as green or yellow on the magneto gram really do look like they could be tiny storm systems or even just scattered clouds as they follow the same general pattern as the Sun spots, just to a lesser degree.

[Billy] I agree totally. I mean they’re definitely denser areas of the gas there. Similar to our atmosphere, that’s what a cloud is. It’s really a denser area of the same atmosphere. You know, there’s more vapors condensed into a denser area creates a cloud Whereas, see we consider the surface of the Sun to be a surface but it’s actually gas. You know. So, it’s still the same processing. If you look at it in electrical terms the flux transfer has been documented in 1985 that these what Don Scott would call particle currants travel from Sun spots regions to the planet. And to see that that’s what happens in the Sun spot is almost the same thing happening in a hurricane for instance. It leaves you to believe that that’s both ends of the flux tube – you know, that’s the connecting point; from the Star to the Earth, literally. It’s truly incredible, and you would expect in an Electric Universe to see the exact same thing on both ends of that magnetic tether; and that’s exactly what we do see. So.
[Ben] Yah.
[Billy] Which is one of those moments when we look, Damn – We should have thought of that, we should have thought of that. We should have known that it’s going to be that way.
[Ben] Yah. Well, I think that there’s a lot that they know in this realm that they haven’t shared.
[Billy] And, that’s another thing, when we learn more and more, it becomes painfully obvious that there is no possible way they didn’t see this – they’ve ignored this.
[Ben] Yah, because.
[Billy] PhD’s aren’t idiots.
[Ben] Let’s be perfectly honest, the people who are actually looking at this stuff are probably smarter than us, and they are way better trained at their specific duties. There’s just no way that we can see this. And, literally tens of thousands of other observers can see this clearly enough that they can express these ideas to other people. There’s no way that they didn’t see it, and there’s no way they don’t know about it.
[Billy] Now, that gets me. When was this, when were these animations published again?
[Ben] The one with the magnetic fields connecting the Sun spots together and where you saw them start to spin that was from 1999. The other ones are all from 2001.
[Billy] That’s incredible.
[Ben] Yah.
[Billy] There definitely are people in the know, definitely.
[Ben] I would agree. And, given our modern day tools like our ability to track weather all around the world, our ability to track space weather in real time, and things like the Earth wind map; the dawn is approaching on the day of Earth spots. It’s coming and this connection is going to be realized. I can’t wait to be perfectly honest with you. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
Do you guys have any other thoughts on that topic?
I hear crickets, so, let’s move on.
There are two other videos that have been added to the site, and they’re both under Electric Earth and Sun. Scrolling down to the very bottom which is Section (4) in Electric Earth and Sun; that’s the stuff about Vacuum Energy. I reposted the Vacuum Catastrophe video which was posted publically on U-Tube. Just to sort of get your mind back in the gear of the kind of stuff we’re talking about. And, if you hadn’t seen Vacuum Catastrophe on U-Tube to sort of get you caught up with everybody else. But the second video is actually on the Vacuum Energy itself. The Vacuum Catastrophe was a general discussion of the amount of Vacuum Energy in the Universe is in question. And, it’s so far, the theoretical predictions are so far afield of what we’re able to actually detect that it’s been called the theorized quantity of vacuum energy is one of the worst predictions in Theoretical Physics.
But this thing about vacuum energy is good because it really gives you a sense of just how much they know. Where I guess we are sticking with that theme today. Vacuum Energy could be thought of as the Ether that Electric Universe Theorist of old were never able to find; probably because they couldn’t quite define its Nature properly. The Ether as they were looking for is not quite the same. However, it’s really quite a shame that we now have recognition of this underlying energy throughout the Universe and the old guard who was talking about this never really gets any mention as having predicted its existence – they just didn’t quite understand, how it existed or how it would interact with the Universe. But essentially, the vacuum, the area we were taught is essentially nothing is actually highly complex; it is a highly complex energetic structure. I’ve heard this described as balls connected with springs – just everywhere. Just imagine you’ve got these balls and they’re connected in different directions with springs, so they can move back and forth and up and down and things like that. But they’re always, whenever they move, they’re wanting to be forced back into that initial position.
This Energy underlies everything. This is very much like the ‘Force’ that they talk about in ‘Star Wars’; although we can’t exactly manipulate it quite so well. However, we are finding that there’s a lot of things that can interact with this vacuum energy. Some we are sure of; some we are not so sure of. One of the ones we’re not so sure of is the Space Tether Experiment. For those who don’t remember, they basically unreeled miles and miles and miles of cable out from the Shuttle; dragged it across Earth’s Magnetic Field lines trying to see if they can, trying to see what they could pick up, and they actually picked up too much; and basically they had an electric surge that melted the cable, and it snapped off. And, so, yes on one hand, it’s possible that they didn’t exactly understand what kind of energy was traveling through the magnetic field. I actually think that is less likely, because they have been doing a fair amount of study on that. I think, that they were tapping into the random background static of the solar system as well, and maybe the vacuum energy. That one’s up for debate. What’s not really up for debate is NASA’s “new” Propulsion Technology and I say ‘NEW” with quotation marks around it, because when we hear about something it’s at least 20/years old if not more. But this year, NASA announced that their next generation propulsion device is sort of making progress here. It’s called the Chennai drive. And essentially, what they do is they excite a resonant cavity with 935mhz frequencies – radio waves. And, they’re able to pull energy from the virtual plasma or the vacuum plasma and they’re able to generate thrust. Now, they claim it’s just a tiny little amount. I’m dubious, and I think they’ve probably got it down a little bit more than that. And, by the way, the company Chennai who made the Chennai drive they claim to also be getting patents left and right on a second technology that’s similar, but yet distinctly different from what NASA’s already tested successfully. And so, uhm, I don’t know where the next best place to take this information is. Trying to look more into how their generating thrust; looking more into just how much vacuum energy is there and what is it’s Nature. Or even, I’d be even more willing to take, I guess a, we’d call it a more imaginative approach and think about what are some of the implications of this, just in general; pretty much about any topic.
Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I mean, the idea, there’s just this background energy that goes throughout the entire Universe that we know of.
[Trevor] When you’re at the Cosmic, Conscious Life Expo I would hope that you get ten minutes to pull Nassim Haramein aside, because I’ve seen videos where he eludes to this, and the videos look like they’re fifteen years old.
[Ben] Well, you know, the people who were talking about the ether were doing this decades ago. I mean, most of them are dead, at this point. And it’s just you know, based on what we knew about the Universe, we couldn’t even really conceptualize something like vacuum energy as we know it now. We just didn’t know that much about it. I’m going to pull Nassim aside for a couple of different reasons. Got a couple things to talk about. He and I are on the George Noory Science Panel. So, I’ll at least have some public time to talk with him, but I will try to do so privately as well. We also had that article come out a couple days ago about the neutrino striking the carbon atom; and the carbon atom will literally pull from the vacuum energy to create a particle as this neutrino gets close. I reported on this just briefly in the news. But, this was fascinating because essentially, you literally just have particles, and you have energy. The interaction of these two particles yanks some of the background energy, or the vacuum energy; it takes it to a more stable state, and it turns it into matter. Boy, if that’s, that doesn’t violate any of the Laws of Physics either because the matter that is being created is conserving the energy of the background that is being lost, and so on and so forth. But it’s just fascinating, I don’t really know of many other, I mean, you talk about; we see the opposite happening in a nuclear reaction we take the matter and turn it into energy. It’s actually fairly inefficient in spite how destructive a nuclear bomb can be. But, in a way, isn’t that a type of fusion – what the neutrino and the carbon atom do?
[Tony ???] Yah.
[Billy] It’s not..
[Ben] It’s definitely not the traditional fusion that we’ve been taught to think about it, but uhm.
[Tony ??] Well, from what I’ve understood it was pulling energy from zero point to repel – use it to repel the other molecule, or whatever..
[Billy] When you think about it, what we recently have learned to, if you think about what a nuclear bomb or a detonation does. okay; this is going to create a massive vacuum in that area there – when all that is expelled outward. There’s going to be a tremendous vacuum. We just read articles to show that low pressure systems allow more cosmic rays to enter.
[Ben] Huh.
[Billy] Now, you think about this, it’s well known in the Nuclear Science community that lightening is associated with nuclear detonation.
[Ben] Yah.
[Billy] And, in most cases there’s streams of lightening in a row of literally tens of dozens of strikes. Simultaneously with the detonation itself. And you have to wonder is that part of the ether – you know filling that void of vacuum what we consider to be cosmic rays; and slipped literally through that energy field in my opinion.
[Ben] You know, there’s something to that, I think we should probably think about that a little more. But, you make a really good point there. There’s definitely something to that. Uhm, hmmm.
[Billy] Because I thought about that, it’s in my opinion, it’s more proof of the existence of an ether.
[Ben] Right.
[Billy] But, we just continue to get more and more proof of these things here lately.
[Ben] Absolutely.
[Billy] Yah. It is fascinating.
[Ben] Right, right.
[Billy] When you add a particle wave physics to this equation, it gets even more fascinating. You know, it appears this energy field is made up of every atom we could possibly think of in a state that we can’t recognize it as.
[Ben] Yah
[Billy] And, the atoms themselves are coated by energy that passes through them. It’s incredible when you think about it.
[Ben] You know what’s interesting, the way they define plasma – as just the part where the subatomic particle sort of lose their affinity for one another so to speak, or they lose their continuity, and then it’s just kind of like a soup of charged particles. I don’t know if that’s necessarily the right way to think about it, but given the energy that is all around, it’s all made up of positives and negatives. In some form or fashion, there’s going to be a way to pull together the right amount of each positive and each negative, and then in such a specific order to create any element. You know, so if you’ve got, technically, if you’ve have 120 protons and 120 electrons and a bunch of neutrons to choose from; if you can think of them like little tennis balls you could choose from, you technically have all the ingredients to make any element you would want to make, and most, many molecules as well. And so, this…, we know that the energy and the matter can switch back and forth and they’re essentially they are just different expressions of the same thing.
So, Billy, you really do make a point there, it’s really the potential to be just about anything…
[Billy] The potential of probability, yah.
[Ben] And so, yah, one would have to imagine, so the question would be I guess then, you know when you have the vacuum created by the nuclear blast, what determines what the energy makes there in the immediate aftermath? Of course most of that vacuum is filled in by the rest of the material that was blown back out. I mean you could see, if you’ve seen videos of the shockwave of those things, you see the shockwave go past, and then there’s almost as strong a shockwave in the opposite direction, you know.
[Billy] Yah
[Ben] The, the, I don’t know what you’d call that. It is what it is.
Anyway, there’s a third video that was posted to the website. This one is also posted in the Electric Earth and Sun series. It’s in Section (3) which is about the Solar Polar Fields and the earthquakes. Which is just basically been about the different ways the polar fields modulate space weather and how that can affect earthquakes as well. But we focus this on the (L) Shells. Again, if you haven’t watched the (L) Shells video, go ahead and give this a pause, head over to Electric Earth and Sun and down in Section (3), it’s the second video there. And, if you haven’t watched the first video there, of course go ahead and do that as well first, otherwise you maybe a bit lost. So, I’ll give you a second to do that.
The (L) Shells video. Now, this was fascinating to me. Because I’m guilty of doing sometimes what I describe at the beginning of that video. When I think of Earth’s Magnetic Field, I think of two things mostly. Bundles coming out of the poles and wrapping around the planet. And, then, how the magnetosphere is our protector from energy from space. I don’t often think about the lower connection points. What I mean, I mean the lower latitude connection points. And, I was not aware; I was not keenly aware I should say of this shell like formation. If any of you have really read Robetye’s work, that’s what he says the Sun is as well – just a bunch of shells within shells, within shells. And, I thought that was fascinating, especially how we notice a lot of correlations with earthquakes as well. I don’t know, it, ah…
Xaviar, Trevor, or Tony, do you guys have any thoughts on the (L) shell stuff?
[Billy] I don’t know why you would think it would be any different than what we see in Geology. I mean that’s literally, shell on top of shell, on top of shell.

[Ben] Yah. That’s a good point.
[Billy] Those layers of geology are shells of crust.
[Xaviar??] That makes sense to me with the double layers and stuff, it’ just another description of a plasma double layer, really.
[Ben] Yah. Except this one is many, many, many layers.
[Xaviar] Yah, but that’s typical with double layers to have many, many layers.
[Ben] I thought it was interesting that the (L) Shell connection points while they do wrap around in a continuous line across the planet, it is not a straight line, there’s a significant deviation where the South Atlantic anomaly is found.
[Xaviar] Yah, I actually wanted to ask about that, I was going to wait until after this.
[Ben] No, go ahead.
[Xaviar] No, why wasn’t it, why isn’t it even with the latitudes, and I understand probably there’s a wobble factor; there’s a lot of things going on, and it’s not going to be a perfect line and that deviation is pretty significant.
[Ben] And, if the magnetic field is created by a spinning molten iron core, should they not be straight line alone the latitudes. This really suggests that there’s maybe something else that’s shaping; that is causing the magnetic field to be there in the first place, or at least contributing to it.
[Xaviar] Are you thinking exter Earth, or Inter Earth?
[Ben] I’m thinking, I’m thinking in terms of you know, maybe the oceans. Because my mind first goes externally, but that also wouldn’t really explain the deviation or the spread out there at the South Atlantic anomaly. But, you look at some of the other places where there are magnetic anomalies and it tends to be where there’s that land protrusion out into the water, and then the water kind of goes back around both sides of it, you see that at South America where South Atlantic anomaly is, then there’s a little one in the SW Pacific. You’ve got one in Australia there. It just seems if we are to step into Robetye’s shoes, I’ll mention him again, and see that a good bit of the microwave background, if not all of it that we view from Earth is actually a trick on us played by the oceans. The oceans are full of water, a polar molecule. There salt. It’s salt water, so it’s going to hold a charge a lot better. The majority of lightning strikes on this planet are into the water. Water gets more sunlight than land does. I mean there’s all of these things that could make you think, wow, maybe there’s something to this water, moving around. Of course the planet itself; it’s got quartz, it’s got crystal, it’s got metal; it’s got a lot of different things in it. As it spins, maybe it is the sphere magnet itself rather than the core. And some of the elements closer to the crust as well, because as dense as the core is, there’s a lot more material outside of the core that’s moving around as well. So, it’s hard to imagine that molten core being able to cause that deviation around the South Atlantic anomaly that we see with the (L) Shell connections.
[Xaviar] If anyone is watching or paused to watch and still has it open, the picture that we are talking about is about the 1:19 mark. The thing that I found about that that was so bazaar is that I think it’s the L2 one follows Australia and then the tip of Africa, and then the tip of South America perfectly – below its water, then above its land. It just seems way to coincidental, but I got nothing.
[Ben] Maybe we’ll take another look at that and see what else we can come to. Does anybody else have some comments on that?
[Billy] Yah, we don’t want to forget either that not only is salt water a great emitter, and absorber, or conductor of electricity, but it’s also a wonderful capacitor which stores a lot of electricity. In other words, it won’t have to build a lot of charge before it begins to emit. So that’s a lot of stored potential in salt water as well. which may very well lead to the equation of one of the surface of the Earth’s as it turns .
They grapple when you see most of the strongest currents in the ocean are on the Eastern side of every continent.
[Ben] Right. That’s also where the surface tension is highest, right?
[Yes] Yes, yes sir, it sure is. We have the East Coast magnetic anomaly tars that just a few years ago Scientists were saying we are going to experience a lot higher rise in sea level, along the East coast. Yet, not be anywhere else on the planet. That’s a direct line to surface tension in my opinion. More energy.
[Ben] Right. Interesting.
Well, we have a couple of final things to talk about here.
First, we saw that article a couple days ago, about how the Dawn Spacecraft, after already revolutionizing how we look at Vesta, is already on its way to Ceres. It will enter orbit of Ceres in March. But, they claim that by the end of January, this month, we’re going to get better pictures and data about Ceres than we have ever had before.
I think they are going to find either water or a good bit of ice just based on how big Ceres is and what we know about Starwater. I’m very, very excited to get a little look at Ceres. It’s should be considered one of major objects of the solar system.
[Billy] I hoping that it’s resolution is enough to see the surface details, like we do with the comet and see the similarities between the Asteroid and the Comet.
[Ben] Yah, that is interesting. If you look at Dawn’s images of Vesta, that’s probably what you can expect of Ceres as well. Pictures of Vesta were phenomenal. They will have absolutely no excuse this time. It’s very, very exciting.
[Xaviar] Yah, Ceres is suppose to have liquid water on its surface. They actually see oceans. That makes for water rights and various hydrated minerals; carbonates of clay.
[Ben] Right, right. I’m definitely excited. We only have a few weeks until we will start to get pictures of that.
And, secondly, we saw an article talking about how the tropical forests are actually consuming much more CO2 than we had imagined, that they’re actually making up for what was lost in the Borea Forests, which is something that Scientists had long thought that the Boreo Forests played a specific role in all of this, and perhaps that was the case, but it does appear that Earth can shift things around a little bit. And, just as we saw at the beginning of 2014 with that article from NASA and John’s Hopkins describing how the Earth can mitigate all of these changes in atmosphere chemistry, we’re seeing one of these ways, it’s almost like the Scientists took their own deeper look. One of these ways is that the tropical forests will react by absorbing a lot more CO2 if it’s there to be had. So, I think that’s fascinating ; it’s also a good bit of news in terms of the planet in where we live. That’s something that’s very positive. Good to know that those forests are getting enough food I suppose. And, of course it has some small role to play in the climate change discussions that we’ve had.
Last, but not least, folks, we are going to be seeing an increase in some solar activity and probably an increase in Earthquakes as well. We already had the little increase in earthquakes as Jupiter and Mars opposed the Earth back as the New year kicked in. But, Mercury and Mars are about to helioconcentrically conjoin The Sun and Pluto will geocentrically conjoin with the full moon right at the time when Mercury and Venus are becoming concentrically conjoined for multiple days. And, so, given that the heliocentrical alignments and the beta-gamma delta class Sun spot we have on the disc, I think we can expect some more significant upticks in Solar activity and in Earthquake activity, and volcanic activity because we’ve seen quite a bit of that lately as well. Over the next two weeks (it might not last that long), then we only have a little bit of time off because Earth will be opposed by Venus and Jupiter on January 19th and after that it gets a little easier until the end of January. For the time being, we have seen already this morning some bigger Solar flares, we’ve been seeing larger Earthquakes the last few days – some of them are unusual location rumbles, but we do expect that to continue if not intensify over the next couple of days.
As always, we will keep our eyes on the prize and see you next week.
Be safe everyone.